- --require "mylanes"
- -- create the communication channel
- --linda = lanes.linda()
- -- How many messages can be sent within a specified amount of time
- -- My recommendation: 7 is best, unless you want a server with hardly any talking
- spam_max = 7
- -- How long the person will be muted for spamming (in seconds)
- spam_timeout = 60
- -- Don't modify the below variables unless you're a skilled and
- -- experienced scripter, and you're sure you know what your doing.
- rtv_timeout = 1
- script_check = 0
- cur_players = 0
- rtv_initiated = 0
- admin_table = {}
- mute_table = {}
- suspend_table = {}
- bos_table = {}
- boslog_table = {}
- name_bans = {}
- access_table = {}
- rtv_table = {}
- votekick_table = {}
- votekicktimeout_table = {}
- spam_table = {}
- spamtimeout_table = {}
- ghost_table = {}
- time_passed = 0 -- Initialize time_passed to 0 seconds
- mode = {}
- hidden = {}
- follow = {}
- objspawntype = {}
- objspawntag = {}
- afk = {}
- ipadmins = {}
- Noweapons = {}
- global_rcons = {}
- unique_table = {}
- nukes = {}
- vehicle_drone_table = {}
- loc = {}
- control_table = {}
- Object_table = {}
- id = 0
- message_table = {}
- Chat = 0
- timer_started = 0
- message_delay = 3
- uniques = 0
- ip_banlist = {}
- mute_banlist = {}
- ip_table = {}
- --Objects Table (for handling purposes)
- objects = {}
- -- Bipeds
- objects[1] = {"cyborg", "bipd", "characters\\cyborg_mp\\cyborg_mp"}
- -- Equipment
- objects[2] = {"camo", "eqip", "powerups\\active camouflage"}
- objects[3] = {"health", "eqip", "powerups\\health pack"}
- objects[4] = {"overshield", "eqip", "powerups\\over shield"}
- objects[5] = {"fnade", "eqip", "weapons\\frag grenade\\frag grenade"}
- objects[6] = {"pnade", "eqip", "weapons\\plasma grenade\\plasma grenade"}
- -- Vehicles
- objects[7] = {"shee", "vehi", "vehicles\\banshee\\banshee_mp"}
- objects[8] = {"turret", "vehi", "vehicles\\c gun turret\\c gun turret_mp"}
- objects[9] = {"ghost", "vehi", "vehicles\\ghost\\ghost_mp"}
- objects[10] = {"rhog", "vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog"}
- objects[11] = {"tank", "vehi", "vehicles\\scorpion\\scorpion_mp"}
- objects[12] = {"hog", "vehi", "vehicles\\warthog\\mp_warthog"}
- -- Weapons
- objects[13] = {"rifle", "weap", "weapons\\assault rifle\\assault rifle"}
- objects[14] = {"ball", "weap", "weapons\\ball\\ball"}
- objects[15] = {"flag", "weap", "weapons\\flag\\flag"}
- objects[16] = {"flamethrower", "weap", "weapons\\flamethrower\\flamethrower"}
- objects[17] = {"needler", "weap", "weapons\\needler\\mp_needler"}
- objects[18] = {"pistol", "weap", "weapons\\pistol\\pistol"}
- objects[19] = {"ppistol", "weap", "weapons\\plasma pistol\\plasma pistol"}
- objects[20] = {"prifle", "weap", "weapons\\plasma rifle\\plasma rifle"}
- objects[21] = {"frg", "weap", "weapons\\plasma_cannon\\plasma_cannon"}
- objects[22] = {"rocket", "weap", "weapons\\rocket launcher\\rocket launcher"}
- objects[23] = {"shotgun", "weap", "weapons\\shotgun\\shotgun"}
- objects[24] = {"sniper", "weap", "weapons\\sniper rifle\\sniper rifle"}
- -- Projectiles
- objects[25] = {"sheebolt", "proj", "vehicles\\banshee\\banshee bolt"}
- objects[26] = {"sheerod", "proj", "vehicles\\banshee\\mp_banshee fuel rod"}
- objects[27] = {"turretbolt", "proj", "vehicles\\c gun turret\\mp gun turret"}
- objects[28] = {"ghostbolt", "proj", "vehicles\\ghost\\ghost bolt"}
- objects[29] = {"tankshot", "proj", "vehicles\\scorpion\\bullet"}
- objects[30] = {"tankshell", "proj", "vehicles\\scorpion\\tank shell"}
- objects[31] = {"hogshot", "proj", "vehicles\\warthog\\bullet"}
- objects[32] = {"rifleshot", "proj", "weapons\\assault rifle\\bullet"}
- objects[33] = {"flame", "proj", "weapons\\flamethrower\\flame"}
- objects[34] = {"needlershot", "proj", "weapons\\needler\\mp_needle"}
- objects[35] = {"pistolshot", "proj", "weapons\\pistol\\bullet"}
- objects[36] = {"ppistolbolt", "proj", "weapons\\plasma pistol\\bolt"}
- objects[37] = {"priflebolt", "proj", "weapons\\plasma rifle\\bolt"}
- objects[38] = {"priflecbolt", "proj", "weapons\\plasma rifle\\charged bolt"}
- objects[39] = {"rocketproj", "proj", "weapons\\rocket launcher\\rocket"}
- objects[40] = {"shottyshot", "proj", "weapons\\shotgun\\pellet"}
- objects[41] = {"snipershot", "proj", "weapons\\sniper rifle\\sniper bullet"}
- -- if a command is not in this list, whenever a person executes that command, it
- -- will say Invalid Command.
- commands_table = {
- "/a",
- "/ipadminadd",
- "/ipadmindel",
- "/afk",
- "/alias",
- "/ammo",
- "/b",
- "/bos",
- "/boslist",
- "/banlist",
- "/balance",
- "/deathless",
- "/commands",
- "/count",
- "/c",
- "/e",
- "/crash",
- "/eject",
- "/enter",
- "/falldamage",
- "/getloc",
- "/godmode",
- "/getip",
- "/hax",
- "/heal",
- "/hitler",
- "/infammo",
- "/give",
- "/gethash",
- "/ghost",
- "/hide",
- "/invis",
- "/info",
- "/ipban",
- "/ipbanlist",
- "/ipunban",
- "/j",
- "/k",
- "/kill",
- "/lo3",
- "/launch",
- "/write",
- "/m",
- "/mc",
- "/mnext",
- "/mute",
- "/nuke",
- "/textban",
- "/textbanlist",
- "/textunban",
- "/noweapons",
- "/nameban",
- "/namebanlist",
- "/nameunban",
- "/os",
- "/privatesay",
- "/pl",
- "/reset",
- "/resp",
- "/revoke",
- "/resetweapons",
- "/say",
- "/setassists",
- "/setcolor",
- "/setdeaths",
- "/setfrags",
- "/setkills",
- "/setmode",
- "/setname",
- "/setresp",
- "/setscore",
- "/setplasmas",
- "/spd",
- "/spawn",
- "/specs",
- "/st",
- "/superban",
- "/suspend",
- "/t",
- "/timelimit",
- "/takeweapons",
- "/tp",
- "/ts",
- "/unban",
- "/unbos",
- "/unhide",
- "/unghost",
- "/ungod",
- "/unhax",
- "/uninvis",
- "/unmute",
- "/unsuspend",
- "/viewadmins",
- "/version"
- }
- function GetRequiredVersion()
- return 10057
- end
- function OnScriptLoad(process)
- processid = process
- if script_check == 0 then
- local file = io.open("temp_" .. tostring(process) .. ".tmp", "r")
- if file and process then
- registertimer(0, "DefaultSvTimer", "temp_" .. process .. ".tmp")
- file:close()
- else
- registertimer(0, "DefaultSvTimer", "defaults.txt")
- end
- game = GetGameAddresses()
- --registertimer(500, "ChangeVersion")
- --[[workerTemplate = lanes.gen("*", {["globals"] = _G}, WorkerThread)
- worker = workerTemplate()--]]
- gametype = readbyte(gametype_base + 0x30, 0x0)
- writeword(special_chars, 0x0, 0x9090) -- special chars in servername patch
- writeword(gametype_patch, 0x0, 0xEB) -- gametype patch
- writeword(devmode_patch1, 0x0, 0x9090) -- devmode
- writeword(devmode_patch2, 0x0, 0x9090) -- devmode
- --registertimer(0, "CCTimer")
- spamtimer = registertimer(970, "SpamTimer")
- maintimer = registertimer(20, "MainTimer")
- hprinter = registertimer(334, "HprintTimer")
- --checkworker = registertimer(100, "CheckWorker")
- profilepath = getprofilepath()
- for i=0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- cur_players = cur_players + 1
- ip_table[resolveplayer(i)] = getip(i)
- messages[gethash(i)] = {}
- end
- vehicle_drone_table[i] = {}
- afk[i+1] = {}
- loc[i+1] = {}
- control_table[i+1] = {}
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\ipbanlist.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- ip_banlist[tostring(words[1])] = words[2]
- end
- file:close()
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\textbanlist.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- mute_banlist[tostring(words[1])] = {words[2], words[3]}
- end
- file:close()
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\namebans.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(name_bans, word)
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- WriteChangeLog()
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\admin.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if (file ~= nil) then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, tostring(word))
- end
- if count >= 3 then
- if not admin_table then admin_table = {} end
- if not admin_table[words[2]] then admin_table[words[2]] = {} end
- admin_table[words[2]].name = words[1]
- admin_table[words[2]].level = words[3]
- end
- if count == 4 and tonumber(words[3]) then
- if not ipadmins[words[4]] then ipadmins[words[4]] = {} end
- ipadmins[words[4]].name = words[1]
- ipadmins[words[4]].level = words[3]
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\admins.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if (file ~= nil) then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, tostring(word))
- end
- if not admin_table[words[2]] then admin_table[words[2]] = {} end
- admin_table[words[2]].name = words[1]
- admin_table[words[2]].level = words[3]
- if count == 4 and tonumber(words[3]) then
- if not ipadmins[words[4]] then ipadmins[words[4]] = {} end
- ipadmins[words[4]].name = words[1]
- ipadmins[words[4]].level =words[3]
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\ipadmins.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if (file ~= nil) then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, tostring(word))
- end
- if count == 3 and tonumber(words[3]) then
- if not ipadmins[words[2]] then ipadmins[words[2]] = {} end
- ipadmins[words[2]].level = words[3]
- ipadmins[words[2]].name = words[1]
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\uniques.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- if count == 3 then
- local name = words[1]
- local hash = words[2]
- local ip = words[3]
- unique_table[name] = {hash, ip}
- uniques = uniques + 1
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\access.ini", profilepath), "r")
- if (file ~= nil) then
- local j
- for line in file:lines() do
- if j == nil then
- local start = string.sub(line, 2, 2)
- j = tonumber(start)
- if j == nil then break end
- else
- if string.sub(line, 1, 1) ~= "[" then
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- local commands = string.sub(line, 6, line:len())
- for i = 0,count-1 do
- local word = gettoken(commands, ",", i)
- if word == "-1" then access_table[j] = -1 break end
- if access_table[j] == nil then
- access_table[j] = "," .. word
- else
- access_table[j] = access_table[j] .. "," .. word
- end
- end
- j = j + 1
- end
- end
- end
- file:close()
- AccessMerging()
- else -- access file doesn't exist, create it.
- file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\access.ini", "w")
- file:write("[0]\n")
- file:write("data=-1")
- access_table[0] = -1
- file:close()
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\files\\rtv.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if (file ~= nil) then
- rtv_initiated = tonumber(file:read("*line"))
- file:close()
- end
- if rtv_initiated < 0 then
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\files\\rtv.txt", profilepath), "w+")
- if (file ~= nil) then
- file:write(rtv_initiated + 1)
- file:close()
- end
- end
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\files\\bos.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if (file ~= nil) then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i-1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- local name = words[1]
- local hash = words[2]
- local ip = words[3]
- name = name:gsub(" ", "", 1)
- table.insert(boslog_table, name .. "," .. hash .. "," .. ip)
- end
- file:close()
- end
- table.sort(boslog_table)
- registertimer(0, "deleteadmins")
- end
- script_check = 1
- end
- function deleteadmins(id, count)
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. '\\admin.txt', "r")
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- svcmd("sv_admin_del " .. 1)
- end
- end
- sv_admin_del = true
- return 0
- end
- function CCTimer(id, count)
- --cmp byte ptr [005DF847],33
- --[[writebyte(0x2420000, 0x0, 0x80) -- cmp
- writebyte(0x2420000, 0x1, 0x3D) -- byte ptr
- writedword(0x2420000, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writebyte(0x2420000, 0x6, 0x33) -- ,33
- --jne 0242001F
- writebyte(0x2420007, 0x0, 0x75) -- jne
- writebyte(0x2420007, 0x1, 0x16) -- 0242001F
- --mov [005DF847],00002E34
- writebyte(0x2420009, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x2420009, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x2420009, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x2420009, 0x6, 0x342E0000) -- ,00002E34
- --mov [005DF849],37303630
- writebyte(0x2420013, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x2420013, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF849]
- writedword(0x2420013, 0x2, 0x49F85D00) -- [005DF849]
- writedword(0x2420013, 0x6, 0x37303630) -- ,37303630
- --jmp 02420052
- writebyte(0x242001D, 0x0, 0xEB) -- jmp
- writebyte(0x242001D, 0x1, 0x33) -- 02420052
- --cmp byte ptr [005DF847],34
- writebyte(0x242001F, 0x0, 0x80) -- cmp
- writebyte(0x242001F, 0x1, 0x3D) -- byte ptr
- writedword(0x242001F, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writebyte(0x242001F, 0x6, 0x34) -- ,34
- --jne 0242003E
- writebyte(0x2420026, 0x0, 0x75) -- jne
- writebyte(0x2420026, 0x1, 0x16) -- 0242003E
- --mov [005DF847],00002E38
- writebyte(0x2420028, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x2420028, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x2420028, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x2420028, 0x6, 0x382E0000) -- ,00002E38
- --mov [005DF849],37303630
- writebyte(0x2420032, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x2420032, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF849]
- writedword(0x2420032, 0x2, 0x49F85D00) -- [005DF849]
- writedword(0x2420032, 0x6, 0x30363136) -- ,37303630
- --jmp 02420052
- writebyte(0x242003C, 0x0, 0xEB) -- jmp
- writebyte(0x242003C, 0x1, 0x14) -- 02420052
- --mov [005DF847],00002E33
- writebyte(0x242003E, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x242003E, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x242003E, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x242003E, 0x6, 0x332E0000)
- --mov [005DF849],35303630
- writebyte(0x2420048, 0x0, 0xC7)
- writebyte(0x2420048, 0x1, 0x5)
- writedword(0x2420048, 0x2, 0x49F85D00)
- writedword(0x2420048, 0x6, 0x30363136)
- --mov ecx,[005DF840] : [""]
- writebyte(0x2420052, 0x0, 0x8B)
- writebyte(0x2420052, 0x1, 0xD)
- writedword(0x2420052, 0x2, 0x40F85D00)
- --jmp 0058E386
- writebyte(0x2420058, 0x0, 0xE9)
- writedword(0x2420058, 0x1, 0x29E316FE)
- --jmp to the codecave here:
- --jmp 02420000
- writebyte(0x58E380, 0x0, 0xE9) -- jmp
- writedword(0x58E380, 0x1, 0x7B1CE901) -- 02420000
- writebyte(0x58E385, 0x0, 0x90) -- nop
- writedword(0x5992DE, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF)--]]
- writebyte(0x2420000, 0x1, 0x3D) -- byte ptr
- writedword(0x2420000, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writebyte(0x2420000, 0x6, 0x33) -- ,33
- --jne 0242001F
- writebyte(0x2420007, 0x0, 0x75) -- jne
- writebyte(0x2420007, 0x1, 0x16) -- 0242001F
- --mov [005DF847],00002E34
- writebyte(0x2420009, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x2420009, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x2420009, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x2420009, 0x6, 0x342E0000) -- ,00002E34
- --mov [005DF849],37303630
- writebyte(0x2420013, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x2420013, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF849]
- writedword(0x2420013, 0x2, 0x49F85D00) -- [005DF849]
- writedword(0x2420013, 0x6, 0x37303630) -- ,37303630
- --jmp 02420052
- writebyte(0x242001D, 0x0, 0xEB) -- jmp
- writebyte(0x242001D, 0x1, 0x33) -- 02420052
- --cmp byte ptr [005DF847],34
- writebyte(0x242001F, 0x0, 0x80) -- cmp
- writebyte(0x242001F, 0x1, 0x3D) -- byte ptr
- writedword(0x242001F, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writebyte(0x242001F, 0x6, 0x34) -- ,34
- --jne 0242003E
- writebyte(0x2420026, 0x0, 0x75) -- jne
- writebyte(0x2420026, 0x1, 0x16) -- 0242003E
- --mov [005DF847],00002E38
- writebyte(0x2420028, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x2420028, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x2420028, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x2420028, 0x6, 0x382E0000) -- ,00002E38
- --mov [005DF849],37303630
- writebyte(0x2420032, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x2420032, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF849]
- writedword(0x2420032, 0x2, 0x49F85D00) -- [005DF849]
- writedword(0x2420032, 0x6, 0x30363136) -- ,37303630
- --jmp 02420052
- writebyte(0x242003C, 0x0, 0xEB) -- jmp
- writebyte(0x242003C, 0x1, 0x14) -- 02420052
- --mov [005DF847],00002E33
- writebyte(0x242003E, 0x0, 0xC7) -- mov
- writebyte(0x242003E, 0x1, 0x5) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x242003E, 0x2, 0x47F85D00) -- [005DF847]
- writedword(0x242003E, 0x6, 0x332E0000)
- --mov [005DF849],35303630
- writebyte(0x2420048, 0x0, 0xC7)
- writebyte(0x2420048, 0x1, 0x5)
- writedword(0x2420048, 0x2, 0x49F85D00)
- writedword(0x2420048, 0x6, 0x30363136)
- --mov ecx,[005DF840] : [""]
- writebyte(0x2420052, 0x0, 0x8B)
- writebyte(0x2420052, 0x1, 0xD)
- writedword(0x2420052, 0x2, 0x40F85D00)
- --jmp 0058E386
- writebyte(0x2420058, 0x0, 0xE9)
- writedword(0x2420058, 0x1, 0x29E316FE)
- --jmp to the codecave here:
- --jmp 02420000
- writebyte(0x58E380, 0x0, 0xE9) -- jmp
- writedword(0x58E380, 0x1, 0x7B1CE901) -- 02420000
- writebyte(0x58E385, 0x0, 0x90) -- nop
- return 0
- end
- function OnScriptUnload()
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "//files//bos.txt", "w")
- if file then
- for k,v in pairs(boslog_table) do
- if v then
- file:write(v .. "\n")
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\ipadmins.txt", "w")
- for k,v in pairs(ipadmins) do
- file:write(tostring(ipadmins[k].name) .. "," .. tostring(k) .. "," .. tostring(ipadmins[k].level) .. "\n")
- end
- file:close()
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\admins.txt", "w")
- for k,v in pairs(admin_table) do
- file:write(tostring(admin_table[k].name) .. "," .. tostring(k) .. "," .. tostring(admin_table[k].level) .. "\n")
- end
- file:close()
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\uniques.txt", "w")
- for k,v in pairs(unique_table) do
- local line = k .. "," .. v[1] .. "," .. v[2]
- file:write(tostring(line) .. "\n")
- end
- file:close()
- local file = io.open("temp_" .. tostring(processid) .. ".tmp", "w")
- if deathless then
- file:write("sv_deathless 1\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_deathless 0\n")
- end
- if respset then
- file:write("sv_respawn_time " .. tostring(resptime) .."\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_respawn_time default\n")
- end
- if infammo then
- file:write("sv_infinite_ammo 1\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_infinite_ammo 0\n")
- end
- if rockthevote then
- file:write("sv_rtv_enabled true\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_rtv_enabled false\n")
- end
- if rtv_required then
- file:write("sv_rtv_needed " .. tostring(rtv_required) .. "\n")
- end
- if votekick_allowed then
- file:write("sv_votekick_enabled true\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_votekick_enabled false\n")
- end
- if votekick_required then
- file:write("sv_votekick_needed " .. tostring(votekick_required) .. "\n")
- end
- if votekick_action then
- file:write("sv_votekick_action " .. tostring(votekick_action) .. "\n")
- end
- if Version then
- file:write("sv_version " .. string.sub(tostring(Version), 7, 8) .. "\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_version 1.09\n")
- end
- if version_check then
- file:write("sv_version_check true\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_version_check false\n")
- end
- if hash_check then
- file:write("sv_hash_check true\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_hash_check false\n")
- end
- if noweapons then
- file:write("sv_noweapons true\n")
- else
- file:write("sv_noweapons false\n")
- end
- if falldamage then
- file:write("sv_falldamage true")
- else
- file:write("sv_falldamage false")
- end
- file:close()
- for i = 0,15 do
- cleanupdrones(i)
- end
- end
- function OnNewGame(Mapname)
- map = Mapname
- end
- function OnGameEnd(mode)
- if mode == 1 then
- if maintimer then
- removetimer(maintimer)
- end
- if spamtimer then
- removetimer(spamtimer)
- end
- if rtvtimer then
- removetimer(rtvtimer)
- end
- if votekicktimer then
- removetimer(votekicktimer)
- end
- if testtimer then
- removetimer(testtimer)
- end
- rtv_initiated = -1
- votekick_allowed = false
- for i = 0,15 do
- cleanupdrones(i)
- end
- elseif mode == 2 then
- say("This has been made possible by Phasor.")
- say("http://phasor.proboards.com!")
- elseif mode == 3 then
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "//files//bos.txt", "w")
- if file then
- for k,v in pairs(boslog_table) do
- if v then
- file:write(v .. "\n")
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- if hprinter then
- removetimer(hprinter)
- end
- end
- end
- function OnServerChat(player, chattype, message)
- local AllowChat = 1
- local count = gettokencount(message, " ")
- local t = {}
- local name = getname(player)
- local hash = gethash(player)
- local ip = getip(player)
- local access
- for k,v in pairs(mute_banlist) do
- for k2,v2 in pairs(mute_banlist[k]) do
- if mute_banlist[k][k2] == hash or mute_banlist[k][k2] == ip then
- return 0
- end
- end
- end
- if mute_table[hash] then
- return 0
- end
- if spamtimeout_table[hash] then
- return 0
- end
- for i=1,count do
- local word = gettoken(message, " ", i - 1)
- word = string.lower(word)
- table.insert(t, word)
- end
- if t[1] == "rtv" then
- if count == 1 and rockthevote then
- if rtv_initiated >= 0 then
- local rtv_count = 0
- local rtv_number = round(cur_players * rtv_required, 0)
- for i = 0,15 do
- local hash2 = gethash(i)
- if getplayer(i) then
- if rtv_table[hash2] == 1 then
- rtv_count = rtv_count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if rtv_count == 0 then
- rtv_initiated = 1
- rtv_table[hash] = 1
- rtv_count = rtv_count + 1
- say(name .. " has initiated rtv!")
- say("Type \"rtv\" to join the vote!")
- rtvtimer = registertimer(120000, "rtvTimer")
- else
- if rtv_table[hash] == 1 then
- privatesay(player, "You have already voted for rtv!")
