- --Ultimate AFK-Handling Script
- --Created by Wizard, in 2012/2013
- --This script completely revamps AFK-handling in a revolutionary new way.
- --Version 1.01 (released July 30th 2014)
- --This is how many minutes before a player will get set to the AFK mode.
- --The AFK mode means they're hidden, and put under the map so no one will see them.
- timeafkbeforeset = 0.75 -- minutes
- --This is how many minutes before an afk player will be kicked from the server
- --REMINDER: This will ONLY kick if maxplayersbeforekick is reached.
- timeafkbeforekick = 2 -- minutes
- --This determines how many people need to be in the server before the script will kick an afk.
- --The script will kick 1 afk, and it will kick the player with the LONGEST AFK TIME.
- maxplayersbeforekick = 16
- --Set this to true if you're using zombies, false if not.
- zombies = false
- --Admins can still be set to the AFK mode even if this is true.
- dont_kick_admins = true
- --General messages, set to nil to disable them.
- afkkick_msg = "%s is afk and is now being kicked from the server!"
- afkset_msg = "%s is now afk!"
- afkunset_msg = "%s is no longer afk!"
- --this was never finished, expect this in a later release!
- afk_portal_to_teamhog_race = true -- Set this to true to allow afks to be put into hogs of their teammates (RACE ONLY)
- --don't touch anything below this point -> .
- CurrentAim = {}
- playerWasKilled = {}
- afk = {}
- afktime = {}
- currentplayers = 0
- isKicked = {}
- justSpawned = {}
- afkSpot = {}
- pdeaths = {}
- randomNames = {"Butcher", "Caboose", "Crazy", "Cupid", "Darling", "Dasher", "Disco", "Donut", "Dopey", "Ghost", "Goat", "Grumpy",
- "Hambone", "Hollywood", "Howard", "Jack", "Killer", "King", "Mopey", "Noodle", "Penguin", "Pirate", "Prancer", "Saucy", "Shadow",
- "Sleepy", "Snake", "Sneak", "Stompy", "Stumpy", "The Bear", "The Big L", "Tooth", "Walla Walla", "Weasel", "Wheezy", "Whicker",
- "Whisp", "Wilshire"}
- sharedhashes = {
- "f443106bd82fd6f3c22ba2df7c5e4094",
- "c702226e783ea7e091c0bb44c2d0ec64",
- "d72b3f33bfb7266a8d0f13b37c62fddb",
- "55d368354b5021e7dd5d3d1525a4ab82",
- "3d5cd27b3fa487b040043273fa00f51b",
- "b661a51d4ccf44f5da2869b0055563cb",
- "740da6bafb23c2fbdc5140b5d320edb1",
- "10440b462f6cbc3160c6280c2734f184",
- "7503dad2a08026fc4b6cfb32a940cfe0",
- "4486253cba68da6786359e7ff2c7b467",
- "f1d7c0018e1648d7d48f257dc35e9660",
- "40da66d41e9c79172a84eef745739521",
- "2863ab7e0e7371f9a6b3f0440c06c560",
- "34146dc35d583f2b34693a83469fac2a",
- "b315d022891afedf2e6bc7e5aaf2d357",
- "81f9c914b3402c2702a12dc1405247ee",
- "63bf3d5a51b292cd0702135f6f566bd1",
- "6891d0a75336a75f9d03bb5e51a53095",
- "325a53c37324e4adb484d7a9c6741314",
- "0e3c41078d06f7f502e4bb5bd886772a",
- "fc65cda372eeb75fc1a2e7d19e91a86f",
- "f35309a653ae6243dab90c203fa50000",
- "50bbef5ebf4e0393016d129a545bd09d",
- "a77ee0be91bd38a0635b65991bc4b686",
- "3126fab3615a94119d5fe9eead1e88c1",
- }
- function GetRequiredVersion()
- return 200
- end
- function OnScriptLoad(processid, game, persistent)
- if zombies then
- zombie_team = getZombieTeam()
- end
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- local index = getname(i)
- afktime[index] = 0
- currentplayers = currentplayers + 1
- afkSpot[index] = {}
- end
- end
- GetGameAddresses(game)
- registertimer(500, "gameStartedCheck")
- gametype = readbyte(gametype_base + 0x30)
- if gametype == 1 then
- gametype = "CTF"
- elseif gametype == 2 then
- gametype = "Slayer"
- elseif gametype == 4 then
- gametype = "KOTH"
- end
- afktimer = registertimer(500, "afkTimer")
- handleafks = registertimer(1000, "handleAfks")
- --using the hide method seemed to crash the server occasionally
- --hiddentimer = registertimer(20, "hiddenTimer")
- end
- function gameStartedCheck(id, count)
- if not game_started then
- setGameVariables()
- end
- return false
- end
- function GetGameAddresses(game)
- if game == "PC" then
- ctf_globals = 0x639B98 -- Confirmed.
