
Welcome to HaloNet.Net – KEEP SCROLLING!


Learn more about HaloNet.Net, HAC2, and HSE®/HCE®/HNET® at our Wiki: http://wiki.halonet.net or join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/sbSwAR8

HaloNet.Net is also responsible for running the HAC2 map repo and update servers. Chimera seems to be using the map repo as well. Please use the above contacts if you experience any issues with HAC2 or have any questions.

The entire HAC2 map repo can be found here: HAC2 map repo. It’s not pretty. Choose what you do with this wisely. While we will not restrict map downloads, if you use too much bandwidth, you could be restricted or outright firewalled.

The Cortana images on this website were found on Deviantart, uploaded by the user MagicnaAnavi- https://www.deviantart.com/magicnaanavi – Attempts were made to ask for permission to use these images, but I never received an answer. If you are MagicnaAnavi, please contact me. Your signature was left in these images on purpose. I’d gladly include links to your Instagram or other social media. Thanks!