LUA 252
V2+ Ultimate Ping Kicker v3 By xdedeone on 25th February 2019 09:43:00 PM
  1. --[[ ### Ping Kick Script v3 ###]]--
  2. --[[ ###     by Wizard     ###]]--
  3. --[[ ###    for Phasor v2    ###]]--
  4. --[[ ###  other thanks below ###]]--
  6. --This script measures time in seconds, and 'ping updates'
  7. --Ping updates are when the player gets a new ping (or has his ping 'updated') on the F1 menu, which usually happens every 3 seconds.
  9. max_ping = 365 -- Max Ping: edit as needed
  10. max_players_before_kick = 12 -- start pingkicking when the server has this many players.
  11. omg_ping = 700 -- unless their ping is at this many ms.
  12. pingkick_timeout = 45 -- After this many seconds any player warned of high ping will be forgotten. - edit as needed
  13. pingupdate_fix_time = 4 -- A player must have a ping lower than the max_ping/omg_ping for this many ping updates to be forgiven.
  14. pingupdate_warn_time = 4 -- A player must have a ping higher than the max_ping/omg_ping for this many ping updates to trigger a warning.
  17. --don't edit:
  18. pingwarned = {} -- Table of players who have been warned for high ping
  19. playerRemoved = {}
  20. currentplayers = 0
  21. in_grace = {}
  22. warncount = {}
  23. gracecount = {}
  25. function GetRequiredVersion()
  26.         return 200
  27. end
  29. function OnScriptLoad(process, game, persistent)
  31. end
  33. function OnNewGame(map)
  35.         pingwarned = {}
  36.         pingtimer = registertimer(3000, "pingkickTimer") -- check all players pings every second
  37. end
  39. function pingkickTimer(id, count)
  40.         for i = 0,15 do
  41.                 if not playerRemoved[i] then
  42.                         local m_player = getplayer(i)
  43.                         if m_player then
  44.                                 local player_ping = readword(m_player + 0xDC)
  45.                                 local pingcheck = highPingCheck(player_ping)
  46.                                 --Check if player has been warned.
  47.                                 if not pingwarned[i] then
  48.                                         --Check if we should start the warn counter
  49.                                         if pingcheck then
  50.                                                 if not warncount[i] then warncount[i] = 0 end
  51.                                                 warncount[i] = warncount[i] + 1
  52.                                                 if warncount[i] == pingupdate_warn_time then
  53.                                                         pingwarned[i] = true
  54.                                                         privatesay(i, string.format("WARNING: Your Ping: %s ms. You will be kicked if your ping is over %s ms.", player_ping, pingcheck))
  55.                                                         local time, units = timeUnit(pingkick_timeout)
  56.                                                         privatesay(i, string.format("You have %s %s to solve it before being kicked.", time, units))
  57.                                                 end
  58.                                         else
  59.                                                 warncount[i] = 0
  60.                                         end
  61.                                 else
  62.                                         --need some way to determine if player failed to meet grace time.
  63.                                         if in_grace[i] == "nope" then
  64.                                                 if pingcheck then
  65.                                                         say(getname(i) .. " was kicked for having a ping over " .. pingcheck .. "ms.")
  66.                                                 else
  67.                                                         say(getname(i) .. " was kicked for having a ping over " .. max_ping .. "ms.")
  68.                                                 end
  69.                                                 svcmd("sv_kick " .. resolveplayer(i))
  70.                                                 playerRemoved[i] = true
  71.                                                 in_grace[i] = nil
  72.                                         --if not nil then person has pingkick_timeout to lower their ping.
  73.                                         elseif in_grace[i] then
  74.                                                 if not pingcheck then
  75.                                                         if not gracecount[i] then gracecount[i] = 0 end
  76.                                                         gracecount[i] = gracecount[i] + 1
  77.                                                         if gracecount[i] >= pingupdate_fix_time then
  78.                                                                 removetimer(in_grace[i])
  79.                                                                 in_grace[i] = nil
  80.                                                                 pingwarned[i] = nil
  81.                                                         end
  82.                                                 else
  83.                                                         gracecount[i] = 0
  84.                                                 end
  85.                                         elseif not in_grace[i] then
  86.                                                 in_grace[i] = registertimer(pingkick_timeout * 1000, "pingTimeout", i)
  87.                                         end
  88.                                 end
  89.                         end
  90.                 end
  91.         end
  92.         return true
  93. end
  95. function timeUnit(seconds)
  96.         local minutes = seconds / 60
  97.         if minutes == math.floor(minutes) then
  98.                 --really hate programs that never change to singular...
  99.                 if minutes == 1 then
  100.                         return minutes, "minute"
  101.                 end
  102.                 return minutes, "minutes"
  103.         end
  104.         --really hate programs that never change to singular...
  105.         if minutes == 1 then
  106.                 return seconds, "second"
  107.         end
  108.         return minutes, "seconds"
  109. end
  111. --without this function if statements would be too long
  112. function highPingCheck(ping)
  113.         if ping > max_ping and currentplayers >= max_players_before_kick then
  114.                 return max_ping
  115.         elseif ping >= omg_ping then
  116.                 return omg_ping
  117.         end
  118.         return false
  119. end
  121. function pingTimeout(id, count, player)  --re-evaluate warn or kick
  122.         pingwarned[player] = nil
  123.         in_grace[player] = "nope"
  124.         return false
  125. end
  127. function OnPlayerJoin(player)
  128.         currentplayers = currentplayers + 1
  129. end
  131. function OnPlayerLeave(player)
  132.         pingwarned[player] = nil
  133.         playerRemoved[player] = nil
  134.         currentplayers = currentplayers - 1
  135. end
  137. -- Thanks to H® Shaft for the original script.
  138. -- Also thanks to H® BugZ, Oxide, Elite Prime, Nugget & many others for their contributions to Phasor and the Halo Community
  139. -- 365 is high limit for UK connecting to US server, 333 is too low and will kick even though UK player is not warping nor having packet loss (lag)
  140. -- for regional ping limits (client to host) that is stable such as Chicago to New York a good high is 250 which means UK players would get warned/kicked quickly

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