- oddball_globals = 0x639E18 -- Confirmed.
- slayer_globals = 0x63A0E8
- name_base = 0x745D4A
- flag_respawn_addr = 0x488A7E
- specs_addr = 0x662D04
- map_addr = 0x698F21
- hashcheck_addr = 0x59c280
- versioncheck_addr = 0x5152E7
- map_pointer = 0x63525c
- gametype_base = 0x671340
- gametime_base = 0x671420
- network_server_globals = 0x69B934 -- Confirmed.
- machine_pointer = 0x745BA0
- version_address = 0x5DF840
- timelimit_address = 0x626630
- profilepath = 0x6A0A99
- special_chars = 0x517D6B -- special chars in svname patch
- gametype_patch = 0x481F3C -- gametype patch
- devmode_patch1 = 0x4A4DBF -- devmode
- devmode_patch2 = 0x4A4E7F -- devmode
- network_base = 0x745BA8
- else
- ctf_globals = 0x5BDBB8 -- Confirmed.
- oddball_globals = 0x5BDE78 -- Confirmed.
- slayer_globals = 0x5BE108
- name_base = 0x6C7B6A
- specs_addr = 0x5E6E63
- map_addr = 0x61D151
- hashcheck_addr = 0x530130
- versioncheck_addr = 0x4CB587
- map_pointer = 0x5B927C
- gametype_base = 0x5F5498
- gametime_base = 0x5F55BC
- network_server_globals = 0x61FB64 -- Confirmed.
- machine_pointer = 0x6C7980
- version_address = 0x564B34
- gametype_patch = 0x45E50C
- devmode_patch1 = 0x47DF0C
- devmode_patch2 = 0x47DFBC -- devmode
- network_base = 0x6C7988
- end
- end
- function setGameVariables()
- LoadTags()
- teamplay = readbyte(gametype_base + 0x34)
- if teamplay == 1 then
- teamplay = true
- else
- teamplay = false
- end
- gametype_lives = readbyte(gametype_base + 0x50)
- if gametype_lives == 0 then
- gametype_lives = false
- end
- gametype_game = readdword(gametype_base + 0x30)
- if gametype_game == 1 then
- func = CtfClientUpdate
- registertimer(200, "CtfTimer")
- gametype = "CTF"
- elseif gametype_game == 2 then
- killinorder = readbyte(gametype_base + 0x7E)
- if killinorder == 1 then
- killinorder = true
- else
- killinorder = false
- end
- gametype = "Slayer"
- elseif gametype_game == 3 then
- --func = OddballClientUpdate
- gametype = "Oddball"
- elseif gametype_game == 4 then
- --registertimer(200, "KothTimer")
- gametype = "King"
- elseif gametype_game == 5 then
- race_type = readbyte(gametype_base + 0x7C)
- if race_type == 1 or race_type == 2 then
- --func = RaceClientUpdate
- registertimer(200, "RaceTimer")
- elseif race_type == 3 then
- --func = RallyClientUpdate
- end
- gametype = "Race"
- total_checkpoints = readdword(race_globals)
- end
- end
- function OnScriptUnload()
- removetimer(afktimer)
- removetimer(handleafks)
- end
- function LoadTags()
- -- Globals
- global_distanceId = gettagid("jpt!", "globals\\distance")
- global_fallingId = gettagid("jpt!", "globals\\falling")
- end
- function OnNewGame(map)
- if not afktimer then
- afktimer = registertimer(500, "afkTimer")
- end
- game_started = true
- setGameVariables()
- ongameend = false
- end
- function OnGameEnd(stage)
- if stage == 1 then
- removetimer(afktimer)
- ongameend = true
- end
- end
- function OnServerChat(player, mode, message)
- if message:find("!afkstatus") then
- player = tonumber(message:sub(12, 13))
- privatesay(player, tostring(getname(player)) .. ": " .. tostring(playerIsAfk(player)))
- return false
- end
- if tonumber(player) then
- if player >= 0 and player <= 15 then
- if getplayer(player) then
- local index = getname(player)
- afktime[index] = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- function OnServerCommandAttempt(player, command, password)
- --return true
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnServerCommand(player, command)
- --return true
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnNameRequest(hash, name)
- --return true, name
