- --[[ ### Taxi v5 for Phasor v2 ###]]--
- --[[ ### by H® Shaft, AElitePrime & H® BugZ ###]]--
- -- Intended to be used as a Persistent Script
- -- What does it do? If your team are in warthogs/tanks, taxi will insert you a seat into one of their vehicles by crouching or typing "taxi"
- -- type 'gun me' and pickup a gunner, type 'eject' to kick em out!
- -- Version 4: Anti Hog Camping, Hog Spawn, Passenger Weapon, Show Players in Vehicle (type 'whois'), Per-Map Toggle Don't like this version? Use version 4: http://pastebin.com/EYqiMWU4
- -- Version 5 Changelog:
- -- Added crouch detection that is does not accidentally activate on impact/falling crouch if crouch-to-taxi is enabled.
- -- Fine tuned some of the code to improve performance.
- -- Added CTF/Oddball compatibility so I removed automatic assignment of passenger heavy weapons that was in version 4
- -- Added driver activated passenger ejection seat: When driver types 'eject' passenger and/or gunner are both ejected from the hog.
- -- Added Aelite's 'Taxi-Teams' * - players in same hog are temporarily treated as a team, when one dies, they can call taxi and be put back into same hog - IF - there is still a teammate in it.
- -- Note: Taxi-Team assumes this is your preference rather than to be inserted into 'any' teammates hog - this is NOT editable, and comes after a year of testing player preferences in CTF/Race/Team King
- -- Added logging of taxi commands usage to Gamelog
- -- Commands:
- -- Crouch key or type 'Taxi' -- | Inserts you into a teammates hog or tank, if available. (if crouch-to-taxi/text-to-taxi is enabled)
- -- type 'Gun me' while in hog -- | Inserts a walking teammate into your driver, gunner or passenger seat (if gunme is enabled)
- -- type 'who is' while in hog -- | Shows you the driver/passenger/gunner names
- -- type 'hog' while walking -- | spawns a hog and puts you into the drivers seat (if hog_spawn is enabled for the map)
- -- type 'eject' while driving -- | Ejects any passenger or gunner from your vehicle
- -- type /taxi or @taxi -- | See the above list
- -- edit defaults--
- taxi_limit = 20 -- | Number of times a player can call taxi during one game. You can go as high as you want, it won't affect gameplay or lag.
- hog_limit = 10 -- | Number of times a player can spawn a hog during one game. Should not be higher than 15 - ever! Spawning too many can cause lag and/or crash.
- crouch_to_taxi = true -- | Toggle on/off the crouching taxi call. On = true, Off = false.
- text_to_taxi = true -- | Toggle on/off the typed taxi call. On = true, Off = false.
- passenger_taxi = true -- | Toggle on/off the passenger seat. If off, the Taxi/Gun Me calls will not use passenger seats. On = true, Off = false.
- gunme_active = true -- | Toggle on/off the typed 'gun me' call which when typed by a player in a vehicle, inserts gunners/passengers. On = true, Off = false.
- gunner_damage = true -- | Toggle on/off damage from a vehicle gunner which has no driver (a.k.a. Hog Camper) If false, they cannot kill without a driver. This value should be opposite of rider_ejection value
- rider_ejection = false -- | Toggle on/off anti-camping which ejects a player from a driverless vehicle. On = true, Off = false. This value should be opposite of gunner_damage value
- max_time = 5 -- | amount of time in seconds before a hog turret camper or passenger is ejected (only valid if rider_ejection is true)
- -- don't edit --
- taxi, calls, crouch, hails, hogs, map_ids, vehicles, taxi_teams = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
- crouch_time = 2
- call_time = 0.1 -- | minimum of time in seconds before timer to rider ejection is initiated - value should be 0.1
- -- | Toggle on/off script spawn hog on server chat - edit:
- -- | Small indoor maps should not use hog spawn, false to disable (spawning hogs in walls/below ground can cause crashes)
- hog_spawn = {}
- -- Map: Boolean:
- hog_spawn. beavercreek = false -- battle creek
- hog_spawn. bloodgulch = true
- hog_spawn. boardingaction = true
- hog_spawn. carousel = false -- derelict
- hog_spawn. chillout = false
- hog_spawn. damnation = false
- hog_spawn. dangercanyon = true
- hog_spawn. deathisland = true
- hog_spawn. gephyrophobia = true
- hog_spawn. hangemhigh = false
- hog_spawn. icefields = true
- hog_spawn. infinity = true
- hog_spawn. longest = false
- hog_spawn. prisoner = false
- hog_spawn. putput = false -- chiron tl34
- hog_spawn. ratrace = false
- hog_spawn. sidewinder = true
- hog_spawn. timberland = true
- hog_spawn. wizard = false
- function GetRequiredVersion()
- return 200
- end
- function OnScriptLoad(process, game, persistent)
- if game == true or game == "PC" then
- GAME = "PC"