- elseif rtv_table[hash] == nil then
- rtv_table[hash] = 1
- rtv_count = rtv_count + 1
- say(name .. " has voted for rtv!")
- say(rtv_count .. " of " .. rtv_number .. " votes required for rtv!")
- end
- end
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "//files//rtv.txt", "w")
- if file then
- file:write(rtv_timeout)
- file:close()
- end
- if rtv_count >= rtv_number then
- removetimer(rtvtimer)
- rtv_initiated = rtv_timeout
- say("Enough votes for rtv, game is now ending...")
- svcmd("sv_map_next")
- end
- else
- privatesay(player, "You cannot initiate rtv at this time!")
- end
- AllowChat = 0
- elseif count == 1 then
- privatesay(player, "Rockthevote is disabled.")
- end
- elseif t[1] == "votekick" then
- if count == 2 then
- if votekick_allowed and votekicktimeout_table[hash] == nil then
- local players = getvalidplayers(t[2], player)
- if players then
- for j = 1,#players do
- local votekick_count = 0
- local votekick_number = round(cur_players * votekick_required, 0)
- local player2 = players[j]
- local name2 = getname(players[j])
- local hash2 = gethash(players[j])
- local ip2 = getip(players[j])
- local admin
- for i=0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- if votekick_table[hash2] == 1 then
- votekick_count = votekick_count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if hash2 then
- if admin_table[hash2] or ipadmins[ip2] then
- admin = true
- break
- end
- if not admin then
- if player ~= player2 then
- votekick_allowed = player2
- votekick_table[hash] = 1
- votekick_count = votekick_count + 1
- say(name .. " has initiated a votekick on " .. name2 .. "!")
- say("Type \"kick\" to join the vote!")
- votekicktimer = registertimer(60000, 0, "votekickTimer")
- votekicktimeout_table[hash] = 1
- else
- privatesay(player, "Invalid player!")
- end
- else
- privatesay(player, "Admins cannot be votekicked!")
- end
- else
- privatesay(player, "Invalid player!")
- end
- if votekick_count >= votekick_number then
- for k,v in pairs(votekick_table) do
- votekick_table[k] = nil
- end
- removetimer(votekicktimer)
- votekick_allowed = true
- say("Kicking " .. name2 .. "!")
- if votekick_action == "ban" then
- svcmd("sv_ban " .. players[j] .. " 5m")
- else
- svcmd("sv_kick " .. players[j])
- end
- end
- end
- else
- privatesay(player, "Invalid player!")
- end
- else
- privatesay(player, "You cannot initiate a votekick at this time!")
- end
- AllowChat = 0
- end
- elseif t[1] == "kick" then
- if count == 1 then
- if votekick_allowed ~= true and votekick_allowed then
- local votekick_count = 0
- local votekick_number = round(cur_players * votekick_required)
- local name2 = getname(votekick_allowed)
- local sv_player = resolveplayer(votekick_allowed)
- for i=0,15 do
- local hash2 = gethash(i)
- if hash2 then
- if votekick_table[hash2] == 1 then
- votekick_count = votekick_count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if player ~= votekick_allowed then
- if votekick_table[hash] == 1 then
- privatesay(player, "You have already voted!")
- elseif votekick_table[hash] == nil then
- votekick_table[hash] = 1
- votekick_count = votekick_count + 1
- say(name .. " has voted to kick " .. name2 .. "!")
- say(votekick_count .. " of " .. votekick_number .. " votes required to kick!")
- end
- else
- privatesay(player, "You are not allowed to vote!")
- end
- if votekick_count >= votekick_number then
- for k,v in pairs(votekick_table) do
- votekick_table[k] = nil
- end
- removetimer(votekicktimer)
- votekick_allowed = true
- say("Kicking " .. name2 .. "!")
- if votekick_action == "ban" then
- svcmd("sv_ban " .. sv_player .. " 5m")
- else
- svcmd("sv_kick " .. sv_player)
- end
- end
- else
- privatesay(player, "A votekick has not been initiated!")
- end
- AllowChat = 0
- end
- elseif string.sub(t[1], 1, 1) == "@" then
- local receiverID = string.sub(t[1], 2, t[1]:len())
- local players = getvalidplayers(receiverID, player)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if player ~= players[i] then
- local sendernum = resolveplayer(player)
- local receivernum = resolveplayer(players[i])
- local privatemessage = table.concat(t, " ", 2, #t)
- hprint(player, "to " .. getname(players[i]) .. ": (" .. receivernum .. ") " .. privatemessage)
- hprint(players[i], getname(player) .. ": (" .. sendernum .. ") " .. privatemessage)
- end
- end
- privatesay(player, "Message Sent")
- else
- privatesay(player, "There is no player with an ID of " .. receiverID .. ".")
- end
- return 0
- end
- if admin_table[hash] then
- access = tonumber(admin_table[hash].level)
- elseif ipadmins[ip] then
- access = tonumber(ipadmins[ip].level)
- end
- if access then
- if string.sub(t[1], 1, 1) == "/" then
- AllowChat = 1
- elseif string.sub(t[1], 1, 1) == "\\" then
- AllowChat = 0
- end
- cmd = t[1]:gsub("\\", "/")
- local found1 = cmd:find("/")
- local found2 = cmd:find("/", 2)
- local valid_command
- local permission
- if found1 and not found2 then
- for k,v in pairs(commands_table) do
- if cmd == v then
- valid_command = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not valid_command then
- sendresponse("Invalid Command", t[1], player)
- else
- local command_list = access_table[access]
- local command = cmd:gsub("/", "sv_")
- if command_list == -1 then
- permission = true
- else
- local found = command_list:find("," .. command .. ",")
- if found then
- permission = true
- end
- end
- if permission then
- if cmd == "/a" and t[2] == "list" then
- Command_ShowAdminList(player, t[1] .. " " .. t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/a" and t[2] == "del" then
- Command_Admindel(player, t[1] .. " " .. t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/a" then
- Command_Adminadd(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], count)
- elseif cmd == "/afk" then
- Command_AFK(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ipadminadd" then
- Command_Ipadminadd(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ipadmindel" then
- Command_Ipadmindel(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/gethash" then
- Command_Gethash(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/alias" then
- Command_Alias(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ammo" then
- Command_Setammo(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], count)
- elseif cmd == "/b" then
- Command_Ban(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/superban" then
- Command_Superban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/bos" then
- Command_Bos(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/boslist" then
- Command_Boslist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/unbos" then
- Command_Unbos(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/c" then
- Command_Control(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/commands" then
- Command_Commands(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/count" then
- Command_Count(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/deathless" then
- Command_Deathless(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setmode" then
- Command_Setmode(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], count)
- elseif cmd == "/e" then
- Command_Execute(player, message)
- elseif cmd == "/crash" then
- Command_Crash(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/eject" then
- Command_Eject(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/follow" then
- Command_Follow(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/falldamage" then
- Command_Falldamage(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/getloc" then
- Command_Getloc(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ghost" then
- Command_Ghost(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/hide" then
- Command_Hide(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/unban" then
- Command_Unban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/unghost" then
- Command_Unghost(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/godmode" then
- Command_Godmode(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/getip" then
- Command_getip(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/hax" then
- Command_Hax(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/heal" then
- Command_Heal(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ungod" then
- Command_Ungod(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/hitler" then
- Command_Hitler(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/infammo" then
- Command_Infammo(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ipban" then
- Command_Ipban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ipbanlist" then
- Command_Ipbanlist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ipunban" then
- Command_Ipunban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/write" then
- Command_Write(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], count)
- elseif cmd == "/invis" then
- Command_Invis(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/j" then
- Command_Move(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], count)
- elseif cmd == "/k" then
- Command_Kick(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/kill" then
- Command_Kill(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/lo3" then
- Command_lo3(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/m" then
- Command_Map(player, message)
- elseif cmd == "/mc" then
- Command_StartMapcycle(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/mnext" then
- Command_Mapnext(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/mute" then
- Command_Mute(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/nuke" then
- Command_Nuke(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/noweapons" then
- Command_Noweapons(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/nameban" then
- Command_Nameban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/namebanlist" then
- Command_Namebanlist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/nameunban" then
- Command_Nameunban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/os" then
- Command_Overshield(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/pass" then
- Command_Setpassword(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/pl" then
- Command_Getplayerlist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/privatesay" then
- Command_Privatesay(player, t, count)
- elseif cmd == "/reset" then
- Command_Mapreset(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/revoke" then
- Command_Adminrevoke(player, t[1], t[2], count, "chat")
- elseif cmd == "/banlist" then
- Command_Banlist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/textban" then
- Command_Textban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/textbanlist" then
- Command_Textbanlist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/textunban" then
- Command_Textunban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/launch" then
- Command_Launch(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/resp" then
- Command_Resp(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/resetweapons" then
- Command_Resetweapons(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/say" then
- if permission then
- if count ~= 1 then
- sendresponse(string.sub(message, 6), message, player)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot execute this command.", message, player)
- end
- elseif cmd == "/enter" then
- Command_Spawn(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], "enter", count)
- elseif cmd == "/setassists" then
- Command_Setassists(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setdeaths" then
- Command_Setdeaths(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setfrags" then
- Command_Setfrags(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setname" then
- Command_Setname(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setkills" then
- Command_Setkills(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setresp" then
- Command_Setresp(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setscore" then
- Command_Setscore(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setplasmas" then
- Command_Setplasmas(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/spd" then
- Command_Setspeed(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/specs" then
- Command_Specs(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/spawn" then
- Command_Spawn(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], "spawn", count)
- elseif cmd == "/give" then
- Command_Spawn(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], "give", count)
- elseif cmd == "/st" then
- Command_Setteleport(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/suspend" then
- Command_Suspend(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/t" and t[2] == "list" then
- Command_ShowTeleportList(player, t[1] .. " " .. t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/t" and t[2] == "del" then
- Command_Teledelete(player, t[1] .. " " .. t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/t" then
- Command_Teleport(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/takeweapons" then
- Command_Takeweapons(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/setcolor" then
- Command_Setcolor(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/tp" then
- Command_Teletoplayer(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "/ts" then
- Command_Changeteam(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/timelimit" then
- Command_Timelimit(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/unhax" then
- Command_Unhax(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/unhide" then
- Command_Unhide(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/uninvis" then
- Command_Uninvis(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/unmute" then
- Command_Unmute(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/unsuspend" then
- Command_Unsuspend(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/viewadmins" then
- Command_Viewadmins(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/version" then
- Command_Version(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "/balance" then
- Command_BalanceTeams(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "/info" then
- Command_Info(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- end
- WriteLog(profilepath .. "\\logs\\commands.log", getname(player) .. "(Hash: " .. gethash(player) .. " IP: " .. getip(player) .. ") has executed: " .. message)
- else
- say("BLAH")
- sendresponse("You cannot execute this command.", message, player)
- WriteLog(profilepath .. "\\logs\\commands.log", getname(player) .. "(Hash: " .. gethash(player) .. " IP: " .. getip(player) .. ") " .. " has failed to execute " .. cmd)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif message:sub(1, 1) == "/" or message:sub(1, 1) == "\\" then
- sendresponse("You cannot execute this command.", message:sub(1, 1), player)
- end
- if AllowChat == 1 and not access then
- if not spam_table[hash] then
- spam_table[hash] = 1
- else
- spam_table[hash] = spam_table[hash] + 1
- end
- end
- return AllowChat
- end
- Spawn = function(message, objname, objtype, objloc, player, type)
- m = {}
- vehid = 0
- local count = gettokencount(message, " ")
- for i=1,count do
- local word = gettoken(message, " ", i - 1)
- word = string.lower(word)
- table.insert(m, word)
- end
- if count == 2 then -- only spawn one next to person spawning
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- local m_vehicleId = readdword(m_object, 0x11C)
- if m_object then
- if m_vehicleId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_vehicleId)
- else
- x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_playerObjId)
- local camera_x = readfloat(m_object, 0x230)
- local camera_y = readfloat(m_object, 0x234)
- x = x + camera_x * 2
- y = y + camera_y * 2
- z = z + 2
- end
- vehid = createobject(objtype, objloc, 0, 60, false, x+1.0, y, z + 1.3)
- if type == "give" then
- assignweapon(player, vehid)
- sendresponse(objname .. " given to " .. getname(player), message, player)
- elseif type == "spawn" then
- sendresponse(objname .. " spawned at " .. getname(player) .. "'s location", message, player)
- elseif type == "enter" then
- table.insert(vehicle_drone_table[player], vehid)
- entervehicle(player, vehid, 0)
- sendresponse(tostring(getname(player)) .. " was forced to enter a " .. tostring(objname), message, player)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot spawn stuff while dead!", message, player)
- end
- elseif count >= 3 and count <= 6 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(m[3], player)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(players[i])
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- local m_vehicleId = readdword(m_object, 0x11C)
- if m_object then
- if m_vehicleId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and getobject(m_vehicleId) then
- x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_vehicleId)
- else
- x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_playerObjId)
- local camera_x = readfloat(m_object, 0x230)
- local camera_y = readfloat(m_object, 0x234)
- x = x + camera_x * 2
- y = y + camera_y * 2
- z = z + 2
- end
- if count == 3 then
- vehid = createobject(objtype, objloc, 0, 60, false, x, y, z)
- if objtype == "weap" and type == "give" then
- assignweapon(players[i], vehid)
- sendresponse(objname .. " given to " .. getname(players[i]), message, player)
- sendresponse("You have been given a " .. objname .. ".", "\\", players[i])
- elseif type == "spawn" then
- sendresponse(objname .. " spawned at " .. getname(players[i]) .. "'s location.", message, player)
- elseif type == "enter" then
- table.insert(vehicle_drone_table[players[i]], vehid)
- entervehicle(players[i], vehid, 0)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " was forced to enter a " .. objname, message, player)
- end
- elseif count == 4 then -- specify amount
- if m[4] ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,m[4] do
- createobject(objtype, objloc, 0, 0, false, x, y, z)
- end
- sendresponse(m[4] .. " " .. objname .. "s spawned at " .. getname(players[i]) .. "'s location.", message, player)
- privatesay(players[i], objname .. " spawned above you.")
- else
- sendresponse("You didn't spawn anything!")
- end
- elseif count == 5 then -- specify resptime
- if m[4] ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,m[4] do
- createobject(objtype, objloc, 0, m[5], false, x, y, z)
- end
- sendresponse(m[4] .. " " .. objname .. "s spawned at " .. getname(players[i]) .. "'s location.", message, player)
- privatesay(players[i], objname .. " spawned above you.")
- else
- sendresponse("You didn't spawn anything!")
- end
- elseif count == 6 then -- specify recycle boolean
- if m[4] ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,m[4] do
- createobject(objtype, objloc, 0, m[5], m[6], x, y, z)
- end
- sendresponse(m[4] .. " " .. objname .. "s spawned at " .. getname(players[i]) .. "'s location.", message, player)
- privatesay(players[i], objname .. " spawned above you.")
- else
- sendresponse("You didn't spawn anything!", message, player)
- end
- end
- elseif type ~= "give" then
- sendresponse("Could not spawn next to " .. getname(players[i]) .. ". Player is dead.", message, player)
- elseif type == "give" then
- sendresponse("Could not give " .. getname(players[i]) .. " a " .. objname .. ". Player is dead.", message, player)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", message, player)
- end
- end
- return vehid
- end
- function OnServerCommand(player, command)
- local response = 1
- local count = getcmdtokencount(command)
- local cmd = getcmdtoken(command, 0)
- local permission = 1
- local hash = gethash(player)
- t = {}
- for i=1,count do
- local word = getcmdtoken(command, i - 1)
- word = string.lower(word)
- table.insert(t, word)
- end
- --[[if player ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and player ~= -1 then
- local bool = false
- if executed_global_rcon then
- for k,v in pairs(global_rcons) do
- if executed_global_rcon == k then
- if bool == true then break end
- if string.find(access_table[k], "," .. t[1] .. ",") then
- bool = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- executed_global_rcon = nil
- end
- if bool == false then
- for k,v in pairs(admin_table) do
- if k == gethash(player) then
- bool = true
- break
- end
- end
- if bool == false then
- for k,v in pairs(ipadmins) do
- if bool == true then break end
- for k2,v2 in pairs(ipadmins[k]) do
- if ipadmins[k][k2] == getip(player) then
- bool = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if bool == false then
- return 0
- end
- end--]]
- if admin_table[hash] or player == 0xFFFFFFFF or ipadmins[getip(player)] then
- if t[1] == "sv_setafk" then
- response = 0
- Command_AFK(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_viewadmins" then
- response = 0
- Command_Viewadmins(player, t[1], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_privatesay" then
- response = 0
- Command_Privatesay(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_admin_add" then
- response = 0
- Command_Adminadd(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_ipadminadd" then
- response = 0
- Command_Ipadminadd(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_admin_del" then
- if sv_admin_del then
- response = 0
- Command_Admindel(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_ipadmindel" then
- response = 0
- Command_Ipadmindel(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_admin_list" then
- response = 0
- Command_ShowAdminList(player, t[1], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_revoke" then
- response = 0
- Command_Adminrevoke(player, t[1], t[2], count, "rcon")
- elseif t[1] == "sv_gethash" then
- response = 0
- Command_Gethash(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_falldamage" then
- response = 0
- Command_Falldamage(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_launch" then
- response = 0
- Command_Launch(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_getip" then
- response = 0
- Command_getip(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_crash" then
- response = 0
- Command_Crash(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_rtv_enabled" then
- response = 0
- Command_RTVEnabled(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_rtv_needed" then
- response = 0
- Command_RTVRequired(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_votekick_enabled" then
- response = 0
- Command_VotekickEnabled(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_votekick_needed" then
- response = 0
- Command_VotekickRequired(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_votekick_action" then
- response = 0
- Command_VotekickAction(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_hash_check" then
- response = 0
- Command_Hashcheck(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_version_check" then
- response = 0
- Command_Versioncheck(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_version" then
- response = 0
- Command_Version(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_ban" then
- if tonumber(t[2]) == nil then
- response = 0
- Command_Ban(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_nameban" then
- response = 0
- Command_Nameban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_namebanlist" then
- response = 0
- Command_Namebanlist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_nameunban" then
- response = 0
- Command_Nameunban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_ipban" then
- response = 0
- Command_Ipban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_ipbanlist" then
- response = 0
- Command_Ipbanlist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_ipunban" then
- response = 0
- Command_Ipunban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_superban" then
- response = 0
- Command_Superban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_stickman_animation" then
- response = 0
- registertimer(200, "Stickman")
- elseif t[1] == "sv_kick" then
- if tonumber(t[2]) == nil then
- response = 0
- Command_Kick(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_hide" then
- response = 0
- Command_Hide(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_superban" then
- Command_Superban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_textban" then
- response = 0
- Command_Textban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_textbanlist" then
- response = 0
- Command_Textbanlist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_textunban" then
- response = 0
- Command_Textunban(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_pvtsay" then
- response = 0
- Command_Privatesay(player, t, count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_unhide" then
- response = 0
- Command_Unhide(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setammo" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setammo(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_help" then
- response = 0
- Command_Help(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_deathless" then
- response = 0
- Command_Deathless(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setmode" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setmode(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_eject" then
- response = 0
- Command_Eject(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_getloc" then
- response = 0
- Command_Getloc(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_ghost" then
- response = 0
- Command_Ghost(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_unghost" then
- response = 0
- Command_Unghost(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setgod" then
- response = 0
- Command_Godmode(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "cheat_hax" then
- response = 0
- Command_Hax(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_heal" then
- response = 0
- Command_Heal(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_ungod" then
- response = 0
- Command_Ungod(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_hitler" then
- response = 0
- if count == 1 then
- for c = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(c) then
- kill(c)
- hprintf(getname(c) .. " was given a lethal injection!")
- end
- end
- else
- hprintf("Invalid Syntax: sv_hitler")
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_infinite_ammo" then
- response = 0
- Command_Infammo(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_invis" then
- response = 0
- Command_Invis(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_move" then
- response = 0
- Command_Move(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_scrim" then
- response = 0
- Command_Lo3(player, t[1], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_mute" then
- response = 0
- Command_Mute(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_noweapons" then
- response = 0
- Command_Noweapons(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_resp" then
- response = 0
- Command_Resp(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_enter" then
- response = 0
- Command_Spawn(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], "enter", count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setassists" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setassists(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setdeaths" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setdeaths(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setfrags" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setfrags(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setkills" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setkills(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setscore" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setscore(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_respawn_time" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setresp(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setplasmas" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setplasmas(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_spawn" then
- response = 0
- Command_Spawn(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], "spawn", count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_specs" then
- response = 0
- Command_Specs(player, t[1], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_give" then
- response = 0
- Command_Spawn(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], "give", count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_suspend" then
- response = 0
- Command_Suspend(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_map" then
- if command:find("commands") == nil then
- response = 0
- Command_Map(player, command)
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_teleport_pl" then
- if tonumber(t[2]) == nil then
- response = 0
- Command_Teletoplayer(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_teleport" then
- if tonumber(t[2]) == nil then
- response = 0
- Command_Teleport(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_alias" then
- if tonumber(t[2]) == nil then
- response = 0
- Command_Alias(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_changeteam" then
- if tonumber(t[2]) == nil then
- response = 0
- Command_Changeteam(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- end
- elseif t[1] == "sv_setname" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setname(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_time_cur" then
- Command_Timelimit(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "cheat_unhax" then
- response = 0
- Command_Unhax(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_unmute" then
- response = 0
- Command_Unmute(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif t[1] == "sv_unsuspend" then
- response = 0
- Command_Unsuspend(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "sv_bos" then
- response = 0
- Command_Bos(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "sv_setcolor" then
- response = 0
- Command_Setcolor(player, t[1], t[2], t[3], count)
- elseif cmd == "sv_takeweapons" then
- response = 0
- Command_Takeweapons(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "sv_resetweapons" then
- response = 0
- Command_Resetweapons(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "sv_boslist" then
- response = 0
- Command_Boslist(player, t[1], count)
- elseif cmd == "sv_unbos" then
- response = 0
- Command_Unbos(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- elseif cmd == "sv_kill" then
- if tonumber(t[2]) == nil then
- response = 0
- Command_Kill(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- end
- elseif cmd == "sv_info" then
- response = 0
- Command_Info(player, t[1], t[2], count)
- end
- if player ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and player ~= -1 and response == 0 then
- WriteLog(profilepath .. "\\logs\\commands.log", getname(player) .. " (Hash:" .. gethash(player) .. " IP: " .. getip(player) .. ") has executed '" .. command .. "'")
- end
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot execute this command.", t[1], player)
- response = 0
- end
- return response
- end
- function OnRconAttempt(player, command, rcon)
- local response = 1
- if IsAdmin(player) == false then
- local hash = gethash(player)
- local ip = getip(player)
- for k,v in pairs(global_rcons) do
- if k == rcon then
- executed_global_rcon = rcon
- svcmd(command, player)
- return 0
- end
- end
- if admin_table[hash] or ipadmins[ip] then
- svcmd(command, player)
- end
- end
- return response
- end
- WriteLog = function(filename, value)
- local file = io.open(filename, "a")
- if file then
- local timestamp = os.date("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
- local line = string.format("%s\t%s\n", timestamp, tostring(value))
- file:write(line)
- file:close()
- end
- end
- getstatus = function(m_player)
- local status = ""
- local player_struct = getplayer(m_player)
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(player_struct, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- local obj_crouch = readbyte(m_object, 0x2A0)
- if obj_crouch == 0 then
- status = "wpassenger"
- elseif obj_crouch == 1 then
- status = "wpassenger"
- elseif obj_crouch == 2 then
- status = "wpassenger"
- elseif obj_crouch == 3 then
- status = "crouching"
- elseif obj_crouch == 4 then
- status = "standing"
- elseif obj_crouch == 5 then
- status = "gdriver"
- elseif obj_crouch == 6 then
- status = "bpilot"
- elseif obj_crouch == 13 then
- status = "sdriver"
- elseif obj_crouch == 17 then
- status = "turret"
- elseif obj_crouch == 20 or obj_crouch == 21 or obj_crouch == 22 or obj_crouch == 23 then
- status = "spassenger"
- end
- return status
- end
- function tohex(number)
- return string.format("%X", number)
- end
- function OnClientUpdate(player, m_objectId)
- --say(getname(player) .. ": " .. tostring(player))
- local id = resolveplayer(player)
- --local test = readbyte(m_player, 0x130) Changes when player joins?