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnTeamDecision(team)
- --return team
- end
- --]]
- function OnPlayerJoin(player)
- if not ongameend then
- local index = getname(player)
- currentplayers = currentplayers + 1
- afktime[index] = 0
- CurrentAim[index] = {}
- afkSpot[index] = {}
- else
- end
- end
- function OnPlayerLeave(player)
- if not ongameend then
- local index = getname(player)
- currentplayers = currentplayers - 1
- afktime[index] = 0
- afk[index] = nil
- CurrentAim[index] = nil
- isKicked[player] = nil
- afkSpot[index] = {}
- playerWasKilled[player] = nil
- justSpawned[player] = nil
- local hash = gethash(player)
- local name = getname(player)
- local ip = getip(player)
- local ipport = getip(player) .. ":" .. getport(player)
- for i = 1,#indexes do
- if indexes[i] == hash or indexes[i] == name or indexes[i] == ip or indexes[i] == ipport then
- indexes[i] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function OnPlayerKill(killer, victim, mode)
- if tonumber(victim) then
- playerWasKilled[victim] = true
- if justSpawned[victim] then
- removetimer(justSpawned[victim])
- justSpawned[victim] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- function OnKillMultiplier(player, multiplier)
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnPlayerSpawn(player)
- end
- --]]
- function OnPlayerSpawnEnd(player)
- justSpawned[player] = registertimer(800, "JustSpawned", player)
- playerWasKilled[player] = nil
- end
- function JustSpawned(id, count, player)
- updatePlayerAim(player)
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard(tostring(getname(player)) .. " has spawned! Possibly no longer afk!") end
- if getplayer(player) then
- local index = getname(player)
- if afk[index] then
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if m_objectId and m_objectId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- --comment all of below for hide method (remember to uncomment hidetimer at top)
- writebit(m_object + 0x10, 7, 0)
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_objectId)
- z = z or 69
- movobjectcoords(m_objectId, x, y, z-100)
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- afkSpot[index] = {x, y, z}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- justSpawned[player] = nil
- return false
- end
- function OnTeamChange(player, old_team, new_team, voluntary)
- playerWasKilled[player] = true
- --return true
- end
- --[[
- function OnClientUpdate(player)
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnObjectInteraction(player, objId, mapId)
- --return true
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnWeaponReload(player, weapId)
- --return true
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnVehicleEntry(player, vehiId, seat, mapId, voluntary)
- --return true
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnVehicleEject(player, voluntary)
- --return true
- end
- --]]
- function OnDamageLookup(receiving_obj, causing_obj, mapId, tagdata)
- if mapId == global_distanceId or mapId == global_fallingId then
- odl_multiplier(0.00001)
- end
- --return true
- end
- --[[
- function OnDamageApplication(receiver, causer, mapId, location, backtap)
- --return true
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnWeaponAssignment(player, objId, slot, weapId)
- return true
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnObjectCreationAttempt(mapId, parentId, player)
- --return mapId
- end
- --]]
- --[[
- function OnObjectCreation(objId)
- end
- --]]
- --This timer will add the AFK times of all the players to a table
- --so it can be used by the other timers. This timer also unsets afk players.