- map_name = readstring(0x698F21)
- else
- GAME = "CE"
- map_name = readstring(0x61D151)
- end
- LoadTags()
- for i=0,15 do
- calls[i], hails[i], taxi[i], hogs[i] = 0, 0, {}, 0
- if getplayer(i) then
- local player_obj_id = getplayerobjectid(i)
- if player_obj_id then
- local m_object = getobject(player_obj_id)
- if readbyte(m_object + 0x2A0) == 2 then
- taxi[i].seat = 1
- taxi[i].vehicle = getobject(readdword(m_object + 0x11C))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Ejection = registertimer(call_time*1000, "ejection")
- end
- function OnNewGame(map)
- if GAME == "PC" then
- map_name = readstring(0x698F21)
- elseif GAME == "CE" then
- map_name = readstring(0x61D151)
- end
- LoadTags()
- end
- function ejection(id, c)
- if rider_ejection then
- for k, v in pairs(vehicles) do
- if vehicles[k] ~= {} then
- for key, value in pairs(vehicles[k]) do
- if vehicles[k].players and vehicles[k].players ~= {} then
- vehicles[k].count = (vehicles[k].count or 0) + call_time
- if vehicles[k].count >= max_time then
- for i=1, #vehicles[k].players do
- local player = vehicles[k].players[i]
- if player and getplayer(player) and isinvehicle(player) then
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Taxi** Ejected! Please don't camp.")
- log_msg(1, getname(player) .. " was force ejected from vehicle.")
- exitvehicle(player)
- if taxi[player].seat == 1 then resetpassenger(player, getobject(getplayerobjectid(player))) end
- end
- end
- vehicles[k] = {}
- end
- else
- vehicles[k] = {}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function OnServerChat(player, type, message)
- local response = nil
- if player then
- if string.lower(message) == "taxi" then
- if text_to_taxi then
- if not isinvehicle(player) then
- if taxi_limit == false or calls[player] < taxi_limit then
- if getplayerobjectid(player) then
- getTaxi(player)
- log_msg(1, getname(player) .. " used the taxi command.")
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Taxi** You are dead. Try again after you respawn.")
- end
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Taxi** You have reached the max amount of taxi calls for this game.")
- end
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Taxi** You are already in a vehicle.")
- end
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Taxi** This feature is currently disabled.")
- end
- response = false
- elseif string.lower(message) == "gunme" or string.lower(message) == "gun me" then
- if gunme_active then
- if isinvehicle(player) then
- getWalker(player)
- log_msg(1, getname(player) .. " used the gun me command.")
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Gun Me** You must be in a vehicle to use this feature.")
- end
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Gun Me** This feature is currently disabled.")
- end
- response = false
- elseif string.lower(message) == "hog" then
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- if hog_spawn[map_name] then
- if not isinvehicle(player) then
- local m_player = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if m_player ~= nil then
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_player)
- if not hog_limit or hogs[player] < hog_limit then
- local m_vehicleId = createobject(map_ids[map_name], 0, 15, false, x,y,z+0.4)
- entervehicle(player, m_vehicleId, 0)
- hogs[player] = hogs[player] + 1
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Hogs** You have " .. hog_limit - hogs[player] .. " hog calls remaining.")
- log_msg(1, getname(player) .. " spawned a hog.")
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Hogs** You have reached the max amount of hog calls for this game.")
- end
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Hogs** Derp, you cannot spawn a hog while dead. ")
- end
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Hogs** You already have a vehicle.")
- end
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Hogs** That feature has been disabled for this map.")
- end
- end
- response = false
- elseif string.lower(message) == "whois" or string.lower(message) == "who is" then
- local m_vehicleId = getplayervehicleid(player)
- if isinvehicle(player) and m_vehicleId then
- local m_vehicle = getobject(m_vehicleId)
- local driver = getdriverplayer(m_vehicle)
- local gunner = getgunnerplayer(m_vehicle)
- local passenger = getpassengerplayer(m_vehicle)
- local driver = getdriverplayer(m_vehicle)
- local gunner = getgunnerplayer(m_vehicle)
- local passenger = getpassengerplayer(m_vehicle)
- message_players(driver, gunner, passenger)
- log_msg(1, getname(player) .. " used the whois command.")
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**WhoIs** You must be in a vehicle to use this feature.")
