- -- Kill Messages by «§H»Kennan{Leader}
- -- Xfire : kenster789
- -- Version : (11/24/13) Personal Release
- last_damage = {}
- function GetRequiredVersion()
- return 10057
- end
- function OnScriptLoad(process)
- end
- function OnScriptUnload()
- end
- function OnNewGame(map)
- end
- function OnGameEnd(mode)
- end
- function OnServerChat(player, chattype, message)
- return 1
- end
- function OnServerCommand(player, command)
- return 1
- end
- function OnTeamDecision(team)
- return team
- end
- function OnPlayerJoin(player, team)
- end
- function OnPlayerLeave(player, team)
- end
- function OnPlayerKill(killer, victim, mode)
- if mode == 4 then
- local bool = false
- local vhash = gethash(victim)
- if last_damage[vhash] then
- if string.find(last_damage[vhash], "melee") then
- say(getname(killer) .. " killed " .. getname(victim) .. " with a Melee!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "globals\\vehicle_collision" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " splattered " .. getname(victim) .. " across their window!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "vehicles\\banshee\\mp_fuel rod explosion" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha matado a " .. getname(victim) .. " Con el moco bomba de un Banshee!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "vehicles\\banshee\\banshee bolt" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha atropellado a " .. getname(victim) .. " con un Banshee!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "vehicles\\c gun turret\\mp bolt" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " le ha metido balas por el culo a " .. getname(victim) .. " con una Torreta!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "vehicles\\ghost\\ghost bolt" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha matado a " .. getname(victim) .. " con una Ghost!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "vehicles\\scorpion\\bullet" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " le ha metido balas por el culo a " .. getname(victim) .. " con la Torreta de un Tanke!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "vehicles\\scorpion\\shell explosion" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " le ha metido una bala de cañon a " .. getname(victim) .. "por el culo!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "vehicles\\warthog\\bullet" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " le ha metido balas por el culo a " .. getname(victim) .. " con una Torreta!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\assault rifle\\bullet" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha masacrado a " .. getname(victim) .. " Con un Rifle de Asalto!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\flamethrower\\burning" or last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\flamethrower\\explosion" or last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\flamethrower\\impact damage" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha quemado a " .. getname(victim) .. " como si fuera un Año Viejo e_e!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\frag grenade\\explosion" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha violado " .. getname(victim) .. " con una puta Nader!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\needler\\detonation damage" or last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\needler\\explosion" or last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\needler\\impact damage" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " le ha clavado aguijones a " .. getname(victim) .. " En el culo!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\pistol\\bullet" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha masacrado a " .. getname(victim) .. " con una Pistola!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\plasma grenade\\attached" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha plasmado a" .. getname(victim) .. " con una Granada de plasma!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\plasma grenade\\explosion" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha matado a " .. getname(victim) .. " Con una Granada de plasma!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\plasma pistol\\bolt" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " killed " .. getname(victim) .. " with a Plasma Pistol!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\plasma rifle\\charged bolt" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " killed " .. getname(victim) .. " with an EMP Blast!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\plasma rifle\\bolt" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " killed " .. getname(victim) .. " with a Plasma Rifle!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\plasma_cannon\\effects\\plasma_cannon_explosion" or last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\plasma_cannon\\impact damage" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha violado a " .. getname(victim) .. " Con un moco Bomba!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\rocket launcher\\explosion" then
- local m_player = getplayer(killer)
- local m_object = getobject(readdword(m_player, 0x34))
- if m_object then
- local obj_crouch = readbyte(m_object, 0x2A0)
- if obj_crouch then
- if obj_crouch == 1 then
- say(getname(killer) .. " le ha metido una Rocket por el culo a" .. getname(victim) .. " con un Hog!")
- else
- say(getname(killer) .. " le ha metido una rocket por el culo a " .. getname(victim) .. " con una ROX!")
- end
- else
- say(getname(killer) .. " le ha metido una rocket por el culo a " .. getname(victim) .. " con una Rocket Launcher!")
- end
- end
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\shotgun\\pellet" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha masacrado a " .. getname(victim) .. " con una Escopeta!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "weapons\\sniper rifle\\sniper bullet" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha masacrado a " .. getname(victim) .. " con Un Rifle de Francotirador!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "globals\\falling" or last_damage[vhash] == "globals\\distance" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha tumbado a " .. getname(victim) .. " y el pobre gay ha muerto!")
- elseif last_damage[vhash] == "backtap" then
- say(getname(killer) .. " ha matado a " .. getname(victim) .. " De un golpe en la espalda :o!")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function OnKillMultiplier(player, multiplier)
- end
- function OnPlayerSpawn(player, m_objId)
- end
- function OnPlayerSpawnEnd(player, m_objId)
- end
- function OnTeamChange(relevant, player, cur_team, dest_team)
- return 1
- end
- function OnObjectCreation(m_objId, player, tagName)
- end
- function OnObjectInteraction(player, m_objId, tagType, tagName)
- return 1
- end
- function OnWeaponAssignment(player, m_objId, slot, tagName)
- return 0
- end
- function OnWeaponReload(player, m_weapId)
- return 1
- end
- function OnDamageLookup(receiver, causer, tagData, tagName)
- local rplayer = objecttoplayer(receiver)
- if rplayer then
- local rhash = gethash(rplayer)
- last_damage[rhash] = tagName
- end
- end
- function OnVehicleEntry(relevant, player, m_vehicleId, tagName, seat)
- return 1
- end
- function OnVehicleEject(player, forced)
- return 1
- end
- function OnClientUpdate(player, m_objId)
- end
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