- --local test = readbyte(m_player, 0x108) Changes to 0 when player joins?
- --local test = readword(m_object, 0x12) Changes to 1536 when shields go down/up
- --local test = readbyte(m_object, 0xD0) Changes when you do an action (walk, jump, throw nade, shoot, crouch). But its value depends on the weapon your holding.
- --local test = readbyte(m_object, 0xD4) Counts up when action occurs. Changes back to 6. Stays at one if shields are depleted.
- --local test = readbyte(m_object, 0x10C) Changes after you respawn. Changes to 255 while in vehicles.
- --local test = readword(m_object, 0x10F) All it does is count up every 5 seconds. Starts at 128, ends at 255 and goes back to 128. Seems to be the same for everyone.
- --[[local x_aim = readfloat(m_player, 0x154) -- Confirmed. Lags.
- local y_aim = readfloat(m_player, 0x158) -- Confirmed. Lags.
- local z_aim = readfloat(m_player, 0x15C)--]]
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_objectId)
- if x ~= loc[id][1] or y ~= loc[id][2] or z ~= loc[id][3] then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if loc[id][1] == nil then
- loc[id][1] = x
- loc[id][2] = y
- loc[id][3] = z
- elseif m_object then
- local result = OnPositionUpdate(player, m_objectId, x, y, z)
- if result == 0 then
- movobjcoords(m_objectId, loc[id][1], loc[id][2], loc[id][3])
- else
- loc[id][1] = x
- loc[id][2] = y
- loc[id][3] = z
- end
- end
- end
- end
- OnPositionUpdate = function(player, m_objectId, x, y, z)
- local id = resolveplayer(player)
- local m_controlObject = getobject(m_objectId)
- if control_table[id][1] then
- for i = 1,#control_table[id] do
- local victim = control_table[id][i]
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(victim)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- if m_object then
- local m_vehicle = getobject(readdword(m_object, 0x11C))
- if m_vehicle == nil then
- local x_vel = readfloat(m_controlObject, 0x68)
- local y_vel = readfloat(m_controlObject, 0x6C)
- writefloat(m_object, 0x68, x_vel)
- writefloat(m_object, 0x6C, y_vel)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return 1
- end
- GetLines = function(filename)
- local file = io.open(filename, "r")
- if file then
- local Lines = {}
- for line in file:lines() do
- table.insert(Lines, line)
- end
- file:close()
- return Lines
- end
- end
- FollowTimer = function(id, count, player, player2)
- if getplayer(player) and getobject(getplayerobjectid(player)) then
- if getplayer(player2) and getobject(getplayerobjectid(player2)) then
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(player2)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- local m_Object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if x == nil then
- x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_playerObjId)
- movobjcoords(m_objectId, x, y, z+0.5)
- end
- local obj_x_vel = readfloat(m_object, 0x68)
- local obj_y_vel = readfloat(m_object, 0x6C)
- local obj_z_vel = readfloat(m_object, 0x70)
- writefloat(m_Object, 0x68, obj_x_vel)
- writefloat(m_Object, 0x6C, obj_y_vel)
- writefloat(m_Object, 0x70, obj_z_vel)
- elseif getplayer(player2) then
- x,y,z = nil
- else
- local id = resolveplayer(player)
- follow[id] = nil
- return 0
- end
- end
- return 1
- end
- function OnTeamDecision(cur_team)
- return cur_team
- end
- Ipban = function(player)
- svcmd("sv_ban " .. resolveplayer(player))
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\banned.txt", "r")
- if file then
- local Lines = {}
- for line in file:lines() do
- if line and line ~= "" then
- table.insert(Lines, line)
- end
- end
- svcmd("sv_unban " .. #Lines - 2)
- end
- end
- function OnPlayerJoin(player, team)
- messages[gethash(player)] = {}
- cur_players = cur_players + 1
- local sv_player = resolveplayer(player)
- local name = getname(player)
- local hash = gethash(player)
- local words = {}
- local id = resolveplayer(player)
- local ip = getip(player)
- ip_table[id] = ip
- for k,v in pairs(ip_banlist) do
- if ip_banlist[k] == tostring(ip) then
- Ipban(player)
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(name_bans) do
- if name_bans[k] == tostring(name) then
- Ipban(player)
- end
- end
- if ipadmins[ip] or admin_table[hash] then
- say("Server Admin: " .. name)
- end
- for k,v in pairs(boslog_table) do
- local count = gettokencount(v, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(v, ",", i-1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- local entry_name = words[1]
- local entry_hash = words[2]
- local entry_ip = words[3]
- if entry_hash == hash or entry_ip == ip then
- for i=0,15 do
- local player_hash = gethash(i)
- local player_ip = getip(i)
- if ipadmins[player_ip] or admin_table[player_hash] then
- privatesay(i, name .. " banned from BoS.")
- privatesay(i, "Entry: " .. entry_name .. "- " .. entry_hash)
- end
- end
- hprintf(name .. " banned from BoS.")
- hprintf("Entry: " .. entry_name .. "- " .. entry_hash .. "- " .. entry_ip)
- svcmd("sv_ban " .. sv_player)
- local banlist = io.open(string.format("%s\\ipbanlist.txt", profilepath), "a")
- ip_banlist[name] = ip
- banlist:write(name .. "," .. tostring(ip_banlist[name]) .. "\n")
- banlist:close()
- table.remove(boslog_table, k)
- break
- end
- end
- local bool
- for k,v in pairs(unique_table) do
- if hash == v[1] or ip == v[2] then
- bool = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not bool then
- unique_table[name] = {hash, ip}
- uniques = uniques + 1
- say(name .. " is unique player #" .. tostring(uniques) .. " on this server!")
- end
- end
- function OnPlayerLeave(player, team)
- cur_players = cur_players - 1
- cleanupdrones(player)
- local id = resolveplayer(player)
- local name = getname(player)
- local hash = gethash(player)
- local ip = ip_table[id]
- bos_table[id] = name .. "," .. hash .. "," .. ip
- ip_table[id] = nil
- hidden[id] = nil
- afk[id] = {}
- end
- function OnPlayerKill(killer, victim, mode)
- if respset then
- local m_player = getplayer(victim)
- local player_respawn_time = readdword(m_player, 0x2C)
- writedword(m_player, 0x2c, resptime * 33)
- end
- cleanupdrones(victim)
- end
- function OnKillMultiplier(player, multiplier)
- end
- function OnPlayerSpawn(player, m_objectId)
- local hash = gethash(player)
- if deathless then
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE0, 9999999999)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE4, 9999999999)
- end
- if noweapons or Noweapons[hash] then
- for i = 0,3 do
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- local weapID = readdword(m_object, 0x2F8 + i*4)
- local weap = getobject(weapID)
- if weap then
- destroyobject(weapID)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if colorspawn == nil then colorspawn = {} end
- if colorspawn[player] == nil then colorspawn[player] = {} end
- if colorspawn[player][1] then
- movobjcoords(m_objectId, colorspawn[player][1], colorspawn[player][2], colorspawn[player][3])
- colorspawn[player] = {}
- end
- if suspend_table[hash] then
- suspend_table[hash] = nil
- end
- if ghost_table[hash] then
- ghost_table[hash] = nil
- end
- end
- function OnPlayerSpawnEnd(player, m_objectId)
- end
- function OnTeamChange(relevant, player, team, dest_team)
- return 1
- end
- function OnObjectInteraction(player, m_ObjectId, tagType, tagName)
- local Pass = 1
- local hash = gethash(player)
- if noweapons or Noweapons[hash] then
- if tagType == "weap" then
- Pass = 0
- end
- end
- return Pass
- end
- VelTimer = function(id, count, m_objectId)
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- writefloat(m_object, 0x90, 20)
- return 1
- end
- return 0
- end
- function OnObjectCreation(m_objectId, player_owner, tag)
- if getplayer(player_owner) then
- for i = 25,41 do
- if objects[i][3] == tag then
- if mode[gethash(player_owner)] == "portalgun" then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- registertimer(20, "portalgunTimer", player_owner, m_object)
- elseif mode[gethash(player_owner)] == "spawngun" then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- registertimer(20, "spawngunTimer", player_owner, m_object)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function OnWeaponReload(player, weapon)
- if infammo then
- writeword(getobject(weapon), 0x2B6, 9999)
- writeword(getobject(weapon), 0x2B8, 9999)
- updateammo(weapon)
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- end
- end
- function OnVehicleEntry(relevant, player, vehicleId, vehicle_tag, seat)
- return 1
- end
- function OnVehicleEject(player, forceEject)
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- local vehicleId = readdword(m_object, 0x11C)
- if vehicleId == 0xFFFFFFFF then return end
- cleanupdrone(player, m_objectId)
- end
- return 1
- end
- function OnDamageLookup(receiving_obj, causing_obj, tagdata, tagname)
- --if tagname:find("vehicle_hit_environment") == nil then say(tostring(tagname)) end
- if deathless or backtaps then
- writebyte(tagdata, 0x1C4, 0)
- end
- if deathless and tagname ~= "globals\\falling" and tagname ~= "globals\\distance" then
- writebyte(tagdata, 0x1D0, 0)
- writebyte(tagdata, 0x1D4, 0)
- writebyte(tagdata, 0x1D8, 0)
- end
- if deathless or not falldamage then
- local receiver = objecttoplayer(receiving_obj)
- if (tagname == "globals\\falling" or tagname == "globals\\distance") and receiver then
- writefloat(tagdata, 0x1D0, 0.0000001)
- writefloat(tagdata, 0x1D4, 0.0000001)
- writefloat(tagdata, 0x1D8, 0.0000001)
- end
- end
- if causing_obj ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- for i = 25,41 do
- local player = objecttoplayer(causing_obj)
- if getplayer(player) == nil then return end
- if mode[gethash(player)] == "destroy" then
- if tagname == objects[i][3] then
- destroyobject(receiving_obj)
- end
- elseif mode[gethash(player)] == "entergun" then
- if tagname == objects[i][3] and string.sub(getobjecttag(receiving_obj), 1, 8) == "vehicles" then
- entervehicle(player, receiving_obj, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- AccessMerging = function()
- for i = 1,#access_table do
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_kick,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_k"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_admin_add,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_a"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_setafk,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_afk"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_setammo,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_ammo"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_ban,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_b"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_setinvis,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_invis"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_move,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_j"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_scrim,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_lo3"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_map,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_m"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_mapcycle_begin,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_mc"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_map_next,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_mnext"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_players,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_pl"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_map_reset,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_reset"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_password,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_pass"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_admin_del,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_revoke"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_respawn_time,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_setresp"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_teleport_add,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_st"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_teleport,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_t"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_changeteam,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_ts"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_teleport_pl,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_tp"
- end
- if string.find(access_table[i], ",sv_admin_cur,") then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ",sv_viewadmins"
- end
- if not access_table or not access_table[i] or not access_table[i]:len() then hprintf("ACCESS.INI IS INCORRECTLY FORMATTED!") return end
- if string.sub(access_table[i], access_table[i]:len(), access_table[i]:len()) ~= "," then
- access_table[i] = access_table[i] .. ","
- end
- end
- end
- function getobjecttag(m_objectId)
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- local object_map_id = readdword(m_object, 0x0)
- local map_base = readdword(map_pointer, 0x0)
- local map_tag_count = todec(endian(map_base, 0xC, 0x3))
- local tag_table_base = map_base + 0x28
- local tag_table_size = 0x20
- for i = 0, (map_tag_count - 1) do
- local tag_id = todec(endian(tag_table_base, 0xC + (tag_table_size * i), 0x3))
- if tag_id == object_map_id then
- local tag_class = readstring(tag_table_base, (tag_table_size * i), 0x3, 1)
- local tag_name_address = endian(tag_table_base, 0x10 + (tag_table_size * i), 0x3)
- local tag_name = readtagname("0x" .. tag_name_address)
- return tag_name,tag_class
- end
- end
- end
- endian = function(address, offset, length)
- local data_table = {}
- local data = ""
- for i=0,length do
- local hex = string.format("%X", readbyte(address, offset + i))
- if tonumber(hex, 16) < 16 then
- hex = 0 .. hex
- end
- table.insert(data_table, hex)
- end
- for k,v in pairs(data_table) do
- data = v .. data
- end
- return data
- end
- todec = function(number)
- return tonumber(number, 16)
- end
- DefaultSvTimer = function(id, count, filename)
- local file = io.open(filename)
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- svcmd(tostring(line))
- end
- file:close()
- if filename == "temp_" .. tostring(processid) .. ".tmp" then
- os.remove(filename)
- end
- elseif filename == "defaults.txt" then
- file = io.open("defaults.txt", "a")
- hprintf("Defaults.txt not found. File will be created...")
- file:write("sv_deathless 0\n")
- file:write("sv_infinite_ammo 0\n")
- file:write("sv_respawn_time default\n")
- file:write("sv_rtv_enabled true\n")
- file:write("sv_rtv_needed 0.6\n")
- file:write("sv_votekick_enabled true\n")
- file:write("sv_votekick_needed 0.7\n")
- file:write("sv_votekick_action kick\n")
- file:write("sv_version_check true\n")
- file:write("sv_version 1.09\n")
- file:write("sv_hash_check true\n")
- file:write("sv_falldamage 1")
- file:close()
- end
- return 0
- end
- getweapon = function(player, weapon)
- local tag_name_address
- local tag_name = ""
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- local m_object = getobject(readdword(m_player, 0x34))
- local weap_id = getobject(readdword(m_object, 0x2F8 + ((weapon - 1) * 4)))
- local weap_meta_id = readdword(weap_id, 0x0)
- local map_base = readdword(map_pointer, 0x0)
- local map_tag_count = todec(endian(map_base, 0xC, 0x3))
- local tags_base = map_base + 0x28
- local tags_size = 0x20
- local tag_address = 0
- for i=0,(map_tag_count - 1) do
- local tag_id = todec(endian(tags_base, 0xC + (tags_size * i), 0x3))
- if tag_id == weap_meta_id then
- tag_name_address = endian(tags_base, 0x10 + (tags_size * i), 0x3)
- tag_name = readtagname("0x" .. tag_name_address)
- end
- end
- return tag_name
- end
- function OnWeaponAssignment(player, object, count, tag)
- return 0
- end
- cleanupdrones = function(player)
- -- pretty hacky way to remove the vehicles, but only way i could get working
- for k,v in pairs(vehicle_drone_table[player]) do
- local seats = getseats(v)
- if seats then
- for i = 0,seats - 1 do
- entervehicle(player, v, i)
- exitvehicle(player)
- end
- destroyobject(v)
- else
- for i = 0,5 do
- entervehicle(player, v, i)
- exitvehicle(player)
- end
- destroyobject(v)
- end
- vehicle_drone_table[player][k] = nil
- end
- end
- getseats = function(m_objectId)
- local seats
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- local tagname = getobjecttag(m_object)
- if tagname == "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog" or tagname == "vehicles\\warthog\\mp_warthog" then
- seats = 3
- elseif tagname == "vehicles\\scorpion\\scorpion_mp" then
- seats = 5
- else
- seats = 1
- end
- return seats
- end
- cleanupdrone = function(player, objid)
- for k,v in pairs(vehicle_drone_table[player]) do
- if v == objid then
- entervehicle(player, v, 0)
- exitvehicle(player)
- local seats = getseats(v)
- if seats then
- for i = 0,seats-1 do
- entervehicle(player, v, i)
- exitvehicle(player)
- end
- end
- --destroyobject(v) dont destroy, will destroy itself soon
- vehicle_drone_table[player][k] = nil
- break
- end
- end
- end
- MainTimer = function(id, count)
- if count % 10 == 0 then
- for i = 0,15 do
- local hash = gethash(i)
- if getplayer(i) then
- if ghost_table[hash] == true then
- applycamo(i, 1)
- elseif ghost_table[hash] and ghost_table[hash] > 0 then
- applycamo(i, ghost_table[hash])
- ghost_table[hash] = ghost_table[hash] - 1
- elseif ghost_table[hash] then
- if ghost_table[hash] <= 0 then
- ghost_table[hash] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 0,15 do
- local m_player = getplayer(i)
- if m_player then
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(i)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- if m_object then
- local id = resolveplayer(i)
- local x_aim = readfloat(m_object, 0x230)
- local y_aim = readfloat(m_object, 0x234)
- local z_aim = readfloat(m_object, 0x238)
- local z = readfloat(m_player, 0x100)
- if afk[id][1] == true then
- afk[id][1] = x_aim
- afk[id][2] = y_aim
- afk[id][3] = z_aim
- --[[local team = readbyte(m_player, 0x20)
- afk[id][4] = team
- writebyte(m_player, 0x20, 16)--]]
- writebit(m_object, 0x10, 7, 1)
- elseif afk[id][1] then
- if x_aim ~= afk[id][1] or y_aim ~= afk[id][2] or z_aim ~= afk[id][3] then
- writebit(m_object, 0x10, 7, 0)
- if afk[id][4] then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x20, afk[id][4])
- afk[id][4] = nil
- end
- afk[id] = {}
- say(getname(i) .. " is no longer afk!")
- else
- writefloat(m_player, 0x100, z - 1000)
- end
- elseif hidden[id] then
- writefloat(m_player, 0x100, z - 1000)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return 1
- end
- SpamTimer = function(id, count)
- for i=0,15 do
- local hash = gethash(i)
- if hash then
- local name = getname(i)
- if spam_table[hash] == nil then
- spam_table[hash] = 0
- end
- if spam_table[hash] < spam_max then
- if spam_table[hash] > 0 then
- spam_table[hash] = spam_table[hash] - 0.25
- end
- else
- say(name .. " has been muted for " .. spam_timeout .. " seconds for spamming!")
- spam_table[hash] = -1
- end
- if spam_table[hash] == -1 then
- if spamtimeout_table[hash] == nil then
- spamtimeout_table[hash] = spam_timeout
- else
- spamtimeout_table[hash] = spamtimeout_table[hash] - 1
- end
- if spamtimeout_table[hash] == 0 then
- say(name .. " has been unmuted!")
- spamtimeout_table[hash] = nil
- spam_table[hash] = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return 1
- end
- rtvTimer = function(id, count)
- if count == 1 then
- rtv_initiated = rtv_timeout
- rtv_table = {}
- say("The current rtv has expired!")
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- end
- end
- votekickTimer = function(id, count, userdata)
- if count == 1 then
- local name = getname(userdata)
- votekick_allowed = true
- say("The votekick on " .. name .. " has expired!")
- for k,v in pairs(votekick_table) do
- votekick_table[k] = nil
- end
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- end
- end
- lo3Timer = function(id, count)
- if count >= 3 then
- say("Start your match!")