- end
- response = false
- elseif string.lower(message) == "reject" or string.lower(message) == "eject" then
- if isinvehicle(player) then
- local m_objectId = getplayervehicleid(player)
- local m_vehicle = getobject(m_objectId)
- if getdriverplayer(m_vehicle) == player then
- local drivername = getname(getdriverplayer(m_vehicle))
- local driver_veh = getplayervehicleid(player)
- local gunner = getgunnerplayer(m_vehicle)
- local passenger = getpassengerplayer(m_vehicle)
- if gunner and isinvehicle(gunner) and driver_veh == getplayervehicleid(gunner) then
- exitvehicle(gunner)
- sendconsoletext(gunner, "**Ejected!** " .. drivername .. " activated the ejection seat!")
- taxi[gunner].seat = nil
- end
- if passenger and isinvehicle(passenger) and driver_veh == getplayervehicleid(passenger) then
- exitvehicle(passenger)
- sendconsoletext(passenger, "**Ejected!** " .. drivername .. " activated the ejection seat!")
- taxi[passenger].seat = nil
- end
- log_msg(1, getname(player) .. " activated ejection seat.")
- end
- end
- response = true
- elseif string.lower(message) == "/taxi" or string.lower(message) == "@taxi" then
- privatesay(player, "Crouch key or type 'Taxi' = Inserts you into a teammates hog or tank." )
- privatesay(player, "type 'Gun me' while in hog = Inserts teammate into your driver, gunner or passenger seat." )
- privatesay(player, "type 'who is' while in hog = Shows you the driver/passenger/gunner names." )
- privatesay(player, "type 'hog' while walking = spawns a hog and puts you into the drivers seat." )
- privatesay(player, "type 'eject' while driving = Ejects any passenger or gunner from your vehicle." )
- log_msg(1, getname(player) .. " is reading taxi commands.")
- response = false
- end
- return response
- end
- return response
- end
- function OnPlayerJoin(player)
- calls[player], hails[player], taxi[player], hogs[player] = 0, 0, {}, 0
- announce = registertimer(4000, "timedannounce", player)
- end
- function timedannounce(id, count, player)
- if count == 1 then
- if getplayer(player) then
- if text_to_taxi then
- sendconsoletext(player, "Taxi is Enabled. Type @taxi to learn more.")
- end
- if crouch_to_taxi and not text_to_taxi then
- sendconsoletext(player, "Crouch-to-Taxi is Enabled. Type @taxi to learn more.")
- end
- if gunme_active and not text_to_taxi then
- sendconsoletext(player, "Gun Me is Enabled. Type @taxi to learn more.")
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function OnGameEnd(stage)
- if stage == 1 then
- if Ejection then
- removetimer(Ejection)
- Ejection = nil
- end
- if announce then
- removetimer(announce)
- announce = nil
- end
- if passenger then
- removetimer(passenger)
- passenger = nil
- end
- if settonil then
- removetimer(settonil)
- settonil = nil
- end
- if setupseat then
- removetimer(setupseat)
- setupseat = nil
- end
- if showplayers then
- removetimer(showplayers)
- showplayers = nil
- end
- end
- end
- function OnPlayerLeave(player)
- if taxi[player].vehicle then
- if taxi[player].seat == 1 then writedword(taxi[player].vehicle + 0x32C, 0xFFFFFFFF) end
- end
- taxi[player] = nil
- end
- function OnPlayerKill(killer, victim, mode)
- local m_vehicleId = getplayervehicleid(victim)
- if taxi[victim].seat == 1 then resetpassenger(victim, getobject(getplayerobjectid(victim))) end
- if victim and isinvehicle(victim) then checkplayer(victim) end
- taxi[victim] = {}
- end
- function OnVehicleEntry(player, m_vehicleId, seat, mapId, relevant)
- taxi[player].seat = seat
- if seat == 1 then
- local player_obj_id = getplayerobjectid(player)
- local m_object = getobject(player_obj_id)
- taxi[player].vehicle = getobject(readdword(m_object + 0x11C))
- passenger = registertimer(0, "assignpassenger", {player_obj_id, getobject(m_vehicleId)})
- end
- if seat == 0 then
- vehicles[m_vehicleId] = {}
- settonil = registertimer(20, "setnil", m_vehicleId)
- elseif not getdriverplayer(getobject(m_vehicleId)) then
- setupseat = registertimer(0, "setupseattable", {m_vehicleId, player})
- end
- local player_obj_id = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if player_obj_id then
- local m_object = getobject(player_obj_id)
- taxi[player].vehicle = getobject(readdword(m_object + 0x11C))
- end
