- --[[ ### Pistol Entry v6 Warthog Entry for Phasor v2 ###]]--
- --[[ ### by H® Shaft, Elite Prime, H® BugZ ###]]--
- -- Update: When player shoots a hog with the pistol, and is inserted into the gunner seat, it will sometimes shoot the rocket
- -- added damage delay to prevent rocket hog gunners from accidentally betraying teammates on entry.
- -- Update 6: 9/19/2013 added ghost, tank & banshee entry, ghost specific entry
- vehicles = {}
- delay = {}
- map_ids = {}
- function GetRequiredVersion()
- return 200
- end
- function OnScriptLoad(process, game, persistent)
- for i=0,15 do delay[i] = nil end
- LoadTags()
- end
- function OnNewGame(map)
- for i=0,15 do delay[i] = nil end
- LoadTags()
- end
- function OnDamageLookup(receiving, causing, tagid, tagdata)
- if receiving and causing and receiving ~= causing then
- local c_player = objectidtoplayer(causing)
- if delay[c_player] then
- return nil
- end
- if tagid == pistol_id then
- local bool, driver, passenger, gunner = false, false, false, false
- local mapId = readdword(getobject(receiving))
- if not bool and ghost_tag_id == mapId then
- bool = true
- passenger = true
- gunner = true
- else
- for k,v in pairs(map_ids) do
- if mapId == v then
- bool = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if bool then
- if c_player then
- for k,v in pairs(vehicles) do
- if vehicles[k].vehiId == receiving and getplayer(k) and getteam(c_player) == getteam(k) then
- if vehicles[k].seat == 0 then
- driver = true
- elseif vehicles[k].seat == 2 then
- gunner = true
- elseif vehicles[k].seat == 1 then
- passenger = true
- end
- end
- end
- if not isinvehicle(c_player) then
- if not driver then
- entervehicle(c_player, receiving, 0)
- elseif not gunner then
- delay[c_player] = registertimer(1000, "damagetimer", c_player)
- entervehicle(c_player, receiving, 2)
- elseif not passenger then
- delay[c_player] = registertimer(1000, "damagetimer", c_player)
- entervehicle(c_player, receiving, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- function OnPlayerJoin(player)
- vehicles[player] = {}
- announce = registertimer(2001, "timedannounce", player)
- end
- function timedannounce(id, count, player)
- if getplayer(player) then sendconsoletext(player, "Pistol Entry is Enabled.") end
- return false
- end
- function OnVehicleEntry(player, veh_id, seat, mapId, relevant)
- vehicles[player] = {}
- vehicles[player].vehiId = veh_id
- vehicles[player].seat = seat
- return nil
- end
- function OnVehicleEject(player, relevant)
- vehicles[player] = nil
- return nil
- end
- function damagetimer(id, count, player)
- delay[player] = nil
- return false
- end
- function LoadTags()
- pistol_id = gettagid("jpt!", "weapons\\pistol\\bullet")
- ghost_tag_id = gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\ghost\\ghost_mp")
- table.insert(map_ids, gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog"))
- table.insert(map_ids, gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\warthog\\mp_warthog"))
- table.insert(map_ids, gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\banshee\\banshee_mp"))
- table.insert(map_ids, gettagid("vehi", "vehicles\\scorpion\\scorpion_mp"))
- end
- -- Created by H® Shaft thank you to Oxide, AelitePrime, Nugget & Wizard.
- -- Visit http://halorace.org/forum/index.php?topic=514.0 or
- -- Visit http://pastebin.com/u/HR_Shaft for more phasor scripts
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