- svcmd("sv_map_reset")
- return 0
- else
- svcmd("sv_map_reset")
- return 1
- end
- end
- readtagname = function(address)
- local char_table = {}
- local i = 0
- local string = ""
- while readbyte(address, i) ~= 0 do
- table.insert(char_table, string.char(readbyte(address, i)))
- i = i + 1
- end
- for k,v in pairs(char_table) do
- string = string .. v
- end
- return string
- end
- readstring = function(address, offset, length, endian)
- local char_table = {}
- local string = ""
- local offset = offset or 0x0
- if length == nil then
- if readbyte(address, offset + 1) == 0 and readbyte(address, offset) ~= 0 then
- length = 51000
- else
- length = 256
- end
- end
- for i=0,length do
- if readbyte(address, (offset + i)) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(char_table, string.char(readbyte(address, (offset + i))))
- elseif i % 2 == 0 and readbyte(address, offset + i) == 0 then
- break
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(char_table) do
- if endian == 1 then
- string = v .. string
- else
- string = string .. v
- end
- end
- return string
- end
- writestring = function(string, address, offset, spacing, endian)
- local char_table = {}
- offset = offset or 0x0
- address = address + offset
- spacing = spacing or 0x1
- for word in string:gmatch(".") do
- table.insert(char_table, string.byte(word))
- end
- local length = table.getn(char_table)
- if endian == 1 then
- for i=0,length do
- writebyte(address, spacing * i, char_table[length - i])
- end
- else
- for i=0,length do
- writebyte(address, spacing * i, char_table[i + 1])
- end
- end
- end
- nadeTimer = function(id, count)
- for c = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(c) then
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(c))
- if m_object then
- writebyte(m_object, 0x31E, 3) -- set frags to 3
- writebyte(m_object, 0x31F, 3) -- set plasmas to 3
- end
- end
- end
- if infammo then
- return 1
- elseif infammo then
- return 0
- end
- end
- settimelimit = function(value)
- if tonumber(value) then
- writedword(timelimit_address, 0x0, tonumber(value))
- local time_passed = readdword(readdword(gametime_base, 0x0), 0xC)
- writedword(gametype_base, 0x78, 30*60*value + time_passed) -- set game timer to the specified value (in minutes) + the amount of time passed (+ one second for testing purposes)
- end
- end
- --[[getname = function(player)
- player = tonumber(player)
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- local player_name = readstring(m_player, 0x4, 11)
- local player_name2 = readstring(m_player, 0x48, 11)
- local player_name3 = tostring(readstring(name_base, 0x20 * player, 0x14))
- return player_name3
- end
- end
- resolveplayer = function(player)
- player = tonumber(player)
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- local player_rcon_id = readbyte(m_player, 0x64) + 1
- if player_rcon_id > 0 and player_rcon_id < 17 then
- return player_rcon_id
- end
- end
- end
- readbit = function(address, offset, bit)
- local value = readbyte(address, offset)
- local binary_val = tobinary(value)
- local ret_bit = string.sub(binary_val, bit)
- return tonumber(ret_bit, 2)
- end
- writebit = function(address, offset, bit, value)
- local val = readbyte(address, offset)
- local binary_val = tobinary(val)
- if bit == 7 then
- byte = string.sub(binary_val, 1, 7) .. value
- elseif bit == 0 then
- byte = value .. string.sub(binary_val, 2, 8)
- else
- byte = string.sub(binary_val, 1, bit) .. value .. string.sub(binary_val, bit+1, 8)
- end
- byte = tonumber(byte, 2)
- writebyte(address, offset, byte)
- end
- tobinary = function(number)
- number = tonumber(number)
- if number == nil then return end
- binary = ""
- while (number > 0) do
- binary = binary .. math.floor(number % 2)
- number = number / 2
- end
- return binary
- end
- tofloat = function(number)
- local sign = 1
- if number == nil then return end
- local mantissa = string.byte(number, 3) % 128
- for i = 2, 1, -1 do
- mantissa = mantissa * 256 + string.byte(number, i)
- end
- if string.byte(number, 4) > 127 then
- sign = -1
- end
- local exponent = (string.byte(number, 4) % 128) * 2 + math.floor(string.byte(number, 3) / 128)
- if exponent == 0 then return 0 end
- mantissa = (mantissa * (2 ^ -23) + 1) * sign
- return mantissa * 2^(exponent - 127)
- end
- readfloat = function(address, offset)
- if address then
- local a = readbyte(address, 0x0 + offset)
- local b = readbyte(address, 0x1 + offset)
- local c = readbyte(address, 0x2 + offset)
- local d = readbyte(address, 0x3 + offset)
- local val = string.char(a, b, c, d)
- local float = tofloat(val)
- return float
- end
- end
- readdword = function(address, offset)
- if address then
- local a = readbyte(offset + address, 0x3)
- local b = readbyte(offset + address, 0x2)
- local c = readbyte(offset + address, 0x1)
- local d = readbyte(offset + address, 0x0)
- local dword = string.format("%02X%02X%02X%02X", a, b, c, d)
- dword = tonumber(dword, 16)
- return dword
- end
- end
- readword = function(address, offset)
- local a = readbyte(offset + address, 0x1)
- local b = readbyte(offset + address, 0x0)
- local word = string.format("%02X%02X", a, b)
- word = tonumber(word, 16)
- return word
- end
- rresolveplayer = function(player)
- player = tonumber(player)
- for i = 0,15 do
- local m_player = getplayer(i)
- if m_player then
- local player_rcon_id = readbyte(m_player, 0x64) + 1
- if player_rcon_id == player then
- return i
- end
- end
- end
- end--]]
- Gethash = function(player)
- local player_table = readdword(0x69B91C, 0x0)
- local hashbase_offset = 0x3C4
- local hashbase = readdword(player_table, hashbase_offset)
- local bool = false
- for i = 1,16 do
- local temp = readword(hashbase, 0x0)
- if temp ~= resolveplayer(player) - 1 then
- hashbase = hashbase + 0x60
- else
- bool = true
- end
- if bool == true then
- hash_pointer = player_table + ((i*3) + 0x3BD)
- break
- end
- end
- if hash_pointer then
- local player_dword = player * 2 + player
- for i = 1,5 do
- player_dword = player_dword * 2
- end
- local ECX = player_table + player_dword + 0x3B8
- if ECX == 0 then return end
- local EDI = readdword(ECX, 0x0)
- if readdword(EDI+0xA98) ~= 1 then
- if EDI == 0 then
- hprintf("EDI IS 0")
- return
- end
- end
- hprintf("SUCCESS: " .. tostring(readdword(EDI+0xA98)))
- end
- return "BLAH"
- end
- getmachinestruct = function(player)
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- local machine_index = readbyte(m_player, 0x64)
- local machine_base = readdword(machine_pointer, 0x0)
- local table = machine_base + 0xAA0
- local machine_struct = readdword(table + machine_index*4, 0x0)
- return machine_struct
- end
- end
- getip = function(player)
- if ip_table[resolveplayer(player)] then return ip_table[resolveplayer(player)] end
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- local IP_Address = ""
- if m_player then
- local machine_struct = getmachinestruct(player)
- local machine_network = readdword(readdword(machine_struct, 0x0), 0x0)
- local a = readbyte(machine_network, 0)
- local b = readbyte(machine_network, 1)
- local c = readbyte(machine_network, 2)
- local d = readbyte(machine_network, 3)
- if b then
- IP_Address = string.format("%i.%i.%i.%i", a, b, c, d)
- end
- end
- return IP_Address
- end
- Stickman = function(id, count)
- if count == 1 then
- hprintf(" _._ ")
- hprintf(" / O \\ ")
- hprintf(" \| |/ ")
- hprintf("O--+=-=+--O")
- elseif count == 2 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf(" ,-O-, ")
- hprintf("O--=---=--O")
- hprintf(" 2-2 ")
- hprintf(" - - ")
- elseif count == 3 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf(" ,_O_, ")
- hprintf("O--(---)--O")
- hprintf(" >'> ")
- hprintf(" - - ")
- elseif count == 4 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf(" ._O_. ")
- hprintf("O--<-+->--O")
- hprintf(" X ")
- hprintf(" / \\ ")
- hprintf(" - - ")
- elseif count == 5 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf("O--=-O-=--O")
- hprintf(" '-' ")
- hprintf(" v ")
- hprintf(" / ) ")
- hprintf(" ~ z ")
- elseif count == 6 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf("O--,---,--O")
- hprintf(" \\ O / ")
- hprintf(" - - ")
- hprintf(" - ")
- hprintf(" / \ ")
- hprintf(" = = ")
- elseif count == 7 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf("O--=-O-=--O")
- hprintf(" '-' ")
- hprintf(" v ")
- hprintf(" / ) ")
- hprintf(" ~ z ")
- elseif count == 8 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf(" ._O_. ")
- hprintf("O--<-+->--O")
- hprintf(" X ")
- hprintf(" / \\ ")
- hprintf(" - - ")
- elseif count == 9 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf(" ,_O_, ")
- hprintf("O--(---)--O")
- hprintf(" >'> ")
- hprintf(" - - ")
- elseif count == 10 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf(" ,-O-, ")
- hprintf("O--=---=--O")
- hprintf(" 2-2 ")
- hprintf(" - - ")
- elseif count == 11 then
- svcmd("cls")
- hprintf(" _._ ")
- hprintf(" / O \\ ")
- hprintf(" \\| |/ ")
- hprintf("O--+=-=+--O")
- elseif count >= 12 then
- svcmd("cls")
- return 0
- end
- return 1
- end
- resetweapons = function(player)
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- local m_object = getobject(readdword(m_player, 0x34))
- if m_object then
- if getobject(readdword(m_object, 0x118)) then return end
- local x = readfloat(m_object, 0x5C)
- local y = readfloat(m_object, 0x60)
- local z = readfloat(m_object, 0x64)
- objId = createobject("weap", "weapons\\pistol\\pistol", 0, 60, false, x+1.0, y, z + 2.0)
- assignweapon(player, objId)
- objId = createobject("weap", "weapons\\assault rifle\\assault rifle", 0, 60, false, x+1.0, y, z + 2.0)
- assignweapon(player, objId)
- end
- end
- portalgunTimer = function(id, count, player_owner, m_object)
- if count == 500 then
- return 0
- end
- local m_player = getplayer(player_owner)
- if m_player and m_object then
- local obj_x_velocity = readfloat(m_object, 0x68)
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- if obj_x_velocity == 0 then
- local x = readfloat(m_object, 0x5C)
- local y = readfloat(m_object, 0x60)
- local z = readfloat(m_object, 0x64)
- movobjcoords(m_playerObjId, x, y, z)
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- end
- end
- return 1
- end
- spawngunTimer = function(id, count, player_owner, m_object)
- local m_player = getplayer(player_owner)
- if m_player and m_object then
- local x = readfloat(m_object, 0x5C)
- local y = readfloat(m_object, 0x60)
- local z = readfloat(m_object, 0x64)
- createobject(objspawntype[gethash(player_owner)], objspawntag[gethash(player_owner)], 0, 60, false, x, y, z)
- end
- return 0
- end
- getvalidplayers = function(expression, player)
- if cur_players ~= 0 then
- local players = {}
- if expression == "*" then
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- table.insert(players, i)
- end
- end
- elseif expression == "me" then
- if player ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and player ~= -1 and player then
- table.insert(players, player)
- end
- elseif string.sub(expression, 1, 3) == "red" then
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- local player_team = readdword(getplayer(i), 0x20)
- if player_team == 0 then
- table.insert(players, i)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif string.sub(expression, 1, 4) == "blue" then
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- local player_team = readdword(getplayer(i), 0x20)
- if player_team == 1 then
- table.insert(players, i)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif expression == "1" or expression == "2" or expression == "3" or expression == "4" or expression == "5" or expression == "6" or expression == "7" or expression == "8" or expression == "9" or expression == "10" or expression == "11" or expression == "12" or expression == "13" or expression == "14" or expression == "15" or expression == "16" then
- if tonumber(expression) then
- local expression = tonumber(expression)
- if rresolveplayer(expression) then
- table.insert(players, rresolveplayer(expression))
- end
- end
- elseif expression == "random" then
- if cur_players == 1 and player ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then table.insert(players, player) return players end
- local bool = false
- while not bool do
- num = math.random(0, 15)
- if getplayer(num) and num ~= player then
- bool = true
- end
- end
- table.insert(players, num)
- else
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- if string.wild(getname(i), expression) == true then
- table.insert(players, i)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if players[1] then
- return players
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function pack(...)
- return arg
- end
- function string.wild(match, wild, case_sensative)
- if not case_sensative then
- match, wild = string.lower(match), string.lower(wild)
- end
- -- Initial Checks
- if string.sub(wild, 1, 1) == "?" then wild = string.gsub(wild, "?", string.sub(match, 1, 1), 1) end
- if string.sub(wild, string.len(wild), string.len(wild)) == "?" then wild = string.gsub(wild, "?", string.sub(match, string.len(match), string.len(match)), 1) end
- if not string.find(wild, "*") and not string.find(wild, "?") and wild ~= match then return false end
- if string.sub(wild, 1, 1) ~= string.sub(match, 1, 1) and string.sub(wild, 1, 1) ~= "*" then return false end
- if string.sub(wild, string.len(wild), string.len(wild)) ~= string.sub(match, string.len(match), string.len(match)) and string.sub(wild, string.len(wild), string.len(wild)) ~= "*" then return false end
- local substrings = string.split(wild, "*")
- local begin = 1
- for k,v in ipairs(substrings) do
- local sublength = string.len(v)
- local temp_begin = begin
- local temp_end = begin + sublength - 1
- local matchsub = string.sub(match, begin, temp_end)
- local bool
- repeat
- local wild = v
- local indexes = pack(string.findchar(wild, "?"))
- if #indexes > 0 then
- for _,i in ipairs(indexes) do
- wild = string.gsub(wild, "?", string.sub(matchsub, i, i), 1)
- end
- end
- if matchsub == wild then
- bool = true
- break
- end
- matchsub = string.sub(match, temp_begin, temp_end)
- temp_begin = temp_begin + 1
- temp_end = temp_end + 1
- until temp_end >= string.len(match)
- if not bool then
- return false
- end
- begin = sublength + 1
- end
- return true
- end
- function string.findchar(str, char)
- local chars = string.split(str, "")
- local indexes = {}
- for k,v in ipairs(chars) do
- if v == char then
- table.insert(indexes, k)
- end
- end
- return unpack(indexes)
- end
- delayMsg = function(id, count, msg, command, player)
- command = tostring(command)
- if string.sub(command, 1, 1) == "/" then
- say(msg)
- elseif string.sub(command, 1, 1) == "\\" then
- privatesay(player, msg)
- elseif player ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and player ~= -1 then
- hprintf(msg, player)
- else
- hprintf(msg)
- end
- return 0
- end
- sendresponse = function(message, command, player, log)
- if message == "" then
- return
- end
- player = tonumber(player)
- if string.sub(command, 1, 1) == "/" then
- registertimer(0, "delayMsg", message, command, player)
- elseif string.sub(command, 1, 1) == "\\" then
- registertimer(0, "delayMsg", message, command, player)
- elseif tonumber(player) and player ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and player ~= -1 and player >= 0 and player < 16 then
- hprintf(message, player)
- else
- hprintf(message)
- end
- if not log and player ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and player ~= -1 and player then
- WriteLog(profilepath .. "\\logs\\commands.log", "Response to " .. getname(player) .. ": " .. message)
- end
- end
- messages = {}
- function hprint(player, message, time)
- time = time or 5
- local hash = gethash(player)
- if hash then
- if string.len(message) > 75 then
- message = wordwrap(message, 75, true)
- end
- table.insert(messages[hash], {["message"] = message, ["time"] = time})
- end
- end
- function setscorelimit(player, score)
- if tonumber(score) then
- if gametype == 1 then -- CTF
- if score >= 255 then
- writedword(gametype_base, 0x58, 255)
- elseif score < 1 then
- writewordsigned(gametype_base, 0x58, 1)
- else
- writewordsigned(gametype_base, 0x58, score)
- end
- elseif gametype == 2 then -- Slayer
- if score >= 0x7FFFFFFF then
- writedwordsigned(slayer_globals + 0x40 + player*4, 0x0, 0x7FFFFFFF)
- elseif score <= -0x7FFFFFFF then
- writedwordsigned(slayer_globals + 0x40 + player*4, 0x0, -0x7FFFFFFF)
- else
- writedwordsigned(slayer_globals + 0x40 + player*4, 0x0, score)
- end
- elseif gametype == 3 then -- Oddball
- local oddball_game = readbyte(gametype_base, 0x8C)
- if oddball_game == 0 or oddball_game == 1 then
- if score * 30 >= 0x7FFFFFFF then
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, 0x7FFFFFFF)
- elseif score * 30 <= -0x7FFFFFFF then
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, -1 * 0x7FFFFFFF)
- else
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, score * 30)
- end
- else
- if score > 0x7FFFFC17 then
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, 0x7FFFFC17)
- elseif score <= -0x7FFFFC17 then
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, -0x7FFFFC17)
- else
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, score)
- end
- end
- elseif gametype == 4 then -- KOTH
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if score * 30 >= 0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xC4, 0x7FFF)
- elseif score * 30 <= -0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xC4, -0x7FFF)
- else
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xC4, score * 30)
- end
- elseif gametype == 5 then -- Race
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if score >= 0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player + 0xC6, 0x0, 0x7FFF)
- elseif score <= -0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player + 0xC6, 0x0, -0x7FFF)
- else
- writewordsigned(m_player + 0xC6, 0x0, score)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function setscore(player, score)
- if tonumber(score) then
- if gametype == 1 then -- CTF
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if score >= 0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player+0xC8, 0x0, 0x7FFF)
- elseif score <= -0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player+0xC8, 0x0, -0x7FFF)
- else
- writewordsigned(m_player+0xC8, 0x0, score)
- end
- elseif gametype == 2 then -- Slayer
- if score >= 0x7FFFFFFF then
- writedwordsigned(slayer_globals + 0x40 + player*4, 0x0, 0x7FFFFFFF)
- elseif score <= -0x7FFFFFFF then
- writedwordsigned(slayer_globals + 0x40 + player*4, 0x0, -0x7FFFFFFF)
- else
- writedwordsigned(slayer_globals + 0x40 + player*4, 0x0, score)
- end
- elseif gametype == 3 then -- Oddball
- local oddball_game = readbyte(gametype_base, 0x8C)
- if oddball_game == 0 or oddball_game == 1 then
- if score * 30 >= 0x7FFFFFFF then
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, 0x7FFFFFFF)
- elseif score * 30 <= -0x7FFFFFFF then
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, -1 * 0x7FFFFFFF)
- else
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, score * 30)
- end
- else
- if score > 0x7FFFFC17 then
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, 0x7FFFFC17)
- elseif score <= -0x7FFFFC17 then
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, -0x7FFFFC17)
- else
- writedwordsigned(oddball_globals + 0x84 + player*4, 0x0, score)
- end
- end
- elseif gametype == 4 then -- KOTH
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if score * 30 >= 0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xC4, 0x7FFF)
- elseif score * 30 <= -0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xC4, -0x7FFF)
- else
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xC4, score * 30)
- end
- elseif gametype == 5 then -- Race
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if score >= 0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player + 0xC6, 0x0, 0x7FFF)
- elseif score <= -0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player + 0xC6, 0x0, -0x7FFF)
- else
- writewordsigned(m_player + 0xC6, 0x0, score)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function writewordsigned(address, offset, word)
- value = tonumber(word)
- if value == nil then value = tonumber(word, 16) end
- if value and value > 0x7FFF then
- local max = 0xFFFF
- local difference = max - value
- value = -1 - difference
- end
- writeword(address, offset, value)
- end
- function writedwordsigned(address, offset, dword)
- value = tonumber(dword)
- if value == nil then value = tonumber(dword, 16) end
- if value and value > 0x7FFFFFFF then
- local max = 0xFFFFFFFF
- local difference = max - value
- value = -1 - difference
- end
- writedword(address, offset, value)
- end
- function HprintTimer(id, count)
- if messages ~= {} then
- for k,v in pairs(messages) do
- if messages[k] ~= {} then
- for key,value in ipairs(messages[k]) do
- messages[k][key].time = messages[k][key].time - 0.334
- if messages[k][key].time < 0 then
- table.remove(messages[k], key)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(messages) do
- if #messages[k] > 0 then
- local player = hashtoplayer(k)
- for i = 1, 30 do
- hprintf(" ", player)
- end
- for key,value in ipairs(messages[k]) do
- hprintf(messages[k][key].message, player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return 1
- end
- function wordwrap(str, linelength, tabbed)
- local newstr = ""
- local count = 0
- local space_index = 0
- local begin = 1
- for i = 1, string.len(str) do
- local sub = string.sub(str, i, i)
- if sub == " " then
- space_index = i
- end
- count = count + 1
- if count == linelength then
- newstr = newstr .. string.sub(str, begin, space_index) .. "\n"
- begin = space_index + 1
- count = 0
- if tabbed then
- repeat
- newstr = newstr .. " "
- count = count + 1
- until count == math.floor(1 + linelength / 10)
- end
- end
- if i == string.len(str) then
- newstr = newstr .. string.sub(str, begin, string.len(str))
- break
- end
- end
- return newstr
- end
- -- String functions
- function string.split(str, ...)