- function afkTimer(id, count)
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- local index = getname(i)
- if not playerWasKilled[i] and not justSpawned[i] then
- if playerIsAfk(i) then
- afktime[index] = afktime[index] + (1/120)
- --sayWizard(tostring(getname(i)) .. ": is not moving! AFKTIME: " .. tostring(afktime[index]))
- else
- --check if the player is set as afk
- --if they are, unafk them.
- if afk[index] then
- afk[index] = nil
- unsetAfkPlayer(i)
- end
- afktime[index] = 0
- --sayWizard(tostring(getname(i)) .. " is moving!")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- --this timer is responsible for handling AFK players if they're AFK for a set amount of time
- function handleAfks(id, count)
- local player = getLongestAfkPlayer()
- if player[2] >= timeafkbeforekick then
- if currentplayers >= maxplayersbeforekick and not kickingHappening then
- if (not isadmin(player[1]) and dont_kick_admins) or not dont_kick_admins then
- if afkkick_msg then
- say(string.format(afkkick_msg, getname(player[1])))
- end
- svcmd("sv_kick " .. resolveplayer(player[1]))
- log_msg(3, "AFKBEAST IS NOW KICKING " .. tostring(resolveplayer(player[1])) .. " NAME: " .. tostring(getname(player[1])) .. ", DEBUG INFO FOLLOWS: Currentplayers: " .. currentplayers .. " Maxplayersbeforekick: " .. maxplayersbeforekick .. "KickHappening: " .. tostring(kickingHappening) .. "isKickedTable: " .. tostring(isKicked[player[1]]) .. " AFKTime: " .. tostring(player[2]))
- isKicked[player[1]] = true
- kickingHappening = true
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- if not playerWasKilled[i] and not justSpawned[i] then
- local index = getname(i)
- if afktime[index] >= timeafkbeforeset and not afk[index] then
- if gametype ~= "CTF" or (gametype == "CTF" and not isHoldingFlag(i)) then
- setAfkPlayer(i)
- --sayWizard("SETTING AFK PLAYER: " .. i .. " NOW")
- if afkset_msg then
- say(string.format(afkset_msg, getname(i)))
- end
- end
- else
- --say(tostring(afktime[index]) .. " NOT ENOUGH AFK TO SET")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if zombies then checkIfAllZombiesAfk() end
- return true
- end
- function isHoldingFlag(player)
- local redflag = readdword(ctf_globals)
- local blueflag = readdword(ctf_globals + 0x4)
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if m_objectId and m_objectId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- local weapId = readdword(m_object + 0x118)
- if weapId == redflag or weapId == blueflag then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- --this timer is responsible for hiding afk players.
- --sometimes causes crash, therefore not used.
- function hiddenTimer(id, count)
- if afk ~= {} then
- for k,v in pairs(afk) do
- local m_player = getplayer(k)
- if m_player then
- --say("HIDING: " .. tostring(getname(k))) .. " Player #: " .. k)
- writefloat(m_player + 0xF8, 999)
- writefloat(m_player + 0xFC, 999)
- writefloat(m_player + 0x100, 999)
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- --this function will loop through all the players and return the player
- --that has been AFK the longest.
- function getLongestAfkPlayer()
- local max = {0,0}
- for k,v in pairs(afktime) do
- if max[2] < afktime[k] and not afk[k] then
- max = {k, v}
- end
- end
- return max
- end
- --This function will update the player's aim in the currentaim table.