- showplayers = registertimer(0, "showPlayers", getobject(m_vehicleId))
- return nil
- end
- function OnVehicleEject(player, relevant)
- local m_vehicleId = getplayervehicleid(player)
- if taxi[player].seat == 1 then resetpassenger(player, getobject(getplayerobjectid(player))) end
- checkplayer(player)
- taxi[player] = {}
- return nil
- end
- function showPlayers(id, count, m_vehicle)
- message_players(getdriverplayer(m_vehicle), getgunnerplayer(m_vehicle), getpassengerplayer(m_vehicle))
- return false
- end
- function checkplayer(player)
- if taxi_teams[player] then
- return player
- end
- for k,v in pairs(taxi_teams) do
- if taxi_teams[k] ~= {} then
- for key,value in pairs(taxi_teams[k]) do
- if value == player then
- return k
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function setupdrivertable(m_vehicleId, driver)
- vehicles[m_vehicleId] = {}
- vehicles[m_vehicleId].players = {}
- vehicles[m_vehicleId].count = 0
- local team = getteam(driver)
- for player=0,15 do
- if getplayer(player) and getteam(player) == team and isinvehicle(player) and getplayervehicleid(player) == m_vehicleId and driver ~= player then
- table.insert(vehicles[m_vehicleId].players, player)
- end
- end
- end
- function setupseattable(id, count, arg)
- local m_vehicleId = arg[1]
- vehicles[m_vehicleId] = {}
- vehicles[m_vehicleId].players = {}
- vehicles[m_vehicleId].count = 0
- local driver = getdriverplayer(getobject(m_vehicleId))
- local team = getteam(arg[2])
- for player=0,15 do
- if getplayer(player) and getteam(player) == team and isinvehicle(player) and getplayervehicleid(player) == m_vehicleId and driver ~= player then
- table.insert(vehicles[m_vehicleId].players, player)
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function setnil(id, count, m_vehicleId)
- if count >= 20 then return false end
- if vehicles[m_vehicleId] ~= {} then
- vehicles[m_vehicleId] = {}
- end
- return true
- end
- function getplayervehicleid(player)
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if m_objectId then return readdword(getobject(m_objectId) + 0x11C) end
- end
- function getdriverobjid(m_vehicle)
- return readdword(m_vehicle + 0x324)
- end
- function getgunnerobjid(m_vehicle)
- return readdword(m_vehicle + 0x328)
- end
- function getpassengerobjid(m_vehicle)
- return readdword(m_vehicle + 0x32C)
- end
- function getdriverplayer(m_vehicle)
- local obj_id = readdword(m_vehicle + 0x324)
- if obj_id and obj_id ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then return objectidtoplayer(obj_id) end
- end
- function getgunnerplayer(m_vehicle)
- local obj_id = readdword(m_vehicle + 0x328)
- if obj_id ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then return objectidtoplayer(obj_id) end
- end
- function getpassengerplayer(m_vehicle)
- local obj_id = getpassengerobjid(m_vehicle)
- if obj_id ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then return objectidtoplayer(obj_id) end
- end
- function message_players(driver, gunner, passenger)
- local t,n = {}, {}
- if driver then
- table.insert(t, driver)
- table.insert(n, "Driver")
- end
- if gunner then
- table.insert(t, gunner)
- table.insert(n, "Gunner")
- end
- if passenger then
- table.insert(t, passenger)
- table.insert(n, "Passenger")
- end
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- for key, value in pairs(t) do
- if v ~= value then
- sendconsoletext(v, n[key] .. " : " .. getname(value))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function OnClientUpdate(player)
- if hails[player] > 0 then hails[player] = hails[player] - 1 end
- if crouch_to_taxi then
- if not isinvehicle(player) then
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if m_objectId then
- local id = resolveplayer(player)
- if readbit(getobject(m_objectId) + 0x208, 0) and crouch[id] == nil then
- crouch[id] = OnPlayerCrouch(player)
- elseif readbyte(getobject(m_objectId) + 0x2A0) == 4 and crouch[id] ~= nil then
- crouch[id] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function OnPlayerCrouch(player)
- if hails[player] == 0 then
- if taxi_limit == false or calls[player] < taxi_limit then
- getTaxi(player)
- hails[player] = (crouch_time*30)
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Taxi** You have reached the max amount of taxi calls for this game.")