- local subs = {}
- local sub = ""
- local i = 1
- for _,v in ipairs(arg) do
- if v == "" then
- for x = 1, string.len(str) do
- table.insert(subs, string.sub(str, x, x))
- end
- return subs
- end
- end
- for _,v in ipairs(arg) do
- if string.sub(str, 1, 1) == v then
- table.insert(subs, "")
- break
- end
- end
- while i <= string.len(str) do
- local bool, bool2
- for x = 1, #arg do
- if arg[x] ~= "" then
- local length = string.len(arg[x])
- if string.sub(str, i, i + (length - 1)) == arg[x] then
- if i == string.len(str) then
- bool2 = true
- else
- bool = true
- end
- i = i + (length - 1)
- break
- end
- else
- for q = 1, string.len(str) do
- subs = {}
- table.insert(subs, string.sub(str, q, q))
- i = string.len(str)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not bool then
- sub = sub .. string.sub(str, i, i)
- end
- if bool or i == string.len(str) then
- if sub ~= "" then
- table.insert(subs, sub)
- sub = ""
- end
- end
- if bool2 then
- table.insert(subs, "")
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- for k,v in ipairs(subs) do
- for _,d in ipairs(arg) do
- subs[k] = string.gsub(v, d, "")
- end
- end
- return subs
- end
- -- Misc
- function hashtoplayer(hash)
- for i = 0, 15 do
- if gethash(i) == hash then return i end
- end
- end
- WriteChangeLog = function()
- local file = io.open("changelog.txt", "w")
- file:write("Changelog for Commands Script\n")
- file:write("\n")
- file:write("1.0\n")
- file:write("First Official Release (january or something)\n")
- file:write("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
- file:write("April 22, 2012\n")
- file:write("Commands Version 2.0\n")
- file:write("This is pretty much a rewrite of the entire script. So many new features were added. So many that I don't even want to make this changelog. Anyway, I'm forcing myself to make it. So here it is:\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /setname, it will change your name, but for others to see it it requires a rejoin.\n")
- file:write("--Added /os, this will give you an Overshield (syntax is /os [player])\n")
- file:write("--Fixed the admin system, before you had to do sv_reloadscripts after you added someone, that's been fixed.\n")
- file:write("--Added sv_revoke and /revoke. The syntax is /revoke [player]. This will take away someone's admin who is currently in the server.\n")
- file:write("--Added a command to view all admins on the server, syntax is: /a list\n")
- file:write("--Added a command to view the current admins in the server. Syntax is: /viewadmins\n")
- file:write("--Added a command to view the server specs (processor speed, model name, manufacturer). Syntax is /specs, or sv_specs in console\n")
- file:write("--Added another player expression. Now you are able to use 'random' as a player name! So like '/k random' would kick a random person\n")
- file:write("--Now includes logging. This will log directly to commands.log in the log folder\n")
- file:write("--Fixed access.ini not syncing with chat commands, meaning if you have sv_kick in your access level, you can now use /k in the chat.\n")
- file:write("--If you do not have an access file, this script will make one for you.\n")
- file:write("--Added version changing. You can change to any version of Halo. Syntax is: /version {version} or sv_version {version} in console.\n")
- file:write("--Added version check removal. You can enable or disable version checking. Having this disabled means that any person on any version can join your server (please note that your server will only appear on the server you specify in the version command)\n")
- file:write("--Added a defaults.txt. This text file gets called on server startup.\n")
- file:write("--Added hash check manipulation. You can now disable or enable hash checking (meaning that cracked versions can join your server if its disabled, but that also means everyone is unbannable if they spoof their key (which most people don't know how to do).\n")
- file:write("--Fixed a bug with /ammo, this now works correctly. Syntax is: /ammo [player] [type (1 or 2)] [ammo] or sv_setammo in console.\n")
- file:write("--Now includes output messages with the '/e' command.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed smiley's BOS commands, thanks to bvigil for telling me what it was supposed to do.\n")
- file:write("--Added a sv_commands and a /commands. This will show all the commands that exist for this script.\n")
- file:write("--Added a /hide and a /unhide command, these will make you totally hidden from everyone else in the server. It also removes you from the scoreboard, however, it only works with players that join after you execute it. People in the server at the time that you use it will still see you on the scoreboard.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed a bug with /tp and sv_teleport_pl, which were crashing when the other player was dead.\n")
- file:write("--Modified /timelimit and sv_timelimit. It will change the ingame timelimit (time remaining) as well as the timelimit for every game after that. This still breaks with sv_reloadscripts.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /setplasmas, thank you sanity for the notice...\n")
- file:write("--Added a parameter to '/spd'. Syntax is /spd [player] {speed}. Doing /spd [player] will show you their current speed.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed a reported bug with /noweapons... I was never able to reproduce it, so I must have indirectly fixed it.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /info which would crash when you used a player expression that was not a number.\n")
- file:write("--Added another parameter to '/t'. Syntax is '/t list', this will show you the list of teleports for the map.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed a couple of bugs with rtv and votekick (whoops)\n")
- file:write("--Added infinite nades to sv_infinite_ammo\n")
- file:write("--Fixed a bug with 'sv_mute' and '/mute'. You can no longer mute admins.\n")
- file:write("--Added a '/banlist' command to chat. This will show you the banlist.\n")
- file:write("--Added a '/alias' command to chat. This will show aliases of the player you pick. Kinda glitchy, oxide's fault, not mine.\n")
- file:write("--Added sv_rtv_needed [decimal 0 to 1]\n")
- file:write("--Added sv_votekick_needed [decimal 0 to 1]\n")
- file:write("--Added sv_rtv_enabled [true or false, 1 or 0]\n")
- file:write("--Added sv_votekick_enabled [true or false, 1 or 0]\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /st. This will set a teleport location to wherever you are standing. Syntax is: /st [teleport name]\n")
- file:write("--Fixed the spawngun. Syntax is /setmode (player) spawngun (object)\n")
- file:write("--sv_afk was changed to 'sv_setafk'. Thought it was a better name for the command.\n")
- file:write("--Added ipbanning. Syntax is sv_ipban, sv_ipbanlist, sv_ipunban, and for chat: /ipban, /ipbanlist, /ipunban.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed Smiley's BoS (Ban On Sight) system. I had to rewrite 80% of it to work with the new Phasor. It now also bans the person's IP.\n")
- file:write("--Added 'sv_launch' and '/launch'. Syntax is 'sv_launch [player]' or '/launch [player]'\n")
- file:write("--Added a control command. Syntax is 'sv_control [victim] [controller]' or '/c [victim] [controller]' in chat.\n")
- file:write("--Added a privatesay command. Syntax is 'sv_privatesay [player] [message]' or '/privatesay [player] [message]' in chat\n")
- file:write("--Added temp.txt managing, basically so values that you set the previous map won't be erased when the next map loads (like when you do sv_respawn_time 5, and it goes back to default everytime you reload the script)\n")
- file:write("--Added ipadminadding. You can add admins via IP now. Syntax is sv_ipadminadd (player) (nickname) (level) or /ipadminadd (player) (nickname) (level) in chat.\n")
- file:write("Sorry this took so long, it took a while to rewrite the whole script. Technically it's been done for a while, i was just waiting for Oxide to release phasor 059. But that won't happen until after june, and there's no way i'm keeping you all waiting. Hope you enjoy it.\n")
- file:write("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
- file:write("Commands Version 2.001\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /ipadminadd (whoops)\n")
- file:write("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
- file:write("Commands Version 2.2 (Released on June 1 2012)\n")
- file:write("--Added /balance, it executes sv_teams_balance in console\n")
- file:write("--Made it so that the sv_map and /m loads the commands script by default\n")
- file:write("--Added unique player tracking. It will keep track of the number of unique players who joined the server\n")
- file:write("--Get the number of unique players by doing /count\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /privatesay. It would only let you message one word before\n")
- file:write("--Added sv_privatesay. Looks like i forgot the sv_command for that\n")
- file:write("--Added private chat. Use @(player expression) to message someone\n")
- file:write("--Added /setcolor. Only works in FFA gametypes.\n")
- file:write("--Added namebanning to superban.\n")
- file:write("--Added a \\nameban command.\n")
- file:write("--Modified the showadminlist function to be a lot more useful\n")
- file:write("--Added ipadmin deleting (sorry lol)\n")
- file:write("--Bunch of bug fixes... i can't remember what else i did.\n")
- file:write("--Oh yea, I fixed votekick.\n")
- file:write("--Removed some of the spam when the script loads (it was an easy way to accomplish what i wanted at the time)\n")
- file:write("--Fixed access levels for the script. It kind of worked, but not really.\n")
- file:write("--Somehow you could die when deathless mode was enabled... i fixed that...\n")
- file:write("--Fixed an issue with /timelimit and sv_time_cur\n")
- file:write("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
- file:write("Commands Version 2.201 (released on June 5th 2012)\n")
- file:write("This is mainly just a bug fix version\n")
- file:write("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /commands to show all of the commands.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed a weird problem with the /enter command (when you ejected it would crash your game)\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /a list (i forgot to check for the /, i was only checking for \\a list, so /a list wouldn't work)\n")
- file:write("--Fixed falldamage (and also made it so longer falls don't kill you)\n")
- file:write("--Fixed /hide, when you leave and another person rejoins with your player number, it will no longer hide them (thank you mitch... lol)\n")
- file:write("--Fixed a bug when loading this script first, it wouldn't let other scripts control the weapons being assigned on spawn (can't believe i didn't see it earlier, ty nuggets + others)\n")
- file:write("--Added a /setscore and sv_setscore command.\n")
- file:write("--New functionality to /hax and /unhax\n")
- file:write("--Modified setkills, setassists, and setdeaths to work a little cleaner\n")
- file:write("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
- file:write("Commands Version 2.3 (released June 13th 2012\n")
- file:write("Mainly fixed up the admin system\n")
- file:write("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
- file:write("--Fixed ipadmins. They can now use the rcon.\n")
- file:write("--Added a /crash [player] and a sv_crash [player] command. Do not use it when the game is ending... you've been warned...\n")
- file:write("--Added a /scorelimit and a sv_scorelimit command\n")
- file:write("--Modified the showadminlist command. Shows a lot more now.\n")
- file:write("--This script no longer uses Phasor admins, if it sees that you are, it will delete all of them and add them to mine, so if you see admin.txt\n")
- file:write("turned into admins.txt, don't worry, it's supposed to do that.\n")
- file:write("--Added a /a del command.\n")
- file:write("--Added sv_ipadminadd to the rcon\n")
- file:write("--This script enables CE devmode commands (cheat_deathless_player, cheat_medusa, etc)\n")
- file:write("--Added a patch that will allow new gametypes to be added without restarting the server\n")
- file:write("--Fixed a very small problem with the setcolor command.\n")
- file:write("--Fixed up the timelimit command :)\n")
- file:write("--IP admins no longer get removed when you unload the commands script\n")
- file:write("--Fixed the ipban command (whoops)\n")
- file:write("--Added textbanning. It's like the mute command except it's a permanent\n")
- file:write("--Fixed rcon commands so that the responses show up with the /e command\n")
- file:write("--I probably did more but I forgot lol\n")
- file:close()
- end
- round = function(val, decimal)
- if (decimal) then
- return math.floor((val * 10^decimal) + 0.5) / (10^decimal)
- else
- return math.floor(val+0.5)
- end
- end
- Command_AFK = function(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if executor ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_player = getplayer(executor)
- --old afk code
- --[[local player_respawn_time = readdword(m_player, 0x2c)
- if player_respawn_time >= 20 then
- writedword(m_player, 0x2c, 1 * 33)
- sendresponse(getname(executor) .. " is no longer afk!", command, executor)
- else
- kill(executor)
- writedword(m_player, 0x2c, 9999 * 33)
- sendresponse(getname(executor) .. " is now afk!", command, executor)
- end--]]
- local id = resolveplayer(executor)
- afk[id][1] = true
- sendresponse(getname(executor) .. " is now afk!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- --[[local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local player_respawn_time = readdword(m_player, 0x2c)
- if player_respawn_time >= 20 then
- writedword(m_player, 0x2c, 1 * 33)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is no longer afk!", command, executor)
- else
- kill(players[i])
- writedword(m_player, 0x2c, 9999 * 33)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now afk!", command, executor)
- end--]]
- local id = resolveplayer(players[i])
- afk[id][1] = true
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now afk!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {player}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Adminadd(executor, command, player, nickname, level, count)
- if count == 4 and tonumber(level) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if not admin_table[gethash(players[i])] then
- admin_table[gethash(players[i])] = {}
- admin_table[gethash(players[i])].level = level
- admin_table[gethash(players[i])].name = nickname
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now an admin!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is already an admin!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [nickname] [level]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Ipadminadd(executor, command, player, nickname, level, count)
- if count == 4 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- if not players[2] then
- local ip = getip(players[1])
- if ipadmins[ip] then
- sendresponse(getname(tostring(players[1])) .. " is already an IP admin!", command, executor)
- elseif not nickname:find(",") then
- ipadmins[ip] = ipadmins[ip] or {}
- ipadmins[ip].name = nickname
- ipadmins[ip].level = level
- sendresponse(getname(tostring(players[1])) .. " is now an IP admin!", tostring(command), tostring(executor))
- registertimer(0, "reloadadmins")
- else
- sendresponse("Nicknames must contain no commas.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot add more than one admin with the same nickname!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [nickname] [level]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Ipadmindel(executor, command, ID, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\ipadmins.txt")
- if file then
- ID = tonumber(ID) or 0
- local admins = {}
- local x = 1
- for k,v in pairs(admin_table) do
- local name = admin_table[k].name
- local level = admin_table[k].level
- admins[name] = {k, "garbage", level}
- end
- for k,v in pairs(ipadmins) do
- local name = ipadmins[k].name
- local level = ipadmins[k].level
- if admins[name] and admins[name] ~= {} then
- admins[name][2] = k
- else
- admins[name] = {"garbage", k, level}
- end
- end
- local bool
- for k,v in pairs(admins) do
- if x == ID then
- if admins[k][2] ~= "garbage" then
- sendresponse(tostring(ipadmins[admins[k][2]].name) .. " is no longer an IP admin!", command, executor)
- ipadmins[admins[k][2]] = nil
- else
- sendresponse(tostring(k) .. " is not an IP admin.", command, executor)
- end
- bool = true
- break
- else
- x = x + 1
- end
- end
- file:close()
- if not bool then
- sendresponse("There are no admins with an ID of " .. ID, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("There are no IP admins on this server.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [ID]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Admindel(executor, command, ID, count)
- if (count == 2 and command == "sv_admin_del") or count == 3 then
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\admins.txt")
- if file then
- ID = tonumber(ID) or 0
- local admins = {}
- local x = 1
- for k,v in pairs(admin_table) do
- local name = admin_table[k].name
- local level = admin_table[k].level
- admins[name] = {k, "garbage", level}
- end
- for k,v in pairs(ipadmins) do
- local name = ipadmins[k].name
- local level = ipadmins[k].level
- if admins[name] and admins[name] ~= {} then
- admins[name][2] = "ip"
- else
- admins[name] = {"garbage", k, level}
- end
- end
- local bool
- for k,v in pairs(admins) do
- if x == ID then
- if admins[k][1] ~= "garbage" then
- sendresponse(tostring(admin_table[admins[k][1]].name) .. " is no longer a hash admin!", command, executor)
- admin_table[admins[k][1]] = nil
- else
- sendresponse(tostring(k) .. " is not a hash admin.", command, executor)
- end
- bool = true
- break
- else
- x = x + 1
- end
- end
- file:close()
- if not bool then
- sendresponse("There are no admins with an ID of " .. ID, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("There are no hash admins on this server.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [ID]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setammo(executor, command, player, type, ammo, count)
- if count == 4 and tonumber(type) and tonumber(ammo) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if m_object then
- local m_weaponId = readdword(m_object, 0x118)
- if getobject(m_weaponId) then
- local m_weapon = getobject(m_weaponId)
- if type == "1" then -- unloaded
- writedword(m_weapon, 0x2B6, tonumber(ammo))
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their unloaded ammo changed to " .. ammo, command, executor)
- elseif type == "2" then -- loaded
- writedword(m_weapon, 0x2B8, tonumber(ammo))
- updateammo(m_weaponId)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their loaded ammo changed to " .. ammo, command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid type: 1 for unloaded, 2 for loaded ammo", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is not holding any weapons!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [type] [ammo]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Ban(executor, command, player, time, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- svcmd("sv_ban " .. resolveplayer(players[i]), executor)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been banned from the server!", "/", executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 3 and tonumber(time) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- svcmd("sv_ban " .. resolveplayer(players[i]) .. " " .. time)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been banned from the server!", "/", executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] {time}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Bos(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local player_number = tonumber(player)
- local bos_entry = bos_table[player_number]
- local words = {}
- if bos_entry == nil then
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- else
- local count = gettokencount(bos_entry, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(bos_entry, ",", i-1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- local name3 = words[1]
- local hash3 = words[2]
- local ip3 = words[3]
- sendresponse("Adding " .. name3 .. " to BoS.", command, executor)
- sendresponse("Entry: " .. name3 .. " - " .. hash3 .. " - " .. ip3, command, executor)
- table.insert(boslog_table, bos_entry)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Unbos(executor, command, ID, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local entry = boslog_table[tonumber(ID)]
- local words = {}
- if entry == nil then
- sendresponse("Invalid Entry", command, executor)
- else
- local count = gettokencount(entry, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(entry, ",", i-1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- local name = words[1]
- local hash = words[2]
- local IP = words[3]
- sendresponse("Removing " .. name .. " - " .. hash .. " from BoS.", command, executor)
- table.remove(boslog_table, tonumber(ID))
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [entry]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function DelayEject(id, count, player)
- exitvehicle(player)
- return 0
- end
- function Command_Control(executor, command, victim, Controller, count)
- if count == 3 then
- local victims = getvalidplayers(victim)
- local controller = getvalidplayers(Controller)
- if victims and controller then
- if controller[2] == nil then
- for i = 1,#victims do
- local id = resolveplayer(controller[1])
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(controller[1])
- if victims[i] ~= controller[1] then
- table.insert(control_table[id], victims[i])
- sendresponse(getname(victims[i]) .. " is now being controlled by " .. getname(controller[1]), command, executor)
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(victims[i]))
- if m_object then
- local m_vehicleId = readdword(m_object, 0x11C)
- local m_vehicle = getobject(m_vehicleId)
- if m_vehicle then
- local seat = readword(m_vehicle, 0x120)
- exitvehicle(victims[i])
- entervehicle(controller[i], m_vehicleId, seat)
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_playerObjId)
- local vehid = createobject("vehi", "vehicles\\ghost\\ghost_mp", 0, 30, false, x, y, z+5)
- entervehicle(controller[i], vehid, 0)
- registertimer(200, "DelayEject", controller[1])
- movobjcoords(m_playerObjId, x, y, z+0.5)
- entervehicle(victims[i], m_vehicleId, seat)
- end
- end
- elseif victims[i] == controller[1] then
- local bool = false
- for j = 1,16 do
- for k = 1,16 do
- if control_table[j][k] == victims[i] then
- control_table[j][k] = nil
- bool = true
- break
- end
- end
- if bool then
- break
- end
- end
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(controller[1]))
- local m_vehicleId = readdword(m_object, 0x11C)
- local m_vehicle = getobject(m_vehicleId)
- if m_vehicle then
- local seat = readword(m_object, 0x120)
- entervehicle(controller[1], m_vehicleId, 0)
- entervehicle(controller[1], m_vehicleId, seat)
- sendresponse(getname(controller[1]) .. " is now being controlled by " .. getname(controller[1]), command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(getname(controller[1]) .. " is no longer being controlled!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Victims can only be controlled by one person.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [victims] [controller]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Commands(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local commands = ""
- for i = 1,#commands_table do
- commands = commands .. " " .. commands_table[i]
- if commands:len() >= 100 then
- sendresponse(commands, command, executor)
- commands = ""
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Count(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse("There are " .. tostring(uniques) .. " unique users that have been to this server!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Kick(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- svcmd("sv_kick " .. resolveplayer(players[i]))
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been kicked from the server!", "/", executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Deathless(executor, command, boolean, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if deathless then
- sendresponse("Deathless is currently enabled.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Deathless is currently disabled", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") and not deathless then
- for c = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(c) then
- local m_player = getplayer(c)
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- local obj_health = readfloat(m_object, 0xE0)
- local obj_shields = readfloat(m_object, 0xE4)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE0, 99999999)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE4, 99999999)
- end
- end
- sendresponse("Deathless player is now on. You cannot die.", command, executor)
- deathless = true
- elseif boolean == "1" or boolean == "true" then
- sendresponse("Deathless is already enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and deathless then
- for c = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(c) then
- local m_player = getplayer(c)
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- local obj_health = readfloat(m_object, 0xE0)
- local obj_shields = readfloat(m_object, 0xE4)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE0, 1)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE4, 1)
- end
- end
- sendresponse("Deathless player is now off.", command, executor)
- deathless = false
- elseif deathless == nil then
- sendresponse("Deathless player is now off.", command, executor)
- deathless = false
- elseif boolean == "0" or boolean == "false" then
- sendresponse("Deathless is already disabled!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {boolean}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Execute(executor, command)
- sendresponse("Executed " .. string.sub(command, 4), command, executor)
- sendresponse(svcmd(string.sub(command, 4)), command, executor)
- end
- function Command_Setmode(executor, command, player, Mode, object, count)
- if player == nil then
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [mode] {object (for spawngun only)}", command, executor)
- return
- end
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- if count == 3 then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if Mode == "destroy" then
- mode[gethash(players[i])] = "destroy"
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now in destroy mode!", command, executor)
- elseif Mode == "portalgun" then
- mode[gethash(players[i])] = "portalgun"
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now in portalgun mode!", command, executor)
- elseif Mode == "entergun" then
- mode[gethash(players[i])] = "entergun"
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now in entergun mode!", command, executor)
- elseif Mode == "controlgun" then
- mode[gethash(players[i])] = "controlgun"
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now in controlgun mode!", command, executor)
- elseif Mode == "normal" or Mode == "none" or Mode == "regular" then
- objspawntype[gethash(players[i])] = nil
- objspawntag[gethash(players[i])] = nil
- mode[gethash(players[i])] = nil
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now in normal mode!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Mode!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- elseif count == 4 then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if Mode == "spawngun" then
- local objexists = false
- --local
- objspawntype[gethash(players[i])] = nil
- objspawntag[gethash(players[i])] = nil
- mode[gethash(players[i])] = nil
- for j = 1,#objects do
- if object == objects[j][1] then
- mode[gethash(players[i])] = "spawngun"
- objspawntype[gethash(players[i])] = objects[j][2]
- objspawntag[gethash(players[i])] = objects[j][3]
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now spawning " .. objects[j][3] .. "!", command, executor)
- objexists = true
- break
- end
- end
- if objexists == false then
- sendresponse("Object does not exist. Make sure you are spelling it right.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [mode] {object}", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Eject(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- local m_vehicleId = readdword(m_object, 0x11C)
- if m_object then
- if m_vehicleId ~= 0xffffffff then
- exitvehicle(players[i])
- sendresponse("Ejecting " .. getname(players[i]) .. " from his/her vehicle!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is not in a vehicle!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Getloc(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(players[i])
- if getobject(m_playerObjId) then
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_playerObjId)
- x = round(x, 2)
- y = round(y, 2)
- z = round(z, 2)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. "'s coords are: X: " .. x .. " Y: " .. y .. " Z: " .. z, command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Follow(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- sendresponse(getname(executor) .. " is now following " .. getname(players[i]), command, executor)
- local id = resolveplayer(executor)
- follow[id] = registertimer(20, "FollowTimer", executor, players[i])
- end
- elseif player == "stop" or player == "none" then
- local id = resolveplayer(executor)
- if follow[id] then
- sendresponse(getname(executor) .. " is no longer following", command, executor)
- removetimer(follow[id])
- follow[id] = nil
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Falldamage(executor, command, boolean, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if falldamage then
- sendresponse("Fall damage is currently on", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Fall damage is currently off", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") and not falldamage then
- falldamage = true
- sendresponse("Fall damage is now on!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") then
- sendresponse("Fall damage is already on!", command, executor)
- elseif boolean ~= "0" and boolean ~= "false" then
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and (falldamage or falldamage == nil) then
- falldamage = false
- sendresponse("Fall damage is now off!", command, executor)
- elseif boolean == "0" or boolean == "false" then
- sendresponse("Fall damage is already off!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [boolean]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Ghost(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(executor))
- if m_object then
- writebit(m_object, 0x10, 7, 1)
- sendresponse("You are now a ghost!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot become a ghost while dead!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if m_object then
- writebit(m_object, 0x10, 7, 1)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now a ghost!", command, executor)
- sendresponse("You are now a ghost.", "\\", players[i])
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot ghost " .. getname(players[i]) .. " because " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Hide(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local id = resolveplayer(players[i])
- if hidden[id] == nil then
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now hidden!", command, executor)
- hidden[id] = true
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is already hidden!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Unhide(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local id = resolveplayer(players[i])
- if hidden[id] then
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is no longer hidden!", command, executor)
- hidden[id] = nil
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " was never hidden!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Unban(executor, command, id, count)
- if count == 2 and tonumber(id) then
- local response = svcmd("sv_unban " .. tonumber(id), executor)
- if response then
- if string.find(response, "Unbanning") then
- sendresponse(response, command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("That ID has not been banned.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("An unknown error has occured getting the reply from svcmd.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [Banlist ID]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Unghost(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(executor))
- if m_object then
- writebit(m_object, 0x10, 7, 0)
- sendresponse("You are no longer a ghost.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot unghost while dead!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if m_object then
- writebit(m_object, 0x10, 7, 0)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is no longer a ghost!", command, executor)
- sendresponse("You are no longer a ghost.", "\\", players[i])
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot unghost " .. getname(players[i]) .. " because " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!")