- function updatePlayerAim(player)
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- local index = getname(player)
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if m_objectId and m_objectId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- local x_aim = readfloat(m_object + 0x230)
- local y_aim = readfloat(m_object + 0x234)
- local z_aim = readfloat(m_object + 0x238)
- CurrentAim[index] = {x_aim, y_aim, z_aim}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --This function will determine if the passed player is AFK
- function playerIsAfk(player)
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- if not justSpawned[player] then
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard("PLAYERISAFK") end
- local index = getname(player)
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if m_objectId and m_objectId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- local x_aim = readfloat(m_object + 0x230)
- local y_aim = readfloat(m_object + 0x234)
- local z_aim = readfloat(m_object + 0x238)
- if not CurrentAim[index] then
- CurrentAim[index] = {x_aim, y_aim, z_aim}
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard(getname(player) .. " this shouldn't be called when killed") end
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard(getname(player) .. ": CURRENT AIM CREATED") end
- return false
- else
- if (x_aim ~= CurrentAim[index][1]) or (y_aim ~= CurrentAim[index][2]) or (z_aim ~= CurrentAim[index][3]) then
- CurrentAim[index] = {x_aim, y_aim, z_aim}
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard(tostring(getname(player)) .. ": CURRENT AIM UPDATED IN PLAYERISAFK") end
- return false
- else
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard(tostring(getname(player)) .. " is afk (towiz)") end
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- else
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard("M_OBJECTID IS NIL") end
- return false
- end
- else
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard("JustSpawned") end
- return true
- end
- else
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard("M_PLAYER IS NIL IN PLAYERISAFK") end
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function checkIfAfk(player)
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- local index = getname(player)
- if afk[index] then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- --This function will check if all the zombies are afk, if they are
- --then this function will change a random person's team
- function checkIfAllZombiesAfk()
- local zombies = getZombies()
- if #zombies >= 1 then
- --this next section will determine if all the zombies are afk or not
- local bool = true
- for i = 1,#zombies do
- if not checkIfAfk(zombies[i]) then
- bool = false
- break
- end
- end
- --now we change a random person to zombie cuz all the zombies are currently afk
- if bool then
- local player = ChooseRandomPlayer(1)
- --if getname(player) then say(tostring(getname(player)) .. " will be changed to zombie because all the zombies are afk!") end
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard(tostring(#zombies)) end
- changeteam(player, false)
- kill(player)
- else
- --if getname(player) then sayWizard("NO ZOMBIES ARE AFK") end
- end
- end
- end
- function sayWizard(message)
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- if gethash(i):find("56d5f") then
- privatesay(i, message)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- this function searches through current players and selects a random one
- function ChooseRandomPlayer(excludeTeam)
- local t = {}
- -- loop through all 16 possible spots and add to table
- for i = 0,15 do
- -- check if the player exists
- if getplayer(i) then
- local team = getteam(i)
- if team and team ~= excludeTeam then
- table.insert(t, i)
- end
- end
- end
- if #t > 0 then
- -- generate a random number that we will use to select a player
- local tableCount = #t
- local r = math.random(1, tableCount)
- return t[r]
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- --This function will set the player as AFK. It will put them under the map, and turn fall damage off for the player.
- function setAfkPlayer(player)
- local index = getname(player)
- updatePlayerAim(player)
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player) or 0xFFFFFFFF
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- local killplayer
- if gametype_lives then
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- local deaths = readshort(m_player+0xAE)
- pdeaths[player] = deaths
- writeshort(m_player+0xAE, gametype_lives-1)
- writeshort(stat_globals+player*0x30+0x14, gametype_lives-1)
- killplayer = true
- end
- end
- if zombies then
- if getteam(player) ~= zombie_team then
- --sayWizard("CHANGING TEAM")
- changeteam(player, false)
- killplayer = true
- end
- end
- if not killplayer then
- local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(m_objectId)
- if tonumber(z) then
- movobjectcoords(m_objectId, x, y, z-100)
- end
- afkSpot[index] = {x, y, z}
- writebit(m_object + 0x10, 0, 1)
- else
- kill(player)
- afkSpot[index] = {}
- end
- end
- afk[index] = true
- end
- --This function unsets an AFK player so they can return to the game.
