LUA 188
V1+ Blank Script 05x By xdedeone on 26th February 2019 07:58:15 PM
  1. -- blank script phasor 059
  3. function GetRequiredVersion()
  4.         return 10057
  5. end
  7. -- called when the script is loaded
  8. function OnScriptLoad(process)
  9. end
  11. -- called when the script is unloaded
  12. -- Do not return a value
  13. function OnScriptUnload()
  14. end
  16. -- called when a game is starting (before any players join)
  17. -- Do not return a value.
  18. function OnNewGame(map)
  19. end
  21. -- called when a game is ending
  22. -- Do not return a value.
  23. function OnGameEnd(mode)
  24.         -- mode 1 = score menu (F1) is being displayed to clients, they are still ingame
  25.         -- mode 2 = post game menu appeared
  26.         -- mode 3 = players can quit via the post game score card
  27. end
  29. -- Called when there is chat within the server
  30. -- It must return a value which indicates whether or not the chat is sent.
  31. function OnServerChat(player, chattype, message)
  32.         return 1
  33. end
  35. -- Called when a server command is being executed
  36. -- It must return a value which indicates whether or not the command should be processed
  37. -- Note: It is only called when an authenticated (and allowed) player attempts to use the command.
  38. --               player is -1 when being executed via the server console.
  39. function OnServerCommand(player, command)
  40.         return 1
  41. end
  43. -- Called when a player's team is being chosen as the join the server.
  44. -- It must return a value which indicates the team the player is to be put on.
  45. -- Note: this function being called doesn't guarantee that the player will be able to successfully join.
  46. function OnTeamDecision(cur_team)
  47.         return cur_team
  48. end
  50. -- Called when a player joins the server.
  51. -- Do not return a value.
  52. function OnPlayerJoin(player, team)
  53. end
  55. -- Called when a player the server.
  56. -- Do not return a value.
  57. function OnPlayerLeave(player, team)
  58. end
  60. -- called when a player kills another, 'killer' is the index of the killing player, 'victim' is the index of the dead player
  61. -- Do not return a value.
  62. function OnPlayerKill(killer, victim, mode)
  63. end
  65. -- called when a player gets a double kill, killing spree etc
  66. -- see Phasor documentation for multiplier values
  67. function OnKillMultiplier(player, multiplier)
  68. end
  70. -- Called when a player s (after object is created, before players are notified)
  71. -- Do not return a value
  72. function OnPlayerSpawn(player, m_objectId)
  73. end
  75. -- Called after clients have been notified of a player spawn
  76. -- Do not return a value
  77. function OnPlayerSpawnEnd(player, m_objectId)
  79. end
  81. -- Called when a player is attempting to .
  82. -- A value must be returned. The return value indicates whether or not the player is allowed the change team.
  83. -- Notes: If relevant is 1 the return value is considered, if it's 0 then the return value is ignored.
  84. function OnTeamChange(relevant, player, team, dest_team)
  85.         return 1
  86. end
  88. -- This is called when a client sends the server an update packet.
  89. -- This includes things such as movement vectors, camera positions, button presses etc.
  90. -- This function is called frequently so care should be taken to keep processing
  91. -- to a minimum.
  92. -- Do not return a value
  93. function OnClientUpdate(player, m_objectId)
  95. end
  97. -- Called when a player interacts with an object
  98. -- It can be called while attempting to pick the object up
  99. -- It is also called when standing above an object so can be called various times quickly
  100. function OnObjectInteraction(player, m_ObjectId, tagType, tagName)
  101.         return 1
  102. end
  104. -- Called when a player attempts to reload their weapon.
  105. -- A value must be returned. The return value indicates whether or not the player is allowed to reload.
  106. -- Notes: If player is -1 then the weapon being reload wasn't located (it could be a vehicle's weapon)
  107. function OnWeaponReload(player, weapon)
  108.         return 1
  109. end
  111. -- Called when a player attempts to enter a vehicle.
  112. --The return value indicates whether or not the player is allowed to enter.
  113. function OnVehicleEntry(relevant, player, vehicleId, vehicle_tag, seat)
  114.         return 1
  115. end
  117. -- Called when a player is being ejected from their vehicle
  118. -- Return 1 or 0 to allow/block it.
  119. function OnVehicleEject(player, forceEject)
  120.         return 1
  121. end
  124. -- Called when damage is being done to an object.
  125. -- This doesn't always need to be a player.
  126. -- Do not return a value
  127. function OnDamageLookup(receiving_obj, causing_obj, tagdata, tagname)
  128. end
  130. -- Called when a player is being assigned a weapon (usually when they spawn)
  131. -- A value must be returned. The return value is the id of the weapon they're to spawn with. Return zero if the weapon shouldn't change.
  132. -- Notes:       This is called for all weapon spawns the player has
  133. --                      This is also called with player 255 when vehicles are being assigned weapons.
  134. --                      This is only considered if in gametype, the weapon set is 'generic' if not this has no effect.
  135. function OnWeaponAssignment(player, object, count, tag)
  136. end
  138. -- Called when an object is created
  139. -- Do not return a value.
  140. function OnObjectCreation(m_objectId, player_owner, tag)
  141. end
  143. -- Called when the player presses the G key
  144. -- Cannot be blocked, couldn't figure out how
  145. -- cur_nadetype is what they're switching from and next_nadetype is the grenade type they're switching to
  146. -- Passes 0 for frags and 1 for plasmas, for the nadetypes
  147. function OnGrenadeSwap(player, cur_nadetype, next_nadetype)
  149. end

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