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Godmode(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- if deathless ~= 1 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- if m_object then
- local obj_health = readfloat(m_object, 0xE0)
- local obj_shields = readfloat(m_object, 0xE4)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE0, 99999999)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE4, 99999999)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been given godmode!", command, executor)
- sendresponse("You have been given godmode.", "\\", players[i])
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Deathless is enabled! You cannot give out godmode!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setscore(executor, command, player, score, count)
- if count == 3 and tonumber(score) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- setscore(players[i], tonumber(score))
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their score set to " .. score .. "!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 1 then
- sendresponse("Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [score]", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [score]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Hax(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- setscore(players[i], 9999)
- writeword(m_player, 0x9C, 9999)
- writeword(m_player, 0xA4, 9999)
- writeword(m_player, 0xAC, 9999)
- writeword(m_player, 0xAE, 9999)
- writeword(m_player, 0xB0, 9999)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been haxed!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Heal(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- if m_object then
- local obj_health = readfloat(m_object, 0xE0)
- local obj_shields = readfloat(m_object, 0xE4)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE0, 1)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE4, 1)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been healed!", command, executor)
- sendresponse("You have been healed!", "\\", players[i], command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Ungod(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- if m_object then
- local obj_health = readfloat(m_object, 0xE0)
- local obj_shields = readfloat(m_object, 0xE4)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE0, 1)
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE4, 1)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is no longer in godmode", command, executor)
- sendresponse("You are no longer in godmode.", "\\", players[i], command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! The selected player is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Hitler(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- if getobject(getplayerobjectid(i)) then
- kill(i)
- sendresponse(getname(i) .. " was given a lethal injection!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Infammo(executor, command, boolean, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if infammo then
- sendresponse("Infinite ammo is currently enabled", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Infinite ammo is currently disabled", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") and not infammo then
- nadetimer = registertimer(300, "nadeTimer")
- for c = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(c) then
- local m_ObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_Object = getobject(m_ObjId)
- if m_Object then
- for i = 0,3 do
- local m_weaponId = readdword(m_Object, 0x2F8 + (i*4))
- if m_weaponId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_weapon = getobject(m_weaponId)
- writeword(m_weapon, 0x2B6, 9999) -- unloaded clip to 9999
- --writeword(m_weapon, 0x2B8, 9999) -- loaded clip to 9999
- --updateammo(m_weaponId)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- infammo = true
- sendresponse("Infinite Ammo is now enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") then
- sendresponse("Infammo is already enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif boolean ~= "0" and boolean ~= "false" then
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and infammo then
- for c = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(c) then
- local m_player = getplayer(c)
- local m_ObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_Object = getobject(m_ObjId)
- if m_player and m_Object then
- writebyte(m_Object, 0x31E, 0) -- set frags to 4
- writebyte(m_Object, 0x31F, 0) -- set plasmas to 4
- end
- end
- end
- infammo = false
- sendresponse("Infinite Ammo is now disabled!", command, executor)
- elseif infammo == nil then
- sendresponse("Infinite Ammo is now disabled!", command, executor)
- infammo = false
- elseif boolean == "0" or boolean == "false" then
- sendresponse("Infammo is already disabled!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [boolean]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Superban(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 and tonumber(command) == nil then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- table.insert(name_bans, getname(players[i]))
- local banlist = io.open(string.format("%s\\ipbanlist.txt", profilepath), "a")
- local id = resolveplayer(players[i])
- ip_banlist[getname(players[i])] = getip(players[i])
- banlist:write(tostring(getname(players[i])) .. "," .. tostring(ip_banlist[getname(players[i])]) .. "\n")
- banlist:close()
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\namebans.txt", "w")
- for i = 1,#name_bans do
- file:write(name_bans[i] .. "\n")
- end
- file:close()
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been superbanned from the server!", command, executor)
- svcmd("sv_ban " .. resolveplayer(players[i]))
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Nameban(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 and tonumber(command) == nil then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local name = getname(players[i])
- local bool = true
- for i = 1,#name_bans do
- if name_bans[i] == name then bool = false break end
- end
- if bool then
- table.insert(name_bans, name)
- Ipban(players[i])
- sendresponse(name .. " has been name banned from the server!", command, executor)
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\namebans.txt", "w")
- for i = 1,#name_bans do
- file:write(name_bans[i] .. "\n")
- end
- file:close()
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Namebanlist(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if name_bans == {} or name_bans == nil or #name_bans == 0 then
- sendresponse("There are no names banned from the server.", command, executor)
- return
- end
- for i = 1,#name_bans do
- sendresponse("[" .. i .. "] " .. name_bans[i], command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Nameunban(executor, command, ID, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local ID = tonumber(ID)
- if name_bans[ID] then
- sendresponse(name_bans[ID] .. " has been unbanned from the server!", command, executor)
- name_bans[ID] = nil
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\namebans.txt", "w")
- for i = 1,#name_bans do
- if name_bans[i] then
- file:write(name_bans[i] .. "\n")
- end
- end
- file:close()
- else
- sendresponse("That name has not been banned.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [ID]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Ipban(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local banlist = io.open(string.format("%s\\ipbanlist.txt", profilepath), "a")
- local id = resolveplayer(players[i])
- ip_banlist[getname(players[i])] = getip(players[i])
- banlist:write(tostring(getname(players[i])) .. "," .. tostring(getip(players[i])) .. "\n")
- banlist:close()
- Ipban(players[i])
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been IP banned from the server!", "/", executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Ipbanlist(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local banlist = io.open(profilepath .. "\\ipbanlist.txt")
- local j = 1
- local bool = false
- if banlist then
- sendresponse("[Num - Name - IP]", command, executor)
- for line in banlist:lines() do
- if line and line ~= "" then
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- local words = {}
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- sendresponse("[" .. tostring(j) .. " - " .. tostring(words[1]) .. " - " .. tostring(words[2]) .. "]", command, executor)
- j = j + 1
- bool = true
- end
- end
- banlist:close()
- if not bool then
- sendresponse("The ipbanlist is empty!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("The ipbanlist is empty!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function RefreshIPBanlist(id, count)
- ip_banlist = {}
- for line in io.lines(string.format("%s\\ipbanlist.txt", profilepath)) do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- ip_banlist[tostring(words[1])] = words[2]
- end
- return 0
- end
- function Command_Ipunban(executor, command, ID, count)
- local bool = false
- if count == 2 and tonumber(ID) then
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\ipbanlist.txt", "r")
- local Lines = {}
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- if line ~= "" then
- table.insert(Lines, line)
- end
- end
- file:close()
- file = io.open(string.format("%s\\ipbanlist.txt", profilepath), "w")
- ID = tonumber(ID)
- for i = 1,#Lines do
- if i ~= ID then
- file:write(tostring(Lines[i]) .. "\n")
- else
- bool = true
- end
- end
- file:close()
- registertimer(500, "RefreshIPBanlist")
- else
- sendresponse(tostring(ID) .. " is not a valid banlist ID", command, executor)
- return
- end
- if bool then
- sendresponse(gettoken(tostring(Lines[ID]), ",", 0) .. " has been unbanned from the IP banlist!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(tostring(ID) .. " is not a valid banlist ID!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [ID]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Privatesay(executor, args, count)
- if count >= 3 and tonumber(args[1]) == nil then
- local players = getvalidplayers(args[2], executor)
- if players then
- local message = ""
- for i = 3,#args do
- message = message .. args[i] .. " "
- end
- for i = 1,#players do
- privatesay(players[i], tostring(message))
- end
- sendresponse("Private messages sent.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [message]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Write(executor, command, type, struct, offset, value, player, count)
- local offset = tonumber(offset)
- if count > 4 and count < 7 and tonumber(type) == nil and tonumber(struct) == nil and offset then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if struct == "player" then
- struct = getplayer(players[i])
- elseif struct == "object" then
- struct = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if struct == nil then sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is not alive.", command, executor) return end
- elseif getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i])) == nil then
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is not alive.", command, executor)
- return
- elseif struct == "weapon" then
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- struct = getobject(readdword(m_object, 0x118))
- if struct == nil then sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is not holding a weapon!", command, executor) return end
- elseif tonumber(struct) == nil then
- sendresponse("Invalid Struct. Valid structs are: player, object, and weapon", command, executor)
- return
- end
- if value then
- if type == "byte" then
- writebyte(struct, offset, value)
- elseif type == "float" then
- writefloat(struct, offset, value)
- elseif type == "word" then
- writeword(struct, offset, value)
- elseif type == "dword" then
- writedword(struct, offset, value)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Type. Valid types are byte, float, word, and dword", command, executor)
- return
- end
- sendresponse("Writing " .. tostring(value) .. " to struct " .. tostring(struct) .. " at offset " .. tostring(offset) .. " was a success!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [type] [struct] [offset] [value] [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Invis(executor, command, player, time, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i])) and ghost_table[gethash(players[i])] == nil then
- ghost_table[gethash(players[i])] = true
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now invisible!", command, executor)
- elseif ghost_table[gethash(players[i])] then
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is already invisible!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 3 and tonumber(time) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i])) and ghost_table[gethash(players[i])] == nil then
- ghost_table[gethash(players[i])] = tonumber(time)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is now invisible for " .. time .. " seconds!", command, executor)
- privatesay(players[i], "You are now invisible for " .. time .. " seconds.")
- elseif ghost_table[gethash(players[i])] then
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is already invisible!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] {time}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Move(executor, command, player, X, Y, Z, count)
- if count == 5 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(players[i])
- if m_playerObjId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_objectId = 0xFFFFFFFF
- local m_vehicleId = readdword(getobject(m_playerObjId), 0x11C)
- if m_vehicleId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- m_objectId = m_vehicleId
- elseif m_playerObjId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- m_objectId = m_playerObjId
- end
- if m_objectId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_objectId)
- movobjcoords(m_objectId, x+X, y+Y, z+Z)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been moved!", command, executor)
- privatesay(players[i], "You have been moved.")
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [x] [y] [z]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Kill(executor, command, player, count)
- if executor == 0xFFFFFFFF then return end
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- kill(players[i])
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been killed!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_lo3(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- lo3timer = registertimer(2000, "lo3Timer")
- sendresponse("Live on three.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Crash(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 and not gameend then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_objectId = createobject("vehi", "vehicles\\warthog\\mp_warthog", 0, 0, false, 0, 1, 2)
- for j = 0,20 do
- entervehicle(players[i], m_objectId, j)
- exitvehicle(players[i])
- end
- destroyobject(m_objectId)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their game crashed by an admin!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif gameend then
- sendresposne("You cannot crash a player while the game is ended. Wait until next game.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Map(executor, command)
- local args = {}
- local count = getcmdtokencount(command)
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = getcmdtoken(command, i - 1)
- word = string.lower(word)
- table.insert(args, word)
- end
- if count > 2 and tonumber(args) == nil then
- local found = false
- local arguments = ""
- for i = 4,#args do
- if arguments == nil then
- arguments = args[i]
- else
- arguments = arguments .. " " .. args[i]
- end
- if args[i] == "commands" and args[i] ~= args[1] and args[i] ~= args[2] and args[i] ~= args[3] then
- found = true
- end
- end
- if not found then
- arguments = arguments .. " commands"
- end
- arguments = string.gsub(arguments, " ", " ")
- if tonumber(arguments) == nil then
- local response = ""
- if string.sub(args[1], 1, 2) ~= "sv" then
- response = svcmd("sv_map " .. args[2] .. " \"" .. args[3] .. "\" " .. tostring(arguments), executor)
- else
- svcmd("sv_map " .. args[2] .. " \"" .. args[3] .. "\" " .. tostring(arguments), executor)
- end
- if response == "" or response == nil then return end
- sendresponse(response, args[1], executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Unknown error occured (wtf?)", args[1], executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. args[1] .. " [map] [gametype] {script1} {script2}...", args[1], executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_StartMapcycle(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse(svcmd("sv_mapcycle_begin"), command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Mapnext(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse(svcmd("sv_map_next"), command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Mute(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local hash = gethash(players[i])
- local mute
- if admin_table[hash] or ipadmins[getip(players[i])] then
- mute = true
- break
- end
- if not mute then
- if not mute_table[hash] and not spamtimeout_table[hash] then
- mute_table[hash] = true
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " was muted by an admin!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has already been muted.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Admins cannot be muted.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Nuke(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local name = getname(players[i])
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(players[i])
- if m_objectId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_objectId)
- for j = 1,5 do
- local nukeproj = createobject("eqip", "weapons\\frag grenade\\frag grenade", m_objectId, 0, false, x, y, z+10)
- table.insert(nukes, nukeproj)
- local m_proj = getobject(nukeproj)
- --writefloat(m_proj, 0x70, -5)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Cannot nuke " .. name .. " because they are dead", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 1 then
- sendresponse("Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Noweapons(executor, command, boolean, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if noweapons then
- sendresponse("Noweapons mode is currently enabled.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Noweapons mode is currently disabled.", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") and not noweapons then
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(i))
- if m_object then
- for j = 0,3 do
- local weap_id = readdword(m_object, 0x2F8 + (j*4))
- if getobject(weap_id) then
- destroyobject(weap_id)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- sendresponse("Noweapons is now on. You cannot pick up weapons.", command, executor)
- noweapons = true
- elseif boolean == "1" or boolean == "true" then
- sendresponse("Noweapons is already enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif boolean ~= "0" and boolean ~= "false" then
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and noweapons then
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) and getplayerobjectid(i) ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local hash = gethash(i)
- if Noweapons[hash] then Noweapons[hash] = nil end
- resetweapons(i)
- end
- end
- sendresponse("Noweapons mode is now off.", command, executor)
- noweapons = false
- elseif noweapons == nil then
- sendresponse("Noweapons mode is now off.", command, executor)
- noweapons = false
- elseif boolean == "0" or boolean == "false" then
- sendresponse("Noweapons is already disabled!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [boolean]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Takeweapons(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local hash = gethash(players[i])
- if Noweapons[hash] == nil then
- Noweapons[hash] = 1
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if m_object then
- for j = 0,3 do
- local m_weaponId = readdword(m_object, 0x2F8 + j*4)
- local m_weapon = getobject(m_weaponId)
- if m_weapon then
- destroyobject(m_weaponId)
- end
- end
- end
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " now has no weapons!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " already has no weapons!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Textban(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\textbanlist.txt", profilepath), "a")
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local name = getname(players[i])
- local ip = getip(players[i])
- local hash = gethash(players[i])
- if admin_table[hash] or ipadmins[ip] then
- sendresponse("Admins cannot be banned from the chat.", command, executor)
- else
- mute_banlist[name] = {ip, hash}
- file:write(tostring(name) .. "," .. tostring(hash) .. "," .. tostring(ip) .. "\n")
- sendresponse(tostring(name) .. " has been banned from the chat!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- file:close()
- elseif count == 1 then
- sendresponse("Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Textbanlist(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local banlist = io.open(profilepath .. "\\textbanlist.txt")
- local j = 1
- local bool = false
- if banlist then
- sendresponse("[Num - Name - Hash - IP]", command, executor)
- for line in banlist:lines() do
- if line and line ~= "" then
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- local words = {}
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- sendresponse("[" .. tostring(j) .. " - " .. tostring(words[1]) .. " - " .. tostring(words[2]) .. " - " .. tostring(words[3]) .. "]", command, executor)
- j = j + 1
- bool = true
- end
- end
- banlist:close()
- if not bool then
- sendresponse("The textbanlist is empty!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("The textbanlist is empty!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function RefreshTextBanlist(id, count)
- mute_banlist = {}
- for line in io.lines(string.format("%s\\textbanlist.txt", profilepath)) do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- mute_banlist[tostring(words[1])] = {words[2], words[3]}
- end
- return 0
- end
- function Command_Textunban(executor, command, ID, count)
- local bool = false
- if count == 2 and tonumber(ID) then
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\textbanlist.txt", "r")
- local Lines = {}
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- if line ~= "" then
- table.insert(Lines, line)
- end
- end
- file:close()
- file = io.open(string.format("%s\\textbanlist.txt", profilepath), "w")
- ID = tonumber(ID)
- for i = 1,#Lines do
- if i ~= ID then
- file:write(tostring(Lines[i]) .. "\n")
- else
- bool = true
- end
- end
- file:close()
- registertimer(500, "RefreshTextBanlist")
- else
- sendresponse(tostring(ID) .. " is not a valid banlist ID", command, executor)
- return
- end
- if bool then
- sendresponse(gettoken(tostring(Lines[ID]), ",", 0) .. " has been unbanned from the chat!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(tostring(ID) .. " is not a valid banlist ID!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [ID]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Resetweapons(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local hash = gethash(players[i])
- if Noweapons[hash] then
- Noweapons[hash] = nil
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if m_object then
- resetweapons(players[i])
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their weapons reset!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " never had their weapons taken away!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setpassword(executor, command, password, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local response = svcmd("sv_password")
- if response then
- sendresponse(response, command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Critical error." .. passwrd .. "'", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if password == "" then
- svcmd('sv_password ""')
- sendresponse("Password has been taken off", command, executor)
- passwrd = nil
- elseif passwrd then
- svcmd('sv_password ' .. password)
- sendresponse("The password is now " .. password, command, executor)
- passwrd = password
- else
- sendresponse("An internal error has occured.\nPlease inform the developer «¬EpºWizard", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {password}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Getplayerlist(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local message = svcmd("sv_players")
- sendresponse(message, command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Mapreset(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse("The map has been reset", command, executor)
- svcmd("sv_map_reset")
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Viewadmins(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse("The current admins in the server are listed below:", command, executor)
- sendresponse("[Level] Name: Admin types", command, executor)
- local admins = {}
- for i = 0,15 do
- local hash = gethash(i)
- if hash then
- local name = getname(i)
- if admin_table[hash] then
- admins[name] = {"hash", "notip", admin_table[hash].level}
- end
- if ipadmins[getip(i)] then
- if admins[name] and admins[name] ~= {} then
- admins[name][2] = "ip"
- else
- admins[name] = {"nothash", "ip", ipadmins[getip(i)].level}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(admins) do
- local message = ""
- if admins[k][1] == "hash" and admins[k][2] == "ip" then
- message = "[" .. admins[k][3] .. "] " .. k .. ": Hash Admin IP Admin"
- elseif admins[k][1] == "hash" then
- message = "[" .. admins[k][3] .. "] " .. k .. ": Hash Admin"
- elseif admins[k][2] == "ip" then
- message = "[" .. admins[k][3] .. "] " .. k .. ": IP Admin"
- end
- sendresponse(message, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Adminrevoke(executor, command, player, count, type)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for j = 1,#players do
- local hash = gethash(players[j])
- local ip = getip(players[j])
- if ipadmins[ip] or admin_table[hash] then
- admin_table[hash] = nil
- ipadmins[ip] = nil
- sendresponse(getname(players[j]) .. " is no longer an admin!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[j]) .. " is not an admin!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function reloadadmins(id, count)
- local file = io.open(string.format("%s\\admin.txt", profilepath), "r")
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- if not admin_table[words[2]] then admin_table[words[2]] = {} end
- admin_table[words[2]].name = words[1]
- admin_table[words[2]].level = words[3]
- if count == 4 and tonumber(words[3]) then
- if not ipadmins[words[4]] then ipadmins[words[4]] = {} end
- ipadmins[words[4]].name = words[1]
- ipadmins[words[4]].level = words[3]
- end
- end
- file:close()
- end
- file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\ipadmins.txt", "r")
- if file then
- for line in file:lines() do
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- if not ipadmins[words[2]] then ipadmins[words[2]] = {} end
- ipadmins[words[2]].name = words[1]
- ipadmins[words[2]].level = words[3]
- end
- file:close()
- end
- return 0
- end
- function Command_Banlist(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse(svcmd("sv_banlist"), command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Resp(executor, command, player, time, count)
- if count == 3 and tonumber(time) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- writedword(m_player, 0x2c, time * 33)
- sendresponse("Setting " .. getname(players[i]) .. "'s respawn time to " .. time .. " seconds!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [time]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Timelimit(executor, command, time, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local time_passed = readdword(readdword(gametime_base, 0x0), 0xC) / 1800
- local timelimit = readdword(gametype_base, 0x78) / 1800
- local time_left = timelimit - time_passed
- local Timelimit = readdword(timelimit_address, 0x0)
- sendresponse("Current Timelimit is " .. Timelimit .. " minutes. Time remaining: " .. tostring(round(time_left, 0)) .. " minutes.", command, executor)
- elseif count == 2 and tonumber(time) then
- settimelimit(time)
- sendresponse("Timelimit set to " .. time .. " minutes!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {time}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setassists(executor, command, player, assists, count)
- if count == 3 and tonumber(assists) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local Assists = tonumber(assists)
- if Assists > 0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xA4, 0x7FFF)
- elseif Assists < -0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xA4, -0x7FFF)
- else
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xA4, Assists)
- end
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their assists set to " .. assists, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- regstertimer(0, "delayMsg", "Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [assists]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setdeaths(executor, command, player, deaths, count)
- if count == 3 and tonumber(deaths) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- Deaths = tonumber(deaths)
- if Deaths > 0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xAE, 0x7FFF)
- elseif Deaths < -0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xAE, -0x7FFF)
- else
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0xAE, Deaths)
- end
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their deaths set to " .. deaths, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- regstertimer(0, "delayMsg", "Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [deaths]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setfrags(executor, command, player, frags, count)
- if count == 3 and tonumber(frags) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if m_object then
- writebyte(m_object, 0x31E, frags)
- sendresponse("Setting " .. getname(players[i]) .. "'s frag grenades to " .. frags, command, executor)
- sendresponse("Your frag grenades were set to " .. frags, "\\", players[i])
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [amount]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setname(executor, command, player, name, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local name2 = getname(players[i])
- local player_name = readstring(m_player, 0x4, 11)
- local player_name2 = readstring(m_player, 0x48, 11)
- local player_name3 = tostring(readtagname(name_base+players[i]*4))
- if tostring(player_name) == tostring(player_name2) and tostring(player_name) == tostring(player_name3) then
- sendresponse(name2 .. "'s current name is " .. tostring(player_name), command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("An unknown error has occured.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 3 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if players[2] == nil then
- local name2 = getname(players[i])
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local player_name = tostring(readtagname(name_base+players[i]*4))
- local length = string.len(name2)
- if string.len(name) < length then
- for i = string.len(name),length do
- name = name .. " "
- end
- end
- --writestring(tostring(name), m_player, 0x4, 0x2)
- --writestring(tostring(name), m_player, 0x48, 0x2)
- writestring(tostring(name), name_base, 0x20*players[i], 0x2)
- sendresponse(name2 .. "'s name has been changed to " .. name, command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("You cannot change multiple people's name at once.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] {name}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setkills(executor, command, player, kills, count)
- if count == 3 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- kills = tonumber(kills)
- if kills > 0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0x9C, 0x7FFF)
- elseif kills < -0x7FFF then
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0x9C, -0x7FFF)
- else
- writewordsigned(m_player, 0x9C, kills)
- end
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their kills set to " .. kills, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [kills]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setresp(executor, command, time, count)
- if count == 2 then
- if time == "default" then
- respset = false
- sendresponse("Respawn time set to the gametype's default setting!", command, executor)
- elseif tonumber(time) then
- resptime = time
- respset = true
- sendresponse("Respawn time set to " .. time .. " seconds!", command, executor)
- elseif respset == nil then
- sendresponse("Respawn time not set. Defaulting to gametype's default setting.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [seconds]", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [seconds]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- Command_Setplasmas = function(executor, command, player, plasmas, count)
- if count == 3 and tonumber(plasmas) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if m_object then
- writebyte(m_object, 0x31F, plasmas)
- sendresponse("Setting " .. getname(players[i]) .. "'s plasma grenades to " .. plasmas, command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: sv_setplasmas [player] [amount]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- GetGameAddresses = function()
- local map_header_version = readbyte(0x630e74, 0x4)
- if map_header_version == 7 then
- ctf_globals = 0x639B98 -- Confirmed.
- oddball_globals = 0x639E18 -- Confirmed.
- slayer_globals = 0x63A0E8
- name_base = 0x745D4A
- specs_addr = 0x662D04
- map_addr = 0x698F21
- hashcheck_addr = 0x59c280
- versioncheck_addr = 0x5152E7
- map_pointer = 0x63525c
- gametype_base = 0x671340
- gametime_base = 0x671420
- machine_pointer = 0x745BA0
- version_address = 0x5DF840
- timelimit_address = 0x626630
- profilepath = 0x6A0A99
- special_chars = 0x517D6B -- special chars in svname patch
- gametype_patch = 0x481F3C -- gametype patch
- devmode_patch1 = 0x4A4DBF -- devmode
- devmode_patch2 = 0x4A4E7F -- devmode
- return "PC"
- else
- ctf_globals = 0x5BDBB8 -- Confirmed.
- oddball_globals = 0x5BDE78 -- Confirmed.
- slayer_globals = 0x5BE108
- name_base = 0x6C7B6A
- specs_addr = 0x5E6E63
- map_addr = 0x61D151
- hashcheck_addr = 0x530130
- versioncheck_addr = 0x4CB587
- map_pointer = 0x5B927C
- gametype_base = 0x5F5498
- gametime_base = 0x5F55BC
- machine_pointer = 0x6C7980
- version_address = 0x564B34
- gametype_patch = 0x45E50C
- devmode_patch1 = 0x47DF0C
- devmode_patch2 = 0x47DFBC -- devmode
- return "CE"
- end
- end
- function Command_Setspeed(executor, command, player, speed, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local cur_speed = readfloat(m_player, 0x6C)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. "'s speed is currently " .. cur_speed, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 3 and tonumber(speed) then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- setspeed(players[i], speed)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their speed changed to " .. speed, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] {speed}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Specs(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local specs = readtagname(specs_addr)
- sendresponse("The server specs are: " .. tostring(specs), command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Spawn(executor, command, object, player, amount, resptime, recycle, type, count)
- local bool = true
- if type == "enter" then
- if count == 2 then
- if executor ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- player = resolveplayer(executor)
- else
- sendresponse("what are you doing, the server isn't a player, it can't enter a vehicle...", command, executor)
- return
- end
- elseif count == 3 then
- if string.lower(player) == "me" and executor ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- player = resolveplayer(executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [vehicle] {player}", command, executor)
- return
- end
- message = command .. " " .. object .. " " .. player
- elseif type == "give" then
- if count == 2 then
- if executor ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- player = resolveplayer(executor)
- else
- sendresponse("what are you doing, the server isn't a player, it can't be given a weapon...", command, executor)
- return
- end
- elseif count == 3 then
- if string.lower(player) == "me" and executor ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- player = resolveplayer(executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [weapon] {player}", command, executor)
- return
- end
- message = command .. " " .. object .. " " .. player
- elseif type == "spawn" then
- if count == 2 then
- if executor ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- message = command .. " " .. object .. " " .. resolveplayer(executor)
- else
- sendresponse("what are you doing, the server isn't a player, you can't spawn at its locations...", command, executor)
- return
- end
- elseif count == 3 then
- if string.lower(player) == "me" and executor ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- player = resolveplayer(executor)
- end
- message = command .. " " .. object .. " " .. player
- elseif count == 4 then
- message = command .. " " .. object .. " " .. player .. " " .. amount
- elseif count == 5 then
- message = command .. " " .. object .. " " .. player .. " " .. amount .. " " .. resptime
- elseif count == 6 then
- message = command .. " " .. object .. " " .. player .. " " .. amount .. " " .. resptime .. " " .. recycle
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [object] {player} {amount} {resptime} {recycle}", command, executor)
- return
- end
- else
- sendresponse("An unknown error has occured.", command, executor)
- end
- if type == "spawn" then
- bool = true
- if object == "cyborg" or object == "bot" or object == "mastercheif" or object == "biped" or object == "bipd" then
- Spawn(message, "Cyborg", "bipd", "characters\\cyborg_mp\\cyborg_mp", executor, type)
- elseif object == "captain" or object == "keyes" then
- Spawn(message, "Captain Keyes", "bipd", "characters\\captain\\captain", executor, type)
- elseif object == "cortana" then
- Spawn(message, "Cortana", "bipd", "characters\\cortana\\cortana", executor, type)
- elseif object == "cortana2" then
- Spawn(message, "Cortana2", "bipd", "characters\\cortana\\halo_enhanced\\halo_enhanced", executor, type)
- elseif object == "crewman" then
- Spawn(message, "Crewman", "bipd", "characters\\crewman\\crewman", executor, type)
- elseif object == "elite" then
- Spawn(message, "elite", "bipd", "characters\\elite\\elite", executor, type)
- elseif object == "elite2" then
- Spawn(message, "Elite Special", "bipd", "characters\\elite\\elite special", executor, type)
- elseif object == "engineer" then
- Spawn(message, "Engineer", "bipd", "characters\\engineer\\engineer", executor, type)
- elseif object == "flood" then
- Spawn(message, "Flood Captain", "bipd", "characters\\flood_captain\\flood_captain", executor, type)
- elseif object == "flood2" then
- Spawn(message, "Flood Infection", "bipd", "characters\\flood_infection\\flood_infection", executor, type)
- elseif object == "flood3" then
- Spawn(message, "Flood Carrier", "bipd", "characters\\floodcarrier\\floodcarrier", executor, type)
- elseif object == "floodelite" then
- Spawn(message, "FloodCombat Elite", "bipd", "characters\\floodcombat elite\\floodcombat elite", executor, type)
- elseif object == "floodhuman" then
- Spawn(message, "FloodCombat Human", "bipd", "characters\\floodcombat_human\\floodcombat_human", executor, type)
- elseif object == "pedobear" or object == "grunt" then
- Spawn(message, "Pedobear", "bipd", "characters\\grunt\\grunt", executor, type)
- elseif object == "hunter" then
- Spawn(message, "Hunter", "bipd", "characters\\hunter\\hunter", executor, type)
- elseif object == "marine" then
- Spawn(message, "Marine", "bipd", "characters\\marine\\marine", executor, type)
- elseif object == "marinesuicide" or object == "marine2" then
- Spawn(message, "Marine Suicidal", "bipd", "characters\\marine_suicidal\\marine_suicidal", executor, type)
- elseif object == "monitor" then
- Spawn(message, "Monitor", "bipd", "characters\\monitor\\monitor", executor, type)
- elseif object == "sentinel" then
- Spawn(message, "Sentinel", "bipd", "characters\\sentinel\\sentinel", executor, type)
- elseif object == "johnson" then
- Spawn(message, "Sgt. Johnson", "bipd", "characters\\johnson\\johnson", executor, type)
- --Objects with 'eqip' tags
- elseif object == "camo" or object == "camouflage" then
- Spawn(message, "Camouflage", "eqip", "powerups\\active camouflage", executor, type)
- elseif object == "dblspd" then
- Spawn(message, "Double Speed", "eqip", "powerups\\double speed", executor, type)
- elseif object == "fullspec" then
- Spawn(message, "Full-Spectrum Vision", "eqip", "powerups\\full-spectrum vision", executor, type)
- elseif object == "fnade" or object == "nades" then
- Spawn(message, "Frag Grenade", "eqip", "weapons\\frag grenade\\frag grenade", executor, type)
- elseif object == "pnade" then
- Spawn(message, "Plasma Grenade", "eqip", "weapons\\plasma grenade\\plasma grenade", executor, type)
- elseif object == "overshield" or object == "os" then
- Spawn(message, "Overshield", "eqip", "powerups\\over shield", executor, type)
- elseif object == "rifleammo" then
- Spawn(message, "Assault Rifle Ammo", "eqip", "powerups\\assault rifle ammo\\assault rifle ammo", executor, type)
- elseif object == "healthpack" then
- Spawn(message, "Health Pack", "eqip", "powerups\\health pack", executor, type)
- elseif object == "needlerammo" then
- Spawn(message, "Needler Ammo", "eqip", "powerups\\needler ammo\\needler ammo", executor, type)
- elseif object == "pistolammo" then
- Spawn(message, "Pistol Ammo", "eqip", "powerups\\pistol ammo\\pistol ammo", executor, type)
- elseif object == "rocketammo" then
- Spawn(message, "Rocket Ammo", "eqip", "powerups\\rocket launcher ammo\\rocket launcher ammo", executor, type)
- elseif object == "shottyammo" then
- Spawn(message, "Shotgun Ammo", "eqip", "powerups\\shotgun ammo\\shotgun ammo", executor, type)
- elseif object == "sniperammo" then
- Spawn(message, "Sniper Ammo", "eqip", "powerups\\sniper rifle ammo\\sniper rifle ammo", executor, type)
- elseif object == "flameammo" then
- Spawn(message, "Flamethrower Ammo", "eqip", "powerups\\flamethrower ammo\\flamethrower ammo", executor, type)
- else
- bool = false
- end
- if bool then
- return
- end
- end
- if type ~= "enter" then
- bool = true
- --Objects with 'weap' tag
- if object == "energysword" or object == "esword" then
- Spawn(message, "Energy Sword", "weap", "weapons\\energy sword\\energy sword", executor, type)
- elseif object == "ball" or object == "oddball" then
- Spawn(message, "Oddball", "weap", "weapons\\ball\\ball", executor, type)
- elseif object == "flag" then
- Spawn(message, "Flag", "weap", "weapons\\flag\\flag", executor, type)
- elseif object == "frg" or object == "fuelrod" or object == "rod" or object == "plasmacannon" then
- Spawn(message, "Fuel Rod", "weap", "weapons\\plasma_cannon\\plasma_cannon", executor, type)
- elseif object == "ggun" or object == "gravitygun" then
- Spawn(message, "Gravity Gun", "weap", "weapons\\gravity rifle\\gravity rifle", executor, type)
- elseif object == "needler" then
- Spawn(message, "Needler", "weap", "weapons\\needler\\mp_needler", executor, type)
- elseif object == "pistol" then
- Spawn(message, "Pistol", "weap", "weapons\\pistol\\pistol", executor, type)
- elseif object == "ppistol" or object == "plasmapistol" then
- Spawn(message, "Plasma Pistol", "weap", "weapons\\plasma pistol\\plasma pistol", executor, type)
- elseif object == "prifle" or object == "plasmarifle" then
- Spawn(message, "Plasma Rifle", "weap", "weapons\\plasma rifle\\plasma rifle", executor, type)
- elseif object == "rifle" or object == "arifle" or object == "assaultrifle" then
- Spawn(message, "Assault Rifle", "weap", "weapons\\assault rifle\\assault rifle", executor, type)
- elseif object == "rocket" or object == "rocketlauncher" or object == "rox" then
- Spawn(message, "Rocket Launcher", "weap", "weapons\\rocket launcher\\rocket launcher", executor, type)
- elseif object == "shotty" or object == "shotgun" then
- Spawn(message, "Shotgun", "weap", "weapons\\shotgun\\shotgun", executor, type)
- elseif object == "sniper" then
- Spawn(message, "Sniper Rifle", "weap", "weapons\\sniper rifle\\sniper rifle", executor, type)
- else
- bool = false
- end
- if bool then
- return
- end
- end
- if type ~= "give" then
- bool = true
- --Objects with 'vehi' tag
- if object == "wraith" then
- Spawn(message, "Wraith", "vehi", "vehicles\\wraith\\wraith", executor, type)
- elseif object == "peli" or object == "pelican" then
- Spawn(message, "Pelican", "vehi", "vehicles\\pelican\\pelican", executor, type)
- elseif object == "ghost" then
- Spawn(message, "Ghost", "vehi", "vehicles\\ghost\\ghost_mp", executor, type)
- elseif object == "hog" or object == "warthog" then
- Spawn(message, "Warthog", "vehi", "vehicles\\warthog\\mp_warthog", executor, type)
- elseif object == "rhog" or object == "rocketwarthog" then
- Spawn(message, "Rocket Warthog", "vehi", "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog", executor, type)
- elseif object == "shee" or object == "banshee" then
- Spawn(message, "Banshee", "vehi", "vehicles\\banshee\\banshee_mp", executor, type)
- elseif object == "tank" or object == "scorpion" then
- Spawn(message, "Tank", "vehi", "vehicles\\scorpion\\scorpion_mp", executor, type)
- elseif object == "turret" or object == "shade" then
- Spawn(message, "Gun Turret", "vehi", "vehicles\\c gun turret\\c gun turret_mp", executor, type)
- else
- bool = false
- end
- if bool then
- return
- end
- end
- if bool == false then
- if type == "give" then
- sendresponse("Invalid Weapon!", command, executor)
- elseif type == "enter" then
- sendresponse("Invalid Vehicle!", command, executor)
- elseif type == "spawn" then
- sendresponse("Invalid Object!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- end
- function Command_Setteleport(executor, command, locname, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- player = tostring(resolveplayer(executor))
- elseif count ~= 3 then
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [locname] [player]", command, executor)
- return
- end
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i])) then
- response = svcmd("sv_teleport_add " .. tostring(locname), players[i])
- if response == nil then say("This command does not work on 057") return end
- if string.find(response, "corresponds") then
- sendresponse("Teleport location " .. locname .. " now corresponds to " .. getname(players[i]) .. "'s location!", command, executor)
- else
- say(tostring(response))
- sendresponse(locname .. " is already added!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Cannot add teleport because the player is dead.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_ShowTeleportList(executor, command, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\data\\locations.txt", "r")
- if file then
- local map = readtagname(map_addr)
- local response = ""
- for line in file:lines() do
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- words = {}
- for i=1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- word = string.lower(word)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- if string.lower(tostring(words[1])) == string.lower(tostring(map)) then
- if response == "" then
- response = tostring(words[2])
- else
- response = response .. ", " .. tostring(words[2])
- end
- end
- end
- sendresponse("Current teleport locations for this map\n" .. tostring(response), command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("There are no teleports added for this map.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Teledelete(executor, command, location, count)
- if count == 3 then
- local file = io.open(profilepath .. "\\data\\locations.txt", "r")
- if file then
- local bool = false
- local map = readtagname(map_addr)
- for line in file:lines() do
- local count = gettokencount(line, ",")
- words = {}
- for i=1,count do
- local word = gettoken(line, ",", i - 1)
- word = string.lower(word)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- if tostring(words[2]) == tostring(location) and tostring(words[1]) == tostring(map) then
- bool = true
- break
- end
- end
- if bool then
- svcmd("sv_teleport_del " .. tostring(location))
- sendresponse("Teleport location " .. tostring(location) .. " has been successfully removed from this map.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Location does not exist on this map!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("There are no teleports added for this map.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [location]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Alias(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- sendresponse(svcmd("sv_alias " .. resolveplayer(players[i]), executor), command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Suspend(executor, command, player, time, count)
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- if suspend_table[gethash(players[i])] == nil then
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local player_respawn_time = readdword(m_player, 0x2c)
- if count == 2 then
- kill(players[i])
- writedword(m_player, 0x2C, 2592000)
- suspend_table[gethash(players[i])] = 2
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " was suspended by an admin!", command, executor)
- elseif count == 3 then
- kill(players[i])
- writedword(m_player, 0x2C, time * 30)
- suspend_table[gethash(players[i])] = 1
- if tonumber(time) == 1 then
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " was suspended by an admin for " .. time .. " second!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " was suspended by an admin for " .. time .. " seconds!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: sv_suspend [player] {time}", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has already been suspended.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Teleport(executor, command, player, location, count)
- if count == 3 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local response = svcmd("sv_teleport " .. resolveplayer(players[i]) .. " " .. location, executor)
- if string.find(response, "valid") then
- sendresponse("Location '" .. tostring(location) .. "' does not exist for this map!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Teleporting " .. getname(players[i]) .. " to location '" .. location .. "'", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [location]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Teletoplayer(executor, command, player, player2, count)
- if count == 3 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local name = getname(players[i])
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- if m_object then
- local m_vehicle = getobject(readdword(m_object, 0x11C))
- local players2 = getvalidplayers(player2, executor)
- if players2 then
- if players2[2] == nil and players[i] ~= players2[1] and getobject(getplayerobjectid(players2[1])) then
- local t_name = getname(players2[1])
- local player_x_coord,player_y_coord,player_z_coord = getobjectcoords(getplayerobjectid(players2[1]))
- if m_vehicle then
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x5C, player_x_coord)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x60, player_y_coord)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x64, player_z_coord + 1.5)
- sendresponse(name .. " was teleported to " .. t_name, command, executor)
- elseif tonumber(player_z_coord) then
- movobjcoords(m_playerObjId, player_x_coord, player_y_coord, player_z_coord+1)
- sendresponse(name .. " was teleported to " .. t_name, command, executor)
- end
- elseif getobject(getplayerobjectid(players2[1])) == nil then
- sendresponse("The player you are trying to teleport to is dead!", command, executor)
- elseif player[2] then
- sendresponse("You cannot teleport to multiple people.", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("The player(s) you are trying to teleport are dead", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Changeteam(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- changeteam(players[i], false)
- kill(players[i])
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been forced to change teams!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- Command_BalanceTeams = function(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- local response = svcmd("sv_teams_balance")
- sendresponse(tostring(response), command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Unhax(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- setscore(players[i], 0)
- writeword(m_player, 0x9C, 0)
- writeword(m_player, 0xA4, 0)
- writeword(m_player, 0xAC, 0)
- writeword(m_player, 0xAE, 0)
- writeword(m_player, 0xB0, 0)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been unhaxed!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Unmute(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local hash = gethash(i)
- if mute_table[hash] or spam_table[hash] ~= 0 then
- mute_table[hash] = nil
- spamtimeout_table[hash] = nil
- spam_table[hash] = 0
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been unmuted!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has not been muted.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Uninvis(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 and tonumber(command) == nil then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local hash = gethash(players[i])
- if ghost_table[hash] == nil then
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is not invisible!", command, executor)
- else
- ghost_table[hash] = nil
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is no longer invisible!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Unsuspend(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- if suspend_table[gethash(players[i])] then
- writedword(m_player, 0x2C, 0)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been unsuspended!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has not been suspended.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!")
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]")
- end
- end
- function Command_RTVEnabled(executor, command, boolean, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if rockthevote then
- sendresponse("RTV is currently enabled.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("RTV is currently disabled.", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") and rockthevote ~= true then
- rockthevote = true
- if rtv_required == nil then
- rtv_required = 0.6
- end
- sendresponse("RockTheVote is now enabled! The default percentage needed is 60%.", command, executor)
- sendresponse("Change this with sv_rtv_needed", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") then
- sendresponse("RockTheVote is already enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean ~= "0" and boolean ~= "false") then
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and rockthevote then
- rockthevote = false
- sendresponse("RockTheVote is now disabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") then
- sendresponse("RockTheVote is already disabled!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {boolean}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_RTVRequired(executor, command, percent, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse(tostring(rtv_required*100) .. "% votes required for RTV")
- elseif count == 2 and tonumber(percent) then
- if tonumber(percent) <= 1 then
- sendresponse("Votes required for RTV has been set to " .. tonumber(percent) * 100 .. "%", command, executor)
- rtv_required = tonumber(percent)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [votes required (as a decimal)]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_VotekickEnabled(executor, command, boolean, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if votekick_allowed then
- sendresponse("VoteKick is currently enabled.", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("VoteKick is currently disabled.", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") and not votekick_allowed then
- votekick_allowed = true
- if votekick_required == nil then
- votekick_required = 0.7
- end
- sendresponse("VoteKick is now enabled! The default percentage needed is 70%.", command, executor)
- sendresponse("Change this with sv_votekick_needed", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") then
- sendresponse("VoteKick is already enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean ~= "0" and boolean ~= "false") then
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and votekick_allowed then
- votekick_allowed = false
- sendresponse("VoteKick is now disabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") then
- sendresponse("VoteKick is already disabled!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {boolean}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_VotekickRequired(executor, command, percent, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse(tostring(votekick_required*100) .. "% votes required for VoteKick", command, executor)
- elseif count == 2 and tonumber(percent) then
- if tonumber(percent) <= 1 then
- sendresponse("Votes required for VoteKick has been set to " .. tonumber(percent) * 100 .. "%", command, executor)
- votekick_required = tonumber(percent)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [votes required (as a decimal)]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_VotekickAction(executor, command, action, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse("The current action for people who are votekicked is '" .. tostring(votekick_action) .. "'", command, executor)
- sendresponse("Valid actions are 'kick' and 'ban'", command, executor)
- elseif count == 2 and (action == "kick" or action == "ban") then
- sendresponse("The current VoteKick action has been changed to '" .. action .. "'", command, executor)
- votekick_action = tostring(action)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {action}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Hashcheck(executor, command, boolean, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if hash_check then
- sendresponse("Hash Checking is currently on", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Hash Checking is currently off", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") and hash_check ~= true then
- hash_check = true
- writebyte(hashcheck_addr, 0, 0x74)
- sendresponse("Hash Checking is now enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") then
- sendresponse("Hash Checking is already enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean ~= "0" and boolean ~= "false") then
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and hash_check then
- hash_check = false
- writebyte(hashcheck_addr, 0, 0xEB)
- sendresponse("Hash Checking is now disabled!", command, executor)
- elseif hash_check == nil then
- hash_check = false
- writebyte(hashcheck_addr, 0, 0xEB)
- sendresponse("Hash Checking is now disabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") then
- sendresponse("Hash Checking is already disabled!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {boolean}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Versioncheck(executor, command, boolean, count)
- if count == 1 then
- if version_check then
- sendresponse("Version Checking is currently on", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Version Checking is currently off", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 2 then
- if (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") and version_check ~= true then
- version_check = true
- writebyte(versioncheck_addr, 0, 0x7D)
- sendresponse("Version Checking is now enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "1" or boolean == "true") then
- sendresponse("Version Checking is already enabled!", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean ~= "0" and boolean ~= "false") then
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and version_check then
- version_check = false
- writebyte(versioncheck_addr, 0, 0xEB)
- sendresponse("Version Checking is now disabled!", command, executor)
- elseif version_check == nil then
- version_check = false
- sendresponse("Version Checking is now disabled!", command, executor)
- writebyte(versioncheck_addr, 0x0, 0xEB)
- elseif (boolean == "0" or boolean == "false") and readbyte(versioncheck_addr, 0) == 0xEB then
- sendresponse("Version Checking is already disabled!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Boolean: 0 for false, 1 for true", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {boolean}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Version(executor, command, version, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse("The current version is " .. tostring(Version), command, executor)
- elseif count == 2 and tonumber(version) then
- if game == "PC" then
- local bool
- if version == "1.00" or version == "00" or version == "0" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.01" or version == "01" or version == "1" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.02" or version == "02" or version == "2" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.03" or version == "03" or version == "3" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.04" or version == "04" or version == "4" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.05" or version == "05" or version == "5" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.06" or version == "06" or version == "6" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.07" or version == "07" or version == "7" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.08" or version == "08" or version == "8" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- elseif version == "1.09" or version == "09" or version == "9" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x5DF840)
- else
- bool = true
- end
- if not bool then
- sendresponse("Server version has been changed to " .. tostring(Version) .. "!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("That is an invalid server version.", command, executor)
- end
- elseif tonumber(version) then
- local bool = true
- if version == "1.00" or version == "00" or version == "0" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x564B34)
- elseif version == "1.01" or version == "01" or version == "1" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x564B34)
- elseif version == "1.02" or version == "02" or version == "2" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x564B34)
- elseif version == "1.07" or version == "07" or version == "7" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x564B34)
- elseif version == "1.08" or version == "08" or version == "8" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x564B34)
- elseif version == "1.09" or version == "09" or version == "9" then
- Version = ""
- writestring("", 0x564B34)
- else
- bool = true
- end
- if not bool then
- sendresponse("Server version has been changed to " .. tostring(Version) .. "!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("That is an invalid server version.", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " {version}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Setcolor(executor, command, player, color, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is currently " .. getcolor(players[i]), command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- elseif count == 3 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(players[i])
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_objectId)
- if color == "white" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 0)
- elseif color == "black" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 1)
- elseif color == "red" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 2)
- elseif color == "blue" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 3)
- elseif color == "gray" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 4)
- elseif color == "yellow" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 5)
- elseif color == "green" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 6)
- elseif color == "pink" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 7)
- elseif color == "purple" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 8)
- elseif color == "cyan" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 9)
- elseif color == "cobalt" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 10)
- elseif color == "orange" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 11)
- elseif color == "teal" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 12)
- elseif color == "sage" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 13)
- elseif color == "brown" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 14)
- elseif color == "tan" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 15)
- elseif color == "maroon" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 16)
- elseif color == "salmon" then
- writebyte(m_player, 0x60, 17)
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Color", command, executor)
- return
- end
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " had their color changed to " .. color .. "!", command, executor)
- if m_objectId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- destroyobject(m_objectId)
- if colorspawn == nil then colorspawn = {} end
- if colorspawn[players[i]] == nil then colorspawn[players[i]] = {} end
- colorspawn[players[i]][1] = x
- colorspawn[players[i]][2] = y
- colorspawn[players[i]][3] = z
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player] {color}", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Boslist(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 then
- sendresponse("[Num Name - Hash - IP]", command, executor)
- for k,v in pairs(boslog_table) do
- if v then
- local words = {}
- local count = gettokencount(v, ",")
- for i = 1,count do
- local word = gettoken(v, ",", i-1)
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- local name = words[1]
- local hash = words[2]
- local ip = words[3]
- sendresponse("[" .. k .. " " .. name .. " - " .. hash .. " - " .. ip .. "]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Overshield(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_playerObjId = getplayerobjectid(players[i])
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- if m_object then
- local m_vehicleId = readdword(m_object, 0x11C)
- if m_vehicleId == 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local obj_shields = readfloat(m_object, 0xE4)
- if obj_shields <= 1 then
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_playerObjId)
- createobject("eqip", "powerups\\over shield", 0, 0, false, x, y, z+0.5)
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been given an overshield!", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " already has an overshield!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- writefloat(m_object, 0xE4, 3)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Info(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local player_number = resolveplayer(players[i])
- local m_player = getplayer(players[i])
- local hash = gethash(players[i])
- local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
- local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
- if m_object then
- local player_name = readstring(m_player, 0x4)
- local player_team = readdword(m_player, 0x20)
- local player_respawn_time = readdword(m_player, 0x2C)
- local player_invis_time = readword(m_player, 0x68)
- local player_speed = readfloat(m_player, 0x6C)
- local player_objective_mode = readbyte(m_player, 0x74)
- local player_objective_mode2 = readbyte(m_player, 0x7A)
- local player_killstreak = readword(m_player, 0x96)
- local player_kills = readword(m_player, 0x9C)
- local player_assists = readword(m_player, 0xA4)
- local player_betrays = readword(m_player, 0xAC)
- local player_deaths = readword(m_player, 0xAE)
- local player_suicides = readword(m_player, 0xB0)
- local player_ping = readword(m_player, 0xDC)
- local player_x_coord = readfloat(m_player, 0xF8)
- local player_y_coord = readfloat(m_player, 0xFC)
- local player_z_coord = readfloat(m_player, 0x100)
- local obj_max_health = readfloat(m_object, 0xD8)
- local obj_max_shields = readfloat(m_object, 0xDC)
- local obj_health = readfloat(m_object, 0xE0)
- local obj_shields = readfloat(m_object, 0xE4)
- local obj_flashlight_mode = readbyte(m_object, 0x206)
- local obj_crouch = readbyte(m_object, 0x2A0)
- local obj_weap_type = readbyte(m_object, 0x2F2)
- local obj_nade_type = readbyte(m_object, 0x31C)
- local obj_primary_nades = readbyte(m_object, 0x31E)
- local obj_secondary_nades = readbyte(m_object, 0x31F)
- local obj_flashlight_level = readfloat(m_object, 0x344)
- local obj_invis_scale = readfloat(m_object, 0x37C)
- local obj_airborne = readbyte(m_object, 0x4CC)
- local obj_primary_weap_id = readdword(m_object, 0x2F8)
- local obj_secondary_weap_id = readdword(m_object, 0x2FC)
- local primary_weap = getobject(obj_primary_weap_id)
- local secondary_weap = getobject(obj_secondary_weap_id)
- local m_vehicle = getobject(readdword(m_object, 0x11C))
- if obj_crouch == 1 or obj_crouch == 5 or obj_crouch == 6 or obj_crouch == 13 or obj_crouch == 17 then
- primary_weap = getobject(readdword(m_vehicle, 0x2F8))
- end
- local primary_weap_heat = readfloat(primary_weap, 0x23C)
- local primary_weap_age = readfloat(primary_weap, 0x240)
- local primary_weap_ammo = readword(primary_weap, 0x2B6)
- local primary_weap_clip = readword(primary_weap, 0x2B8)
- local secondary_weap_heat = readfloat(secondary_weap, 0x23C)
- local secondary_weap_age = readfloat(secondary_weap, 0x240)
- local secondary_weap_ammo = readword(secondary_weap, 0x2B6)
- local secondary_weap_clip = readword(secondary_weap, 0x2B8)
- local teamsize = getteamsize(player_team)
- if player_team == 0 then
- player_team = "Red"
- elseif player_team == 1 then
- player_team = "Blue"
- else
- player_team = "Hidden"
- end
- if player_objective_mode == 0x22 and player_objective_mode2 == 0x71 then
- player_objective_mode = "Hill"
- elseif player_objective_mode == 0x23 and player_objective_mode2 == 0x71 then
- player_objective_mode = "Juggernaut"
- elseif player_objective_mode == 0x23 and player_objective_mode2 == 0x72 then
- player_objective_mode = "It"
- elseif player_objectivemode == 0x29 and player_objective_mode2 == 0x70 then
- player_objective_mode = "Ball"
- else
- player_objective_mode = "None"
- end
- if obj_weap_type == 2 and player_objective_mode == "None" then
- player_objective_mode = "Flag"
- end
- player_respawn_time = round(player_respawn_time / 30, 2)
- player_invis_time = round(player_invis_time / 30, 2)
- player_betrays = player_betrays - player_suicides
- player_x_coord = round(player_x_coord)
- player_y_coord = round(player_y_coord)
- player_z_coord = round(player_z_coord)
- obj_invis_scale = round(obj_invis_scale * 100, 2)
- if obj_invis_scale == 0 then
- obj_invis_scale = "No"
- else
- obj_invis_scale = obj_invis_scale .. "%"
- end
- local invis_info = "Invis: " .. obj_invis_scale
- if obj_invis_scale ~= "No" then
- invis_info = "Invis: " .. obj_invis_scale .. " (" .. player_invis_time .. " secs)"
- end
- if obj_flashlight_mode == 8 then
- obj_flashlight_mode = "On"
- else
- obj_flashlight_mode = "Off"
- end
- obj_flashlight_level = round(obj_flashlight_level * 100)
- if primary_weap_age == 0 then
- if primary_weap_ammo ~= 0 or primary_weap_clip ~= 0 then
- writefloat(primary_weap, 0x240, 1)
- primary_weap_age = 1
- end
- end
- if secondary_weap_age == 0 then
- if secondary_weap_ammo ~= 0 or secondary_weap_clip ~= 0 then
- writefloat(secondary_weap, 0x240, 1)
- secondary_weap_age = 1
- end
- end
- if obj_weap_type == 1 then
- primary_weap_heat = readfloat(secondary_weap, 0x23C)
- primary_weap_age = readfloat(secondary_weap, 0x240)
- primary_weap_ammo = readword(secondary_weap, 0x2B6)
- primary_weap_clip = readword(secondary_weap, 0x2B8)
- secondary_weap_heat = readfloat(primary_weap, 0x23C)
- secondary_weap_age = readfloat(primary_weap, 0x240)
- secondary_weap_ammo = readword(primary_weap, 0x2B6)
- secondary_weap_clip = readword(primary_weap, 0x2B8)
- end
- primary_weap_heat = round(primary_weap_heat * 100)
- primary_weap_age = round((1 - primary_weap_age) * 100)
- secondary_weap_heat = round(secondary_weap_heat * 100)
- secondary_weap_age = round((1 - secondary_weap_age) * 100)
- local primary_weap_info = "Primary: Empty"
- local secondary_weap_info = "Secondary: Empty"
- if obj_health ~= 0 then
- if obj_crouch == 1 or obj_crouch == 5 or obj_crouch == 6 or obj_crouch == 13 or obj_crouch == 17 then
- if primary_weap_age == 100 and primary_weap_ammo == 0 and primary_weap_clip == 0 then
- primary_weap_info = "Primary: Infinite"
- else
- primary_weap_info = "Primary Ammo: " .. primary_weap_clip .. " / " .. primary_weap_ammo
- end
- else
- if primary_weap then
- if primary_weap_age == 0 then
- if primary_weap_ammo ~= 0 or primary_weap_clip ~= 0 then
- primary_weap_info = "Primary Ammo: " .. primary_weap_clip .. " / " .. primary_weap_ammo
- end
- else
- primary_weap_info = "Primary Battery: " .. primary_weap_heat .. "% / " .. primary_weap_age .. "%"
- end
- end
- if secondary_weap then
- if secondary_weap_age == 0 then
- if secondary_weap_ammo ~= 0 or secondary_weap_clip ~= 0 then
- secondary_weap_info = "Secondary Ammo: " .. secondary_weap_clip .. " / " .. secondary_weap_ammo
- end
- else
- secondary_weap_info = "Secondary Battery: " .. secondary_weap_heat .. "% / " .. secondary_weap_age .. "%"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local nade_info = "Frag Grenades: " .. obj_primary_nades .. " | " .. "Plasma Grenades: " .. obj_secondary_nades
- if obj_nade_type == 1 then
- nade_info = "Plasma Grenades: " .. obj_secondary_nades .. " | " .. "Frag Grenades: " .. obj_primary_nades
- end
- if obj_crouch == 0 then
- obj_crouch = "Warthog: Driver"
- elseif obj_crouch == 1 then
- obj_crouch = "Warthog: Gunner"
- elseif obj_crouch == 2 then
- obj_crouch = "Warthog: Passenger"
- elseif obj_crouch == 3 then
- obj_crouch = "Stance: Crouching"
- elseif obj_crouch == 4 then
- obj_crouch = "Stance: Standing"
- elseif obj_crouch == 5 then
- obj_crouch = "Ghost: Driver"
- elseif obj_crouch == 6 then
- obj_crouch = "Banshee: Pilot"
- elseif obj_crouch == 13 then
- obj_crouch = "Scorpion: Driver"
- elseif obj_crouch == 17 then
- obj_crouch = "Shade: Gunner"
- elseif obj_crouch == 20 or obj_crouch == 21 or obj_crouch == 22 or obj_crouch == 23 then
- obj_crouch = "Scorpion: Passenger"
- end
- if obj_crouch == "Stance: Crouching" or obj_crouch == "Stance: Standing" then
- if obj_airborne == 1 then
- obj_crouch = "Stance: Airborne"
- end
- end
- if obj_health == 0 and obj_shields == 0 then
- obj_crouch = "Stance: Dead"
- end
- obj_max_health = round(obj_health * obj_max_health)
- obj_max_shields = round(obj_shields * obj_max_shields)
- obj_health = round(obj_health * 100)
- obj_shields = round(obj_shields * 100)
- local health_info = "Health: " .. obj_health .. "% (" .. obj_max_health .. ") | " .. "Shields: " .. obj_shields .. "% (" .. obj_max_shields .. ")"
- if obj_health == 0 and obj_shields == 0 and player_respawn_time ~= 0 then
- if player_respawn_time == 1 then
- health_info = "Respawn: " .. player_respawn_time .. " sec"
- else
- health_info = "Respawn: " .. player_respawn_time .. " secs"
- end
- end
- if suspend_table[hash] == 2 then
- health_info = "Respawn: Never"
- end
- sendresponse("----------", command, executor)
- sendresponse("Name: " .. player_name .. " (" .. player_number .. ") | " .. "Team: " .. player_team .. " (" .. teamsize .. ") | " .. "Speed: " .. player_speed .. " | " .. "Location: " .. player_x_coord .. ", " .. player_y_coord .. ", " .. player_z_coord, command, executor)
- sendresponse("Hash: " .. hash .. " | " .. "Ping: " .. player_ping .. " | " .. obj_crouch, command, executor)
- sendresponse("Kills: " .. player_kills .. " (" .. player_killstreak .. ") | " .. "Assists: " .. player_assists .. " | " .. "Betrays: " .. player_betrays .. " | " .. "Suicides: " .. player_suicides .. " | " .. "Deaths: " .. player_deaths, command, executor)
- sendresponse(health_info .. " | " .. invis_info .. " | " .. "Light: " .. obj_flashlight_mode .. " (" .. obj_flashlight_level .. "%)", command, executor)
- sendresponse(primary_weap_info .. " | " .. secondary_weap_info .. " | " .. "Objective: " .. player_objective_mode, command, executor)
- sendresponse(nade_info, command, executor)
- sendresponse("----------", command, executor)
- else
- sendresponse("Error! The selected player is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Gethash(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local hash = gethash(players[i])
- local name = getname(players[i])
- sendresponse(name .. ": " .. hash, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_getip(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local id = resolveplayer(players[i])
- ip = getip(players[i])
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. ": " .. tostring(ip), command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_ShowAdminList(executor, command, count)
- if count == 1 or command == "\\a list" or command == "/a list" then
- sendresponse("Showing both IP Admins and Hash Admins.", command, executor)
- sendresponse("[Num] - Name: level - Admin types", command, executor)
- local admins = {}
- local x = 1
- for k,v in pairs(admin_table) do
- local name = admin_table[k].name
- local level = admin_table[k].level
- admins[name] = {"hash", "notip", level}
- end
- for k,v in pairs(ipadmins) do
- local name = ipadmins[k].name
- local level = ipadmins[k].level
- if admins[name] and admins[name] ~= {} then
- admins[name][2] = "ip"
- else
- admins[name] = {"nothash", "ip", level}
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(admins) do
- local message = ""
- if admins[k][1] == "hash" and admins[k][2] == "ip" then
- message = "[" .. x .. "] " .. k .. " - " .. admins[k][3] .. " - Hash admin IP Admin"
- elseif admins[k][1] == "hash" then
- message = "[" .. x .. "] " .. k .. " - " .. admins[k][3] .. " - Hash admin"
- elseif admins[k][2] == "ip" then
- message = "[" .. x .. "] " .. k .. " - " .. admins[k][3] .. " - IP Admin"
- end
- x = x + 1
- sendresponse(message, command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command, command, executor)
- end
- end
- function Command_Help(executor, command, cmd, count)
- for i = 1,#commands_table do
- if commands_table[i] then
- if string.find(commands_table[i], cmd) then
- sendresponse(GetHelp(commands_table[i]), command, executor)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Command_Launch(executor, command, player, count)
- if count == 2 then
- local players = getvalidplayers(player, executor)
- if players then
- for i = 1,#players do
- local m_object = getobject(getplayerobjectid(players[i]))
- if m_object then
- local m_vehicleId = readdword(m_object, 0x11C)
- local m_vehicle = getobject(m_vehicleId)
- if m_vehicle then
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " has been launched!", command, executor)
- local tagName = getobjecttag(m_vehicleId)
- writebit(m_vehicle, 0x10, 2, 0)
- if tagName == "vehicles\\scorpion\\scorpion_mp" then
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x94, 15)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x70, 0.35)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x6C, 0.35)
- elseif tagName == "vehicles\\banshee\\banshee_mp" then
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x90, 30)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x70, 0.35)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x6C, -0.4)
- elseif tagName == "vehicles\\ghost\\ghost_mp" then
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x8C, 7)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x70, 0.35)
- elseif tagName == "vehicles\\warthog\\mp_warthog" then
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x94, 10)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x70, 0.35)
- elseif tagName == "vehicles\\rwarthog\\rwarthog" then
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x94, 15)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x70, 0.35)
- else
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x94, 10)
- writefloat(m_vehicle, 0x70, 0.35)
- end
- else
- sendresponse(getname(players[i]) .. " is not in a vehicle!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Error! " .. getname(players[i]) .. " is dead!", command, executor)
- end
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Player!", command, executor)
- end
- else
- sendresponse("Invalid Syntax: " .. command .. " [player]", command, executor)
- end
- end
- function GetHelp(command)
- if t[2] == "sv_admin_add" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_admin_add [player] [nickname] [level]")
- hprintf("Adds a player to the admin list.")
- elseif t[2] == "sv_setammo" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_setammo [player] [ammo]")
- hprintf("Sets the player's primary weapon's ammo. Use * for all players.")
- elseif t[2] == "ban" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_ban [player] {time}")
- hprintf("Bans a player indefinitely, or for the time specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "sv_deathless" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_deathless [boolean]")
- hprintf("Will set the game so no one can die. 0 for off, 1 for on.")
- hprintf("Using 'heal' will override this, however")
- elseif t[2] == "e" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_e [Command]")
- hprintf("This will execute any command that you would normally put in the console.")
- hprintf("This is also used more commonly to tell if the script is working.")
- hprintf("Or if a player has admin.")
- elseif t[2] == "eject" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_eject [player]")
- hprintf("Ejects a player. Use * for all players.")
- elseif t[2] == "enter" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_enter [player] [seat]")
- hprintf("Will cause you to enter the player's vehicle, and the seat specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "getloc" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_getloc [player]")
- hprintf("Will display the location of the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "godmode" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_godmode [player]")
- hprintf("Will make this person unkillable. Backtaps, however, will still kill them.")
- elseif t[2] == "hax" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_hax")
- hprintf("I made this command because I was bored.")
- elseif t[2] == "heal" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_heal [player]")
- hprintf("Will heal the specified player.")
- elseif t[2] == "help" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_help [Command]")
- hprintf("Will provide details on any specified command.")
- hprintf("Do not include sv_ or \ for the [Command]")
- elseif t[2] == "hitler" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_hitler")
- hprintf("Will lethaly inject everyone.")
- elseif t[2] == "infammo" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_infinite_ammo [boolean]")
- hprintf("Will set the game so everyone has infinite ammo. 0 for off, 1 for on")
- elseif t[2] == "give" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_give [weapon] {player}")
- hprintf("Will give yourself, or the person specified, a weapon.")
- hprintf("You can hold up to 4 weapons. If you are holding 4 weapons,")
- hprintf("you cannot pickup the flag, or the oddball.")
- elseif t[2] == "gethash" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_gethash [player]")
- hprintf("This will get the hash of the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "invis" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_invis [player] {time}")
- hprintf("This will camouflage the person specified for the amount of time specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "j" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_j [player] [x] [y] [z]")
- hprintf("Moves the specified player by coords specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "k" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_k [player]")
- hprintf("Will kick the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "kill" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_kill [player]")
- hprintf("Will kill the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "lo3" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_lo3")
- hprintf("Will lo3 the game.")
- elseif t[2] == "m" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_m [map] [gametype] {script} {script2} . . .")
- hprintf("Will load the map specified. No need to specify chatcommands script.")
- elseif t[2] == "mc" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_mc")
- hprintf("Starts the mapcycle.")
- elseif t[2] == "mnext" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_mnext")
- hprintf("Loads the next map in the mapcycle.")
- elseif t[2] == "mute" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_mute [player] {time}")
- hprintf("Mutes the player. Admins cannot be muted.")
- elseif t[2] == "pass" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_pass [password]")
- hprintf("Sets the server password.")
- elseif t[2] == "reset" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_reset")
- hprintf("Resets the map.")
- elseif t[2] == "resp" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_resp [player] [time]")
- hprintf("Sets respawn time of player. Only works if player is dead.")
- elseif t[2] == "say" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_say [message]")
- hprintf("Will say something as the server. No quotes needed.")
- elseif t[2] == "sc" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_sc [player] [nickname]")
- hprintf("Will set the player's nickname. Used instead of player IDs")
- elseif t[2] == "setassists" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_setassists [player] [# of assists]")
- hprintf("Will set the assists of the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "setdeaths" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_setdeaths [player] [# of deaths]")
- hprintf("Will set the deaths of the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "setfrags" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_setfrags [player] [# of frags]")
- hprintf("Will set the # of frag grenades of the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "setkills" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_setkills [player] [# of kills]")
- hprintf("Will set the kills of the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "setname" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_setname [player] [name]")
- hprintf("Sets the name of the player specified.")
- hprintf("You will only notice a difference on rejoin.")
- elseif t[2] == "setresp" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_respawn_time [time]")
- hprintf("Sets the universal respawn time of all maps.")
- elseif t[2] == "setplasmas" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_setplasmas [player] [# of plasma grenades]")
- hprintf("Will set the plasma grenades of the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "spd" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_setspeed [player] [speed]")
- hprintf("Will set the speed of the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "spawn" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_spawn [object] {player} {ammount} {resptime} {recycle}")
- hprintf("Will spawn a object over a player if specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "st" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_teleport_add [location]")
- hprintf("Will set a teleport location to wherever you're standing.")
- elseif t[2] == "suspend" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_suspend [player] {time}")
- hprintf("Will suspend the player for the time specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "t" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_teleport [player] [location]")
- hprintf("Will teleport the player specified to the location specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "td" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_teleport_del [location]")
- hprintf("Will delete the teleport location specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "test" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_test [player]")
- hprintf("I use this to test the returns of some addresses and offsets.")
- elseif t[2] == "tp" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_teleport_pl [player] [t_player]")
- hprintf("Will teleport player to t_player")
- elseif t[2] == "ts" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_changeteam [player]")
- hprintf("Will switch the players team.")
- elseif t[2] == "unhax" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_unhax")
- hprintf("Unhax's you. I was bored, what can i say?")
- elseif t[2] == "unmute" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_unmute [player]")
- hprintf("Unmutes the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "unsuspend" then
- hprintf("Syntax: sv_unsuspend [player]")
- hprintf("Unsuspends the player specified.")
- elseif t[2] == "credits" then
- hprintf("Created by [DWM]Wizard")
- hprintf("Base script created by Smiley")
- else
- hprintf("Invalid Command! Use sv_list for list of commands!")
- end
- end
- -- I think there's a bug with LuaLanes. All functions called from the lane should be declared as local.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --]]
- lanes_reported_error = false
- env = nil
- con = nil
- -- These two functions are used for communicating between the threads
- function sendNotificationToWorker(command, data)
- if command == nil or data == nil then return end
- linda:send("command", command)
- linda:send("data", data)
- end
- -- Notifies the worker thread that it needs to close
- function cleanupLanes()
- sendNotificationToWorker("cleanup", "unused")
- while (worker.status == "running" or worker.status == "waiting") do end
- end
- -- Executes the specified function if it exists in the global table
- -- Credits to [SC]Nuggets
- function exec(func, ...)
- if type(_G[func]) == "function" then
- return 1, _G[func](...)
- end
- end
- -- Processes the output from the worker
- function m_getstats(data)
- hprintf("main: getstats reply received :)")
- end
- function WorkerThread()
- hprintf("********TEST************")
- -- http = require("http.tcp")
- -- Executes the specified function if it exists in the global table
- -- Credits to [SC]Nuggets
- function exec(func, ...)
- if type(_G[func]) == "function" then
- return 1, _G[func](...)
- end
- end
- function CheckForUpdate()
- results = http.request("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32815290/update.txt")
- if results[1] ~= 0 then
- if results[2] == 200 then
- if results[3] ~= script_version then
- sendNotificationToBoss("hprintf", "There is an updated commands script. Get it from wizard. Xfire: th3w1zard3")
- needsupdate = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Sends a message to the main thread
- function sendNotificationToBoss(command, data)
- if command == nil or data == nil then return end
- linda:send("outcommand", command)
- linda:send("outdata", data)
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- while true do -- loop until we're told to stop
- local data = linda:receive(1, "data") -- this will wait until there is a command to do
- local command = linda:receive(1, "command")
- if (command == "cleanup") then
- break
- else
- exec(command, data)
- end
- CheckForUpdate()
- end
- return 0
- end
- -- Called every ~100ms by the main thread to check on the worker
- function CheckWorker(id, count)
- if (lanes_reported_error == false and worker.status == "error") then
- hprintf("There was an error in the worker thread.")
- v,err= worker:join() -- no propagation
- hprintf(err)
- return 0 -- no point continuing
- end
- local data = linda:receive(0, "outdata")
- if data == nil then return 1 end
- local command = linda:receive(0, "outcommand")
- hprintf("data: " .. data .. " command: " .. command)
- exec(command, data)
- return 1 -- repeat
- end
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