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function assignpassenger(id, count, arg)
- taxi[objectidtoplayer(arg[1])].vehicle = arg[2]
- writedword(arg[2] + 0x32C, arg[1])
- return false
- end
- function checkSpaces(player, team, m_vehicleId)
- local seats = getseats(m_vehicleId)
- if seats > 0 and m_vehicleId then
- for i=0,15 do
- if player ~= i and getplayer(i) and getteam(i) == team and isinvehicle(i) then
- if getplayervehicleid(i) == m_vehicleId then
- seats = seats - 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return seats
- end
- function getseats(m_vehicleId)
- local name = gettaginfo(readdword(getobject(m_vehicleId)))
- local seats = 0
- if string.find(name, "ghost") or string.find(name, "banshee") or string.find(name, "turret") then
- seats = 0
- elseif string.find(name, "hog") then
- seats = 2
- elseif string.find(name, "scorpion") then
- seats = 1
- end
- return seats
- end
- function getTaxi(player)
- local check = checkplayer(player)
- local player2
- if check then
- for k,v in pairs(taxi_teams[check]) do
- if isinvehicle(v) and checkSpaces(v, getteam(v), getplayervehicleid(v)) > 0 then
- player2 = v
- break
- end
- end
- else
- for i=0,15 do
- if player ~= i and getplayer(i) and getteam(i) == getteam(player) and isinvehicle(i) and not checkplayer(i) and checkSpaces(i, getteam(i), getplayervehicleid(i)) > 0 then
- player2 = i
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if player2 then
- InjectPlayer(player, getplayervehicleid(player2), true)
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Taxi** Sorry no taxi is available at the moment. Please try again later.")
- end
- end
- function getWalker(player)
- local m_vehicleId = getplayervehicleid(player)
- if m_vehicleId then
- if checkSpaces(player, getteam(player), m_vehicleId) > 0 then
- local check = checkplayer(player)
- local player2
- if check then
- for k,v in pairs(taxi_teams[check]) do
- if not isinvehicle(v) then
- player2 = v
- break
- end
- end
- else
- for i=0,15 do
- if player ~= i and getplayer(i) and getteam(i) == getteam(player) and not isinvehicle(i) and not checkplayer(i) and getplayerobjectid(i) then
- player2 = i
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if player2 then
- InjectPlayer(player2, m_vehicleId, false)
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Gun Me** No teammates, or no available teammates.")
- end
- else
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Gun Me** No available seats in your vehicle.")
- end
- end
- end
- function InjectPlayer(player, m_vehicleId, count)
- local bool = false
- if m_vehicleId then
- local m_vehicle = getobject(m_vehicleId)
- local driver = readdword(m_vehicle + 0x324)
- local gunner = readdword(m_vehicle + 0x328)
- local passenger = readdword(m_vehicle + 0x32C)
- if driver == 0xFFFFFFFF then
- entervehicle(player, m_vehicleId, 0)
- bool = true
- elseif gunner == 0xFFFFFFFF then
- entervehicle(player, m_vehicleId, 2)
- bool = true
- elseif passenger_taxi and (passenger == 0xFFFFFFFF or passenger == 0) then
- entervehicle(player, m_vehicleId, 1)
- bool = true
- end
- if bool and taxi_limit and count then
- calls[player] = calls[player] + 1
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Taxi** You have " .. taxi_limit - calls[player] .. " taxi calls left.")
- elseif not count then
- sendconsoletext(player, "**Gun Me** You have been put into the vehicle by a teammate.")
- end
- end
- end
- function resetpassenger(player, m_object)
- if player then
- if taxi[player].vehicle then
- writedword(taxi[player].vehicle + 0x32C, 0xFFFFFFFF)
- end
- end
- end
- function OnDamageLookup(receiving, causing, tagid)
- if causing then
- local c_player = objectidtoplayer(causing)
- if c_player and isinvehicle(c_player) then
- local m_vehicleId = getplayervehicleid(c_player)
- if m_vehicleId then
- local m_vehicle = getobject(m_vehicleId)
- local driver = readdword(m_vehicle + 0x324)
- local gunner = readdword(m_vehicle + 0x328)
- if not gunner_damage and (driver == 0xFFFFFFFF) and (gunner == causing) then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function LoadTags()
- map_ids["beavercreek"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["bloodgulch"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["boardingaction"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["carousel"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["chillout"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["damnation"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["dangercanyon"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["deathisland"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["gephyrophobia"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["hangemhigh"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["icefields"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["infinity"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["longest"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["prisoner"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["putput"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["ratrace"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["sidewinder"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["timberland"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- map_ids["wizard"] = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog")
- -- if you prefer a chain hog for a specific map, replace above "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog" with "vehicles\\warthog\\mp_warthog" for that map.
- end
- -- Created by H® Shaft thank you to Oxide, AelitePrime, Nugget & Wizard.
- -- Visit http://halorace.org/forum/index.php?topic=514.0 or
- -- Visit http://pastebin.com/u/HR_Shaft for more phasor scripts
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