- function unsetAfkPlayer(player)
- local index = getname(player)
- if afkunset_msg then
- say(string.format(afkunset_msg, getname(player)))
- end
- afk[index] = nil
- local m_objectId = getplayerobjectid(player)
- if m_objectId and m_objectId ~= 0xFFFFFFFF then
- local m_object = getobject(m_objectId)
- if m_object then
- movobjectcoords(m_objectId, afkSpot[index][1], afkSpot[index][2], afkSpot[index][3] + 2)
- writebit(m_object + 0x10, 0, 0)
- afkSpot[index] = {}
- end
- end
- if gametype_lives then
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- writeshort(m_player+0xAE, pdeaths[player]-1)
- writeshort(stat_globals+player*0x30+0x14, pdeaths[player]-1)
- writedword(m_player+0x2C, 0)
- kill(player)
- end
- end
- end
- function getZombies()
- local zombies = {}
- for i = 0,15 do
- local m_player = getplayer(i)
- if m_player then
- local team = readbyte(m_player + 0x20)
- if team == zombie_team then
- table.insert(zombies, i)
- end
- end
- end
- --[[local msgz = ""
- for i = 1,#zombies do
- local name = getname(zombies[i])
- if name then
- msgz = msgz .. name .. " "
- end
- end
- sayWizard(msgz)--]]
- return zombies
- end
- function getZombieTeam()
- return 1
- end
- function hashtoplayer(hash)
- for i = 0,15 do
- local m_player = getplayer(i)
- if m_player then
- if gethash(i) == hash then return i end
- end
- end
- end
- --REM: fix this function... doesn't seem to uniquely index right.. shame.. :/
- indexes = {}
- function getindex(player, method)
- local m_player = getplayer(player)
- if m_player then
- local name = getname(player)
- local ip = getip(player)
- local hash = gethash(player)
- local ipport = getip(player) .. ":" .. getport(player)
- for i = 1,#indexes do
- if indexes[i] == ip then
- for k,v in pairs(_G) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- for k2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- if k2 == ip then
- indexes[i] = nil
- v[k2] = nil
- indexes[i] = v2
- v[getindex(player, "hash")] = v2
- end
- end
- end
- end
- break
- elseif indexes[i] == name or indexes[i] == hash or indexes[i] == ipport then
- return indexes[i]
- end
- end
- if not method then
- method = "name"
- end
- if method == "hash" then
- for i = 1,#sharedhashes do
- if sharedhashes[i] == hash then
- --log_msg(2, "UNABLE TO FIND UNIQUE INDEX FOR PLAYER " .. resolveplayer(player) .. ". NAME: " .. name .. " IP: " .. ip .. " Hash: " .. hash)
- table.insert(indexes, ipport)
- return ipport
- end
- end
- table.insert(indexes, hash)
- return hash
- elseif method == "ip" then
- for i = 0,15 do
- if getplayer(i) then
- local ip2 = getip(i)
- if ip2 == ip then
- return getindex(player, "hash")
- end
- end
- end
- table.insert(indexes, ip)
- return ip
- elseif method == "name" then
- for i = 1,#randomNames do
- if randomNames[i] == name then
- return getindex(player, "ip")
- end
- end
- table.insert(indexes, name)
- return name
- end
- end
- end
- --Phasor's getrandomnumber and lua's math.random really suck.
- math.randomseed(os.time())
- getsuckyrand = math.random
- --Low and High are INCLUSIVE.
- function math.random(low, high)
- low = tonumber(low) or raiseerror("Bad argument #1 to 'math.random' (number expected, got " .. tostring(type(low)) .. ")")
- high = tonumber(high) or raiseerror("Bad argument #2 to 'math.random' (number expected, got " .. tostring(type(high)) .. ")")
- getsuckyrand(low, high) getsuckyrand(low, high) getsuckyrand(low, high) -- I really don't trust it... haha
- return getsuckyrand(low, high